It has all the elements of a made for television show- power, assault, scandal. The victim a shy young woman and a good worker, struggling to...
Ratko Mladic was arrested in Serbia, he led the armed forces of the Bosnian Serbs during the Bosnian War. Accused of ordering Europe’s worst massacre since...
Around 10.30 pm on Sunday, May 22, 2011, 04 explosions rocked PNS Mehran, a Pakistan Navy airbase (located just a 03 minute drive from my house)....
As Muslims we are instructed not to waste food and edibles. In today’s world of consumerism, food is often wasted tremendously in fast food restaurants when...
Houston Mosque Targeted By Arsonists (from KPRC Click2Houston) Members of the mosque reported two men smashed in a window at Madrasae Islamia in the 6600 block...
Saheela Ibraheem wasn’t sure any college would want to admit a 15-year-old. So the Piscataway teen hedged her bets and filled out applications to 14 schools...
Well, it was more like a discussion than debate. Interestingly, Sr. Hebah was EVERY BIT there. She was part of the conversation. She did not disappear,...
Osama bin Laden is dead. And once again, in this Manichean good-versus-evil, us-versus-them, black-versus-white, world that we are told we live in, we are expected to...
Statements from MM authors & Shayookh: Yasir Qadhi statement (separate post <– click) Yahya Ibrahim (tweets/statement): Tweet: Surprised by some Muslims praising Osama bin Ladin? The...
Editor’s note: LZ Granderson writes a weekly column for A senior writer and columnist for ESPN The Magazine and, he has contributed to ESPN’s...