The source material for this article are some notes I took from an excellent lecture by Dr. Salฤh al-Sฤwฤซ. Unfortunately, my notes were brief and so...
Update: Lecture now downloadable, and full transcript included. Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, I have uploaded an awesome lecture from TX Da’wah Convention 2006 about...
We know the ideal. When we encounter the statements of Allah and His messenger, we hear and we obey. But in a splintered ummah, in a...
Came across this fatwa today, alhamdulillah I must say its very good news :) Question: Is going to an all-you-can-eat buffet permissible according to Islamic Law?...
This was an article that I had written immediately after the death of Shaykh `Abd al-Aziz b. Abd Allah b. Baz – may Allah have mercy...