For those who stubbornly insist that Islamophobia is nothing but a figment of the Muslim imagination (read this: Islamophobia Part-1: It Exists), ABC News has pretty...
Help me out here. I am confused. Two stories, very similar in basic facts, yet with highly different consequences. So, let’s introduce our first bigot: Louis...
An excellent editorial by the eloquent brother Ahmed Rehab on Obama’s struggle with the “Muslim” smear: SMEAR CAMPAIGN SPEAKS VOLUMES ABOUT SOCIETY Shelter Our Sisters: Solidarity...
Yet another proof that the vast majority of mainstream Muslims scholars are not ambivalent about the scourge of terrorism. They also make an important point of...
By Irum Sarfaraz Although Pakistan waits with bated breath for the final results of the election the results so far show a resounding victory for PPP...
Congratulations to our Muslim brothers and sisters in Kosova, which has just declared its independence from Serbia on Sunday (2/17/2008). As might be expected, this is...
JERUSALEM – Feb 14: While people in many countries indulged in frivolities to mark Valentine’s Day [a holiday with pagan roots] on Thursday, this Palestinian girl...
Cross-posted on DailyKos & StreetProphets Three men, Eric Ian Baker, 32, Michael Corey Golden, 23, and Jonathan Edward Stone, 19, had planned for a week to...
Some must-read articles for those who like to stay in the know: Fox News is in for a very rough 2008 @ Media Matters The War...
Through out the history of Islam in Burma, a country in between Bangladesh, India, China, and Thailand, Muslims have faced constant struggle. Today, the situation is...