The audio from the Ramadan conference call is edited and now available here for download. We would like to thank Shaykh Yaser Birjas and Shaykh Yasir...
What Everyone Should Know About Ramadhaan Fasting in Ramadhaan is one of the pillars of Islam It is obligatory for every sane, healthy, mature, resident Muslim...
*As with all MM materials, please feel free to download for personal use. And link (not upload) for cross-posting. JazakumAllahkhair* MuslimMatters is continuing its Ramadan kick...
Alhamdulillah, we had a very successful conference call with nearly a full house of callers. The greater success will occur not in the number of people...
As we (at MM) were thinking about Ramadan, we thought it would be a good idea to collect a list between us and you about THIRTY...
Previous: Dhahabi’s Gifts of Gold – 1 Imam al-Dhahabi’s gifts of gold, Part 2, providing answers to ever-important questions and thoughts: What of taking knowledge from...
Ustadh Abu Easa has written a must-read introduction (I had the word “teaser” in my mind but it takes away from some of the importance of...
Hat-tip to Shaykh Abul-Hussein. Tomorrow early morning, inshallah, a lunar eclipse is expected and we have the opportunity to engage in a rare Sunnah, the Salat-al-Kusuf....
Abul Hussein presents some interesting discussion points (here and here) in response to Yahya Birt’s comments on Deenport. On a related tangent, Br. Yahya (on his...
Great for kids to pick up some names of Allah… if someone can list the names mentioned with their meanings, that would be awesome! [youtube Ix0Gc7zqrDM]