Statement from Dr. Abdul Nasser Al-Zayoud, representative of the Hashemite Charitable Organization, after his recent visit to Gaza: We’ve safely left Gaza and are en route...
Currently, there are several crises raging across the Muslim world. In the past few weeks, we have seen earthquakes devastating Morocco and Afghanistan, flooding in Libya,...
Across America, Arab and Muslim community leaders are receiving an alarming uptick in student reports of religious-based harassment and bullying targeting Arab and Muslim students in...
In the four years following India’s revocation of the special status of the Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi’s most significant action in asserting its authority over...
By Uyghur Whistleblower The Muslim Ummah may wonder about the support of certain Uyghur organizations for the Israeli government because they see a contradiction between the...
Muhammad Abu Zaghrouta of the Palestinian Youth Movement speaks to Zainab bint Younus about the most important things to know about what’s happening in Gaza and...
The khutbah notes below have been provided by Imam Abdul Malik and shared through Justice For All. Solidarity with Palestine ููุงย ุฃููููููุงย ุงูููุฐููููย ุขู ููููุงย ููููููุงย ูููููุงู ููููย ุจูุงููููุณูุทูย ุดูููุฏูุงุกูย ูููููููย ููููููย ุนููููย ุฃูููููุณูููู ูย ุฃูููย ุงููููุงููุฏูููููย ููุงููุฃูููุฑูุจููููย O you who have believed,...
In times like these, I frequently get asked โwhat can I do to help Gaza/Palestineโ. I created this comprehensive document in response. Note: it does not...
Authored by Umran Khan โThere is no more significant pointer to the character of a society than the kind of history it writes or fails to...
In a world filled with shadows and secrecy, truth is often elusive. When it comes to Guantanamo Bay, the truth to me is crystal clear: it...