The recent nontroversy over the not-actually-“at”-Ground-Zero not-actually-a-mosque is sure to heat up now that the first piece of red tape was shredded away. One of the key leaders of the movement to demonize the project, along with every other mosque being constructed in the country, is well-known wingnut blogger Pamela Geller. Along with Robert Spencer, she incorporated a nonprofit known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative. This organization seems to be the umbrella group that operates the more familiarly known SIOA (Stop the Islamisation of America). It is this group that provided the funding for legal counsel in its lawsuit to allow for anti-Islamic bus ads.
The articles of agreement for the non-profit corporation was registered in New Hampshire and can be found here (PDF). One of the founding members of the board is named John Joseph Jay.
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A Google search for his name comes up with multiple accounts on right-wing anti-Muslim pro-Zionist web sites. One of which is Israel Insider. This profile further links us to his blog.To put it lightly, this man is clearly very disturbed.
In this post, he makes it known how far patriotic right-wing Americans should be willing to go in order to preserve their freedom from the liberal menace.
“america’s ruling class—and the perils of revolution” is a brilliant essay describing and explaining the origins of america’s ruling elites and the things which they believe, and why those beliefs are diametrically apposite of most of the ideals you and i cherish. the essay explains how the ruling classes have become entrenched in, do in fact constitute, america’s governmental bureaucracy and academia.
and, it explains how the democratic party has become the vehicle of this class, and exerts its power by patronage and dolling out the spoils of the ruling classes dominance. this is not so surprising, as all ruling classes have done the same. but, this article explains why this particular ruling class is so inimical to your values, and why it threatens their very existence and preservation.
and, why it threatens our very existence.
if you are to understand anything of this, you must read this essay. or, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. just don’t blame angelo m. codevilla for your “discomfort” as you are being ground into meal by the treads of an armored personnel carrier.
[…] if we are to excise the ruling class, it will be with violence. they used violence to attain their privilege, they use it nakedly in the form of the s.i.e.u. and black panther thugs in elective politics to maintain it, they contemplate relocation camps to preserve it, and they will violently resist and suppress any and all efforts to be removed from their privilege.
buy guns. buy ammo. be jealous of your liberties. and, understand, you are going to have to kill folks, your uncles, your sons and daughters, to preserve those liberties.
Here, he gives his rationale for viewing every single solitary Muslim as a reasonable target for murder:
islam has killed itself, with its own savagery, with its blood thirst without slake.
my point is that in killing innocence, in making such an eloquent argument that there are no innocents, that no person bears the mantle of innocence, that all who are not muslims are combatants and liable to death in the most debase way, … , islam has rather compelling made the point that we are all exposed to the combat brought to us by islam, that we are all combatants.
that combatants are not entitled to pity, nor exemption from the random fate of the bomber, nor their throats protected from the cold hard zeal of the muslim scimitar.
and, that every person in islam, from man to woman to child may be our executioner.
in short, that there are no innocents in islam.
in short, that there is no innocence in islam.
that all of islam is at war with us, and that all of islam is/are [a] combatant[s.]
islam has sealed its doom. the jihad has pronounced its own death sentence. by giving us the knowledge of its message. in destroying ethical and moral and religious concepts such as innocence, and exemption from battle, islam has destroyed the last great restraints and inhibitions for the west to strike back in the full fury of its retribution and revenge.
islam, in arguing that the west has no moral and ethical right to exist, has rather stripped itself of its own ethical and moral posture as the innocent victim. it has exposed itself as a heinous, vicious, cruel implacable aggressor, and it has lost its moral authority, if it ever had any.
and, more tellingly.–
islam has established without intellectual doubt that there are no innocent muslims, that the myth of the “moderate muslem” is precisely that, and that muslims are no more entitled to exemption or protection from retaliation that any of the other “non-innocent” combatants in the world.
islam has no pretension to “innocence,” no more than the victims of islam. there is no innocence. there are no innocent muslims. islam is subject to killing on grounds of political expediency on the same basis as islam kills its victims, and islam cannot ethically and morally claim otherwise.
it is beyond peradventure that he did not, or has not intended since, to do so. witness the fact that islam and muslims are a minority of souls upon this earth. in short, dear muslims, g_d in his infinite wisdom saw in advance this struggle between men and religions to win his favor, and the only thing that is foreordained, is that the strong and the resolute shall win his favor, and so far, it has been amply demonstrated that he has chosen the jews as his people, and favored christianity with science, technology, culture and military power. to islam, he has given the hind and dry tit, and the sewers and the deserts of the world in which to inhabit, and in which to fester. i do not know what the future holds in particular, save that islam will be defeated, and i make this assertion on history as i have seen it: islam flowered, and the flower withered on decay and degradation and intellectual sloth from which islam will never recover. you owe all your contemporary “success” because of the indulgence of western socialists who want to defeat free market economics, and when their indulgence wanes, … , well then, you will suffer your destruction.
The rest of the blog is even more disturbing than the average anti-Muslim rabble-rouser. There are numerous postings about the author’s excessive interest in firearms and other weaponry.
A rather large series of posts apparently focuses on various philosophies towards self-defense and how they can be utilized to justify acts of violence against Muslims.
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