Assalamualaikum. Signs in the Creation: the ‘Adhaan Flower’ Ever experienced one of those rare moments when the sound of the Adhaan really touches you? The words of...
As you may know from my previous post, I’ve moved to the Arabian Gulf (sorry Iran, not Persian Gulf) less than a year ago. One of...
Recently, I was approached by a “Alim” who attended a Friday Khutbah I delivered. He wanted five minutes of my time to discuss my speech. He started talking about the...
It is the 9th year after Hijrah. Madinah, the place that witnessed the occurrence of this story, sits under the glaring sun. The season is an...
While some have failed to abide by true love to him (sallaAllahu alayhe wasallam) this lunar month, by celebrating that which he did not command to...
This khutbah was originally delivered on Eid-ul-Adha and discusses how part of the legacy of Ibrahim (alayhi salam) is achieving success in one’s personal endeavors and...
People who come back from Hajj often talk about a bunch of places, rituals, and events that you’ve probably never heard of. In trying to understand...
One of the greatest longings for those who’ve never gone for Hajj or ‘Umrah is to pray at the Ka‘bah. For years you’ve seen footage and...
When people you know come back from Hajj, you notice them talking about how much they “miss” Hajj and how they can’t wait to go back....
Whenever someone goes through a major life changing experience, people tend to ask common follow up questions. If someone gets married, they’re always asked, “How’s married...