This is a guest post by one of our readers, Um Imran. Bismillah Irrahman Irraheem These are some thoughts on the recent killings of two young...
It seems that I am gradually becoming MuslimMatters’ unofficial media correspondent, as I now blog about yet another documentary concerning a Muslim minority community. But perhaps...
John Smith, from the fundamentalist, excommunicated branch of Mormons, said regarding baptism rites of Southern Evangelicals… Reverend Kathy Lisbon, a leftist, gay & lesbian, ardent pro-choice...
What a trip the past two weeks have been? The last week of December as well as the first week of January is usually dead without...
โHajj intimidating for secular reporter.โ That’s the headline for this article. When I read that headline I was confused, uncertain why hajj would intimidate anyone, let...
Entries in this series: Can I Make You A Muslim? [intro to the programme] Review of Episode 1 Review of Episode 2 Review of Episode 3...
Having spent an hour this evening repeatedly smacking my hand against my forehead whilst watching a documentary on some random American Doomsday cult, I found the...
*I cross-posted this on Dailykos & Streetprophets. You should click through and see how positive stories like this can really generate positive exposure about what Islam...
News, documentaries, drama and even comedy; it seems that TV producers cannot get enough of us these days. Programmes like “The Muslim Jesus“, and – dare...
As I alluded to earlier in Texas there was a protest of Muslim Day at Six Flags by a group called ‘Americans Against Hate.’ Some Muslims...