Update on Dr. Aafia’s case. More delays and more unjust incarceration. By Our [Dawn] Correspondent NEW YORK, Nov 19: The judge hearing the case of Aafia...
This is the speech referred to in the earlier post: Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism at GPU 2008 [google -5566399027897178411]
Please continue to keep Tariq and his family in your duas and pray that Allah clears him of all charges against him. Ameen. Just a few...
While we await action by Muslim and Sikh organizations (here is one report I found on a Sikh channel), it seems that the ICF (Indian Christian...
Please also see: Quilliam Foundation’s Fear-Mongering โAlertโ on Islam Channel (GPU, Yasir Qadhi, Bunglawala & Azad Ali) In retrospect, it was inevitable.As a person’s speaking engagements...
Updated#2 (Nadim’s input)- The following is the MM’s team thoughts and views on the Elections. After my intro, don’t miss the pieces by Yasir Qadhi, Yaser...
Please DIGG this to get the word out!ย And see this cross-post at DailyKos. For those of you thinking “Oh another political post”, please take a...
Due to unexpected family matters, I found myself on a midnight cruise leaving George Bush International (oxymoron) Airport with Juan (not his real name), a Nicaraguan...
Received the following information from an insider working for Dr. Aafia’s release. Please note two pieces of new information: A new initiative has been formed, kind...
The following message is from Dr. Ali’s wife regarding his latest hearing, Dear all, Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu: October 23rd hearing update During the hearing it...