Being half Pakistani, half white, raised in America and living in the UAE, I’ve long ago learned that when people ask me where I’m from, they...
Guest submission by Ola (Summary of an Arabic article by Shaykh Muhammad Salih Al-Munnajid) All Praise is due Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may the...
Guest-post by Loga’Abdullah, originally posted here. Below that is audio of a panel discussion with ulema in South Africa (uploaded on Youtube by Dawud). Bismillah. At...
Note on Moderation: Strict moderation will be in place for this post, I will mod your comment if: 1) You defend or promote violence against civilians...
Setting the stage Tariq Ramadan is a big draw wherever he speaks, whatever the topic. It’s not surprising, then, that his first ever speaking engagement on...
Crossposted from The Manrilla Blog with permission from the author: The last several weeks’ events have showcased the utter dismay, confusion, and chaos that the American...
After reading the 500 most influential Muslims list, I began thinking of the people who have had the most influence on my understanding and practice of...
Guest article by Amer Haider (Feedback from Muslim Matters Senior Associate J. Hashmi follows the article) When the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, and his...
by J.Hashmi As Martin Luther King Day rolls by, the question is invariably asked: Martin or Malcolm?ย Sadly, for many Muslims, the answer is too easy:...
Adapted from a lecture given by Yasir Qadhi in Baltimore at IlmFest 2009 Primary Intellectual Crisis Al walaa wal baraa is the primary intellectual crisis of...