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Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak: “Step Down”


The following is a translation of Dr. Qaradawi’s statement (in Arabic) posted on IslamToday

Translated by Dr. Ali Shehata

Today, on Saturday 1/29/11, Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, calling in to al-Jazeera television, called upon the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down from his leadership in due consideration that there is no solution to the present crisis in Egypt except for him to leave as the Egyptian people have called upon him to do through their peaceful protests.

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Qaradawi, the President of the Global Association of Muslim Scholars and one of the foremost callers of Sunni Islam in the world today, also said, “I advise President Mubarak to leave Egypt as there is no other solution to the current problem except for him to leave.” And he added by saying to him, “Leave O’ Mubarak, have mercy on these people and leave before the ruin of Egypt grows worse.” He also said, “You should no longer stay Mubarak. I advise you to learn from the experience of the ousted Tunisian president Bin Ali. I would prefer that a civil court tries you rather than to be tried by the masses.” He then emphasized to the Egyptian leader, “I urge you to leave, you have presided for 30 years already,” clarifying that he speaks on behalf of “the scholars of Egypt and the rest of the world.”

He then relayed some words to the Egyptian people saying, “Continue in your protests” but cautioned that transgression against state institutions (burning them, looting them, etc.) was prohibited by Islam. And he emphasized the necessity that the protest effort continues in a civil and peaceful manner. He also contended that the Egyptian political system was “blind and could not see, deaf and could not hear, stupid and could not understand” evidenced by the fact the the Egyptian President “came out to us in the night to deliver a speech (regarding the appointment of a vice-president) as if he was living in another world than the rest of us.”

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Dr. Ali Shehata is the author of Demystifying Islam: Your Guide to the Most Misunderstood Religion of the 21st Century. Dr. Ali is an Emergency and Family Medicine physician currently living in an area of central Florida. He was born in Maryland to parents who had immigrated to the US from Egypt. He has studied Islam mainly through traditional methods among various scholars, du'at and students of knowledge here in the US.



  1. Mansoor Ansari

    January 31, 2011 at 9:28 AM

    What does he have to say abt King Abdullah, the only leader who came out in support of Hosni Mubarak.

    Mubarak & Abdullah need to stop swimming in the De-Nile.

  2. F

    January 31, 2011 at 10:00 AM

    Balanced and logical — always a pleasure to read Shaykh Qaradawi’s writings!

  3. ivoryTower

    January 31, 2011 at 11:57 AM


    So these protests are not un-islamic in essence?
    Is there any benefit to them?

    Why didn’t Dr. Qaradawi urge the protestors to be patient, obey the rulers, work on themselves to fix their relationship with Allah(SWT) and then wait for the situation to change magically all by itself?

    I guess Dr. Qaradawi must not understand the true Islam.
    He should start attending AlMaghrib classes to gain some knowledge of the authentic Islam!!

    Dr. Ali Shehata please hurry up, can’t wait for your refutation of Dr. Qaradawi’s stance. The people need to be told to show servitude and obedience to rulers otherwise they will get confused and misguided.

    * Disclaimer for the cognitively challenged: The above is sarcastic

    • F

      January 31, 2011 at 1:18 PM


      Your point is well taken but it doesn’t require the sarcastic or negative tone.
      I attribute the difference of opinions in the difference of idealogy followed by the different scholars. If the scholars of the hijaz have adopted this opinion, then I respect it though i don’t agree with it.

      • someone

        January 31, 2011 at 9:04 PM

        Agree with F
        Side rant:
        Instead of having polls about the quality of MM’s writhing we should have one on “are you tired of the comments”. Comments used to be refreshing where a healthy discussion took place, and its still does, but its overshadowed by the same redundant comments. People please stop rehashing the same discussion in every thread like really, if your point did not come across the first time, then it wont after 5 times. If nobody answered your question, you wont certainly not get the answer your are looking for, and you most certainly WILL NOT get it in forums from a questionable source. This is not Islamic q.a,if your serious about the answers you are looking for, then go look for them in the proper places.


        Long Time Reader

        • ivoryTower

          January 31, 2011 at 11:56 PM

          If you don’t like it, skip reading it.
          Live & let live.

          • Miyagi

            February 1, 2011 at 2:32 PM


            honestly, sometimes some opinions cannot be respected. especially in times of crisis when the people are revolting against a dictator, and some are asking them to obey him.

    • Saad

      January 31, 2011 at 4:12 PM

      Why don’t you let the smoke settle and then see whether something beneficial happens or not.

    • Amad

      February 2, 2011 at 12:42 AM

      Time to eat your words… swallow hard.

    • Mohammed Riyas

      February 2, 2011 at 6:22 AM

    • umm.esa

      February 2, 2011 at 6:22 PM

      ivorytower’s way is the way of the people of Sunnah indeed. We all should learn from ivorytower’s manners.

    • Umm Mohammed

      February 7, 2011 at 4:54 PM

      Salam alaikum

      IVORYTOWER, and anyone who agrees with this I seriously advise you to reflect and re assess your tone .

      Firstly, Shiekh al Qardawai has more knowlege and credentials than any of the AlMaghrib crew and the ulama should not be spooken about in such nasty hasty little manner……………………….especially since i guarntee you have no islamic Degree of any kind!

      What make you think you can criticise people who are far more knowledgeable and nearer to ALLAH or decide whether they understand the true religion or not …………………they obviousley have spent more time concerning themselves with ilm than (not-sorry by the like of yourself) throwing poisons words everywhere.

      Subhanallah i cant believe you compared the two i know almagrib and they great but if they were to hear this ………………….i assure they would have called it evil in itself and have refuted it …

      I seriously advise you to have patience with ulamaa opinions and dont behave in such a way! AND REPENT FOR THERE IS A GREAT PUNISHmENT ON CURSING AND ATTACKING THE ULMAA and if you dont believe check with ALmaghrib shyookh……..

      This NOT A FOOTBLALL MATCH IN WHICH WE PICK SIDES……………THIS IS THE DEEN n your held accountable for the words you speak and write in such forums………..

      May Allah Guide us for whats better and i wont apologise for my harsh tone because sometimes TRUTH must e said and emphasisied!!!!!!

  4. Wael -

    January 31, 2011 at 2:25 PM

    Ma-sha-Allah, a very clear and strong statement from Sheikh Al-Qaradawi. It’s good to see a major Islamic scholar taking a stand with the people, putting himself on the line, and retaining his integrity.

  5. Pingback: Ali Shehata | Reflections on the Protests in Egypt |

  6. Abu Zayd

    February 1, 2011 at 9:07 AM

    Masha Allah, always good to hear a voice of independent scholarship, on the side of justice and the people. In times like these, we need clarity rather than confusion, and when the lines are drawn as clearly as they are here, between right and wrong, justice and injustice, our faith requires us to take a stand and, at the very least, feel for our brothers and sisters who have suffered long enough and pray for them.

  7. syed ashfaq

    February 2, 2011 at 2:16 AM

    very good advice,it is the duty of islamic scholars to advice corrupt leaders.

  8. Abu Abdullah

    February 3, 2011 at 5:04 PM

    To Ivory tower(Super Salafi), obviously new to Islam. Misapplying Hadith.The hadith talk about obeying OUR rulers not rulers put there and supported by the enemies of Islam, Who embrace and hold hands with leaders who bomb and use depleted Uranium on Muslim children and women (Ohh yes, you gonna tell me they deserve it because there Aqeeda is wrong) and fight against the Establishment of Islam.

    Even the biggest Oppressers like Hajjaj bin Yusuf fought to spread and establish Islam. But these new mafia go beyond oppression and fight and aid kuffar against the muslims who want to establish Islam. And I dont want to hear you quote some corrupt government Scholar. As one Diplomat to the English at the time of Abdul Azziz said. “Abdul Azizz built an army of scholars to defend his position”.

    AS Ali R.A said judge a man by the Truth tn ot he truth by a man. I guess now you gonna cal me a Takfeeri, khawariji, devient.Lol.the only words the SS know.

    • Mantiki

      February 3, 2011 at 7:54 PM

      Abu. I’m not writing to defend the USA but you are totally incorrect in your statement that there is an “enemy of Islam” who “fight against the Establishment of Islam”. The USA government (presumably your target) is interested in one thing only. Maintaining / improving its economic security and military dominance. That includes by maintaining access to oil and maintaining strategic military bases that can launch attacks against “enemies” before US soil is threatened.

      In this, the USA is TOTALLY indescriminate. They have in the past fought against fascism, communism, Europeans, Asians, and South Americans. The only reason Islam rates a mention is because of its association with 9/11 in which you may recall, wrong thinking fanatics slit the throats of air hostesses and flew planes into American buildings while shouting “God is great!”.

      To America’s great shame, they prefer to foster and support dictators of all description against democracies soley to protect American “interests”. But they are not against Islam. They would prefer to have wall to wall Islamic governments in the middle-east who kept the oil flowing to America rather than middle-eastern secular democracies who favoured China in oil supply.

      • Abu.

        February 4, 2011 at 5:39 PM

        Mantiki- Of course is lam is not the ONLY enemy for the U.S. but Islam as a political system is. Wherever ISlam has sprung up as a political system the U.S has fought against it. sometimes using it’s agents around the world. Iran -the west used iraq. Sharia was beng imlemented in Somalia, what hapenned.. Afganistan, the us used the Northern Alliance. Watch this space-anywhere Islam springs up as a political system watch what happens.

      • Malaysian Muslims

        February 7, 2011 at 12:11 AM


        “In this, the USA is TOTALLY indescriminate. They have in the past fought against fascism, communism, Europeans, Asians, and South Americans. The only reason Islam rates a mention is because of its association with 9/11 in which you may recall, wrong thinking fanatics slit the throats of air hostesses and flew planes into American buildings while shouting “God is great!”.”

        What makes you think that all the muslims responsible to the 9/11 incident.. what makes you so sure? Can you prove them to the world? where is the evidence? is there any absolute evidence??
        From all the religions in the world, why the muslims is been targeted?? how about buddhas?…hinduism?…christians?…or even the free thinkers? arent they have the reason to hate Americans too??

        On the other hand I was wondering, did Abu Abdullah specifically referring to the Americans in his statement Mantiki? Well i dont think so..he was jsut stating that

        …..”The hadith talk about obeying OUR rulers not rulers put there and supported by the enemies of Islam, Who embrace and hold hands with leaders who bomb and use depleted Uranium on Muslim children and women (Ohh yes, you gonna tell me they deserve it because there Aqeeda is wrong) and fight against the Establishment of Islam..”

        ”Peace No WAR”

        • Mantiki

          February 8, 2011 at 12:30 AM

          As I explained MMs, It is not Islam that is being attacked by the USA – it just happens that this group of Islamic countries sit on top of the oil that the USA “needs”. I certainly agree that they – the USA should not have invaded Iraq. They should never have installed the Shah of Iran and a host of other dictatorships – all installed and supported to further US economic, political and military interests.

          I think there probably was scope for further negotiation with the Taliban over their refusal to hand over Osama bin Laden (who by his OWN admission planned and supported the twin towers atrocity according to his twisted interpretation of Islam). Anyone who believes otherwise has their eyes closed and fingers in their ears. And certainly the US military serves no useful purpose in Afghanistan than propping up a corrupt government.

          Islam is NOT a target. But having said that, some Islamists give Westerners every reason to fear Islam by targetting civilians. They would do better to target the corrupt US puppet regimes.

  9. kinali

    February 4, 2011 at 2:17 AM

    What the salaf did in situations like that?

    The Prophet said:

    “If you see something you dislike from your leader do NOT SPEAK OPEN against him take him by the hand advise him in private!”

    This is the wise believer’s action.

    If Allaah is pleased with all these “islamic” revolutions, Allaah will make it to end in good. But if not, it will get worse.

    • F

      February 4, 2011 at 6:41 AM

      I believe enough scholars have spoken about the issue that the common person doesn’t need to copy/paste hadeeth without knowing their interpretations and application in the context they were said.

  10. Abu.Abdullah

    February 5, 2011 at 2:14 PM

    “Whoever from amongst you sees an evil should change it by his hand, if he is unable to do so then he should change it by his tongue (by speaking against it), and if he is unable to do so then he should reject it in his heart – and this is the weakest of Iman.” (Muslim)
    He (saas) also said,
    “The best Jihad is the word of Justice in front of the oppressive Sultan.” (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, ibn Majah)
    And the Prophet (saas) also said,
    “If the people witness an oppressor and they do not take him by his hands (to prevent him) then they are close to Allah covering them all with punishment.” (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, ibn Majah)

  11. Abu Habiba Ismael

    February 8, 2011 at 8:27 AM

    Yusuf Qaradawi

    sanctions suicide bombings
    allowed people to buy houses on Riba
    member of the ikhwan al-mufsidoon

    a lot of good his knowledge has done him. further, even his method of advising Mubarak, on the telephone on al-Jazeera no less, is not from the sunnah as well. The major scholars who have as much and as more knowledge as does have refuted his wrong and odd fatawa.

    Yaa Abu Abdullah, don’t try and make the hadeeth agree with your desires. The following hadeeth, and there are many other like it, clarify the matter

    Salamah bin Yazeed Al-Ja’fee –radhiallaahu anhu- said:

    ((O Prophet of Allaah, do you see that if some leaders are placed over us and we ask them for our rights and they prevent us from our rights, then what do you order us with? The Messenger of Allaah –Salallaahu alaihi wa salam- said, “Listen and obey, for upon them will be their burden and upon you will be your burden.”)) Reported by Muslim.

    • F

      February 8, 2011 at 2:56 PM

      I find it amazing that ordinary Muslims with no knowledge except for the copy/pasting hadeeth can have the guts to criticize specific scholars who have spent their entire lives for the cause of dawah to the point they were kicked out of their homelands.

      • Abu Habiba Ismael

        February 8, 2011 at 3:17 PM

        I don’t criticize scholars or anyone for that matter on religious issues, i’m simply passing along what other scholars have said about Yusuf Qaradawi. He has been roundly refuted and criticized by scholars with far more knowledge and even less knowledge than him. It’s not personal.

        And for that matter, Yusuf Qaradawi makes a hujjah against himself, what “scholar” would call into a news program and criticize one of the leaders of the muslims (regardless of what you think about him) like some common person off the street? So me as a little muslim peon can quote at least one hadeeth where “the biggest sunni scholar in the world” can’t quote any?

        • F

          February 8, 2011 at 6:09 PM

          You didn’t quote any other scholars in your original post or at least I don’t see any names. And which scholar calls the only Islamic movement that has been struggling against the tyranny the “mufsidoon?”

          As lay people, it is important for us to know the limits of our knowledge for that in itself requires great wisdom. If other scholars are criticizing Sh. Qaradawi, then leave it between them. There is no need for ordinary people to bring those disputes onto the internet, where the only purpose for doing so is to demean the scholar even though it might be done under other pretenses.

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