A friend of mine had a child and named him the same name as mine. Sudanese tradition is that when a person names their child after...
There once was a lad who couldn’t lower his gaze, Distraught and disappointed he tried many ways, Finally he decided to go to a shaykh well...
I had taken a course called “Love Notes” with Shaykh Yaser Birjas. And he introduced us to the classic treatise on Love by Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi,...
When you think of the messenger of Allah , you think of someone who lived a FULL and HAPPY life, always smiling. Yet, his life could...
His status in history isn’t debated, A question to be asked then, why is the greatest man, when great men are rated.. the one that you...
Last night, after isha prayer, people in the masjid broke up into the circles that they always do, socializing and tending to different issues. One of...
Oh Allah By Hana Hubert Oh Allah, creator of all in existence, Oh Allah, you rule all, with no resistance. The King,...
The Prisoner of Life by Sarem Leghari The girl sat in the bottom of a fifteen foot well Thinking of the days she had a family....
Here is the initial attempt at a witr du’a that is palatable for the English ear.
The Following is largely based on a fiqh of fasting course by Shaykh Yaser Birjas from the IlmSummit 2010. Written by Ammar Al Shukry Oh...