In a world ravaged by debates over masculinity and femininity, Muslims are left wondering what Islam says about men and masculine traits. Characteristics such as courage, strength, and dominance are often brought up. However, we hear very little about the concept of modesty for men. What does hayaa’ mean in relation to Muslim men? Are gym selfies okay for Muslim men to post? How can Muslim fathers teach their sons about masculinity and modesty in Islam?
Imam Tom Facchine and Zainab bint Younus discuss what Islamic modesty looks like for Muslim men, the spiritual virtues of hayaa’ vs the bare minimum fiqh, and how this figures into an Islamic framework of modesty.
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Imam Tom Facchine accepted Islam in his early twenties. He holds a BA in Political Science from Vassar College (2011) and a BA in Islamic Law from the Islamic University of Madinah (2020). He also holds a chaplaincy certificate from The Chaplaincy Program conducted by the Prophet’s Mosque (2019).
Tom is currently the Imam and Director of Religious Affairs of Utica Masjid (Utica, New York), as well as the Imam of Hamilton College where he does part-time chaplaincy work. He also teaches tafseer to middle-schoolers online through Legacy International Online High School.
Related reading:
– Modesty And The Muslim Athlete
Modesty And The Muslim Athlete
– Fathers – What Kind of Man Will Marry Your Daughter?
Fathers – What Kind of Man Will Marry Your Daughter?
July 27, 2023 at 11:56 AM
This was fantastic and so spot on, may Allah reward you. Very topical for the Australian audience too