This is a must watch, eye-opening, video from the Huffington Post. In the spring of 2008, a conference was held on the outskirts of Washington, DC....
We all know by now how Obama catapulted to the influences of the Israeli lobby, in at least stating a message that pretty much neutralized any...
I’m currently reading The Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics, edited by Jennifer Heath, which is an in-depth compilation of essays by different...
The article was removed with the author’s consent. Staff-members and specialists felt that the article was not sufficiently researched, and that the conclusions could easily be...
In his New York Times op-ed on May 12, Edward Luttwak puts forth the provocative claim that Barack Obama is considered an apostate by Islamic law.... has exposed us to yet another example of inhuman behavior perpetrated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Apparently, while occupying Lebanon during the Civil War...
By Irum Sarfaraz What is the legacy of Pakistan? Pakistan is in the throes of severe and aberrant conflict and the center of world attention at...
Jeffrey Goldberg reflects on Israel’s formative visions and current dilemmas in this excellent and thoughtful essay published in Atlantic monthly on Israel’s 60th anniversary. Part 1...
Jeffrey Goldberg reflects on Israel’s formative visions and current dilemmas in this thoughtful essay published in Atlantic monthly on Israel’s 60th anniversary. [We may not agree...
| Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3a | Part 3b |Part 4 | Part 5 | Cross-posted on Dailykos & StreetProphets We...