*Link to complete coverage of Gaza Massacre on MM* The message the outlawed Zionist state of Israel is sending to the world and international leaders through...
*Link to complete coverage of Gaza Massacre on MM* Please keep making du’aa for our brothers and sisters in Gaza as much as you can! Donate...
This is a must read article detailing one of the less publicized (that’s an understatement) forms of torture for Muslim detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The article...
We are happy to introduce the latest addition to our Associate Writers, one who is quite familiar to regular bloggers. We are excited to welcome Br....
An angry Iraqi journalist gains worldwide attention with the toss of a shoe. Or rather, with the toss of two. Muntadar al-Zeidi turned his frustration into...
Innalhamdolillah. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. Indeed, all praise is for Allah. In the Name of Allah, Whose Mercy transcends every comparison, Who is Always Merciful....
Innalhamdolillah. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. Indeed, all praise is for Allah. In the Name of Allah, Whose Mercy transcends every comparison, Who is Always Merciful....
Less than two weeks ago, we condemned the deaths of hundreds of innocent lives, lives of Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Christians, who were ruthlessly murdered by...
It’s with great sadness that we heard about the verdict of the Holy Land Foundation trial. I find it absolutely appalling that they can convict someone...
Pls DIGG & Stumbleupon Story. Do YOUR part! As we have been hearing, terrorists have created havoc in Mumbai, India, killing over 80 160 people and...