Dear Readers, Eid Mubarak!!! Last year we announced a contest โThe Best ‘ฤชd Instagram Photo 2012โณ contest and due to some technical issues could not host...
Summer vacation is here for many of you around the world. ย I hope you’re enjoying these long, summer days! ย With the tension of final exams and...
Recently, the Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) held regional competitions throughout North America. ย MIST is “aย fun, educational, interactive program of competitions and workshops geared towards bringing high...
Here are all the fabulous submissions which made the cut for the MM Photo/Instagram contest. They are absolutely amazing! Makes me miss Ramadan and EID so...
Eid is a day of happiness and joy. During the day, we do things that we normally don’t do outside of Eid. For example, we get...
Ramadan Essay Competition | Date extended! Assalamualaikum kids! Ramadan Mubarak! We hope it’s been going great for you and you’re getting used to waking up at...
Assalamualaikum kids! Last Saturday, we gave you a hint about today’s special MKM post and here it is! Guess what? Summer’s just got way more exciting...
Jazakallah Khair to all the kids who sent in their submissions- hope you are having a wonderful Eid where ever you are on Allah’s Earth. If...
WINNERS ANNOUNCED! Check them our here! Alhumdulillah, the finals are finally here! The wait must have been incredibly long for some, especially those who participated in...
Calling all Muslim kids– Do you love the wonderful month of Ramadan? Would you share your joy with Muslims around the world? Here is how- send...