By John Foster, former editor, Islamic Business & Finance magazine The Islamic finance industry has often battled with the question: How Islamic is Islamic banking? The...
When I began searching for a job back in ’04, I was advised by experts that a clean-shaven face was a must for the interview. A...
While we are all worried about the recession, and many people are facing tough times with downturned businesses and lay-offs, we are still taught to say...
As some of you may know, I am enrolled in an Islamic Finance course at Wharton. The Professor, Michael McMillen is a renowned expert, with an...
Lessons from the financial crisis we are seeing. Download [audio:]
Alternative title (as suggested by Siraaj):ย “Here’s What I think of your shari’ah compliant loan sold to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae” Many people all over...
In view of the current skyrocketing oil prices and its effect on world markets, one might wonder what exactly is going on in the world?! Oil...
This is a good reminder about paying off debts. He touches upon doing hajj vs. paying off debts, and also includes examples from the Seerah about...
As house foreclosures are on the rise, the gov-T is working on a bill to let the government back loans for at-risk borrowers. This has been...