The Prophet said in a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, “The Fire has been surrounded by lusts and desires and the Paradise by hardships”. Many of us who were, Alhamdulillah, blessed to have been guided by the Creator towards the truth, and starting to see life in a new light, can vouch that the journey is never an easy one and is often filled with wrong turns, distractions, and regrets. It is even more difficult when turning towards your Lord means giving up your passion and a lucrative career.
Shiraz Uppal gave his first public speech in late March, at an event organized by Youth Club in Lahore, Pakistan. The speech is in a mixture of English and Urdu.
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Aly is an entrepreneur who was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan where he currently resides. He has been associated with many diverse fields such as Textiles, Cement, Minerals & Ores, Feeds and Agri-Commodities. As a Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, and Hypnotist, he works with clients to reach the Next Level in their personal and professional lives, to breakthrough performance blocks, self-doubts, or habits that limit them from reaching their true potential. Send him a message to find out more. Known on Social Media as DiscoMaulvi, he serves in operational and advisory roles for LiveDeen and Azaan Institute. He is also a co-founder and trustee of Ihsaas Trust, a not-for-profit started in 2012 with a vision to improve social mobility for Karachiโs under-privileged. Our distinguishing factor is the efficient utilization of Sadaqah and Zakat for healthcare and rations and to provide micro-finance for Enterprise Facilitation. Aly joined the team of MM in 2011 as a blogger/writer and is currently the Team Lead for the Comments Team and a former member of the Executive Shurah. He is easily accessible via Twitter or through his Public Page on Facebook where you can learn more about him.
Beautiful speech, I was not a fan of Shiraz Upal fan before but Now I am. It is really very very hard to leave all worldly benefits and attractions behind. Thanks alot Aly for sharing with us. I hope its speech will be source of inspiration for many us and may Allah guide us all to the right path.
Khalid Sarfaraz
June 4, 2012 at 3:00 AM
Beautiful speech, I was not a fan of Shiraz Upal fan before but Now I am. It is really very very hard to leave all worldly benefits and attractions behind. Thanks alot Aly for sharing with us. I hope its speech will be source of inspiration for many us and may Allah guide us all to the right path.
Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi
June 4, 2012 at 6:13 AM
Wa Iyaaka Khalid. Spread the post so more people can benefit from this speech.
Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi
June 22, 2012 at 6:16 AM
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