I was listening to the Unbreakable CD set and This statement from Shaykh Waleed Basyouni really struck me. He said in an advice to the callers...
Came across this fatwa today, alhamdulillah I must say its very good news :) Question: Is going to an all-you-can-eat buffet permissible according to Islamic Law?...
Ten causes that result in Allah’s love for His slave and the slave’s love for his Lord by Imam ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (RH): Reciting the Qur’aan...
I decided for my first post, I would write what would inshaAllah be an uplifter of eman for those who read by sharing the personal story...
Reading and hearing the stories of converts and reverts to Islam, I truly admire how they faced so many tests and trials in life, only to...
Everyone loves a catchy phrase, especially one that sends us off to the Asian tiger, China. Considering that there isn’t really any knowledge to get for...
I’m on the steering committee for the Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston’s Women’s Gathering events. These events are pretty much what they sound like – gatherings...
This was an article that I had written immediately after the death of Shaykh `Abd al-Aziz b. Abd Allah b. Baz – may Allah have mercy...