A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting the moon completely in shadow. The eclipse will start at around 7:45 a.m. EST (4:45 a.m. PST, 1245 GMT), when the shadow of the moon inches across the lunar disk.
The celestial show will be visible from parts of North America, with those in the western portions of Canada and the United States particularly well placed for the event. People in Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, and central and eastern Asia should also be able to catch sight of the reddened moon. (Space.com)
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This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in a prayer that is possible only a few times in your life. So depending on which side of the globe you are on take the time out for this prayer.
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Aly is an entrepreneur who was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan where he currently resides. He has been associated with many diverse fields such as Textiles, Cement, Minerals & Ores, Feeds and Agri-Commodities. As a Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, and Hypnotist, he works with clients to reach the Next Level in their personal and professional lives, to breakthrough performance blocks, self-doubts, or habits that limit them from reaching their true potential. Send him a message to find out more. Known on Social Media as DiscoMaulvi, he serves in operational and advisory roles for LiveDeen and Azaan Institute. He is also a co-founder and trustee of Ihsaas Trust, a not-for-profit started in 2012 with a vision to improve social mobility for Karachiโs under-privileged. Our distinguishing factor is the efficient utilization of Sadaqah and Zakat for healthcare and rations and to provide micro-finance for Enterprise Facilitation. Aly joined the team of MM in 2011 as a blogger/writer and is currently the Team Lead for the Comments Team and a former member of the Executive Shurah. He is easily accessible via Twitter or through his Public Page on Facebook where you can learn more about him.
Inshallah, a total lunar eclipse will be coming on Wednesday, OCT 8. This will be my first time doing Salat ul-khusuf inshallah. http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2014-october-8
More information here.
However I have a question. The website gives us various times for various phases of the eclipse, at which of these times should I begin the prayer? The times below are for New York only.
Penumbral Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 4:17 AM
Partial Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 5:18 AM
Total Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 6:27 AM
Maximum Eclipse Oct 8 at 6:55 AM
Also, as it is possible that the time might come during the time of fajr, what do I do?
Pingback: Lunar Eclipse Today! Here is what to do - Islamic Blog - Articles On Muslims, Islam In uk
Pingback: Lunar eclipse visible today – Calgary Herald | Philippines - iWooho.com
A. F. Colak
October 1, 2014 at 10:06 AM
Inshallah, a total lunar eclipse will be coming on Wednesday, OCT 8. This will be my first time doing Salat ul-khusuf inshallah.
More information here.
However I have a question. The website gives us various times for various phases of the eclipse, at which of these times should I begin the prayer? The times below are for New York only.
Penumbral Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 4:17 AM
Partial Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 5:18 AM
Total Eclipse begins Oct 8 at 6:27 AM
Maximum Eclipse Oct 8 at 6:55 AM
Also, as it is possible that the time might come during the time of fajr, what do I do?
Aly Balagamwala
October 3, 2014 at 6:29 AM
Dear A F Colak
The following may help answer your question. http://islamqa.info/en/65719
*Comment above is posted in a personal capacity and may not reflect the official views of MuslimMatters or its staff*