Panorama goes undercover to investigate what is really happening in Britain’s Sharia Councils – Islamic religious courts. Some women reveal they have suffered domestic violence ignored...
This is Part #3 of aย multipartย post: You can find part #1ย hereย ย and #2 here Sixth: The factors that assist a person to be successful in the...
For the past four days I had been working on the following article, which I intended to post yesterday evening. However, I then heard about the...
This is Part #2 of aย multipartย post: You can find part #1 hereย Thirdly:ย Abundant trials and tribulations in this world is not a sign of oneโs...
ย The main maqsad or purpose of the human being in this life is to submit to the will and decree of Allah and worship Him...
Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi |ย Transcribed byย Zara T. [The following is the video and transcript of Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s khutbahย “Making Families Work.”ย The transcript includes slight...
Theย Qurสพฤnย is not a storybook of wondrous tales and ancient fables, isolated from the realities and complexities of real life. Each verse, in fact, each letter is...
Whatโs going on in Syria is horror beyond description.ย In these dire times, we turn to the Qurสพฤn for answers.ย Here are some reflections from our...
Many of us have heard the beautiful gems Nouman Ali Khan gives in his tafsฤซr sessions. Whenever I’d take notes of the tafsฤซr sessions at,...
Lecture byย Ismail Kamdarย |ย Transcribed by Zara T. [The following is the video and transcript of Ismail Kamdar’s lectureย “Tolerance in Fiqh Issues”ย The transcript includes slight modifications for...