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Ten Things You Didn’t Know About The Kaaba


There is no place on Earth as venerated, as central or as holy to as many people as Makkah. By any objective standard, this valley in the Hijaz region of Arabia is the most celebrated place on Earth.

Thousands circle the sacred Kaaba at the centre of the Haram sanctuary 24 hours a day. Millions of homes are adorned with pictures of it and over a billion face it five times a day.

The Kaaba is the epicenter of Mecca.

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The cube shaped building is at the heart of the most well-known real estate in the history of mankind; it is shrouded in black and its fair share of mystery.

Here are just a few things that most people may not know about the Kaaba:

10. It has been reconstructed several times

The Kaaba that we see today is not exactly the same Kaaba that was constructed by Prophets Ibrahim แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) and Ismail แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) From time to time, it has needed rebuilding after natural and man-made disasters.

Of course, we all know of the major reconstruction that took place during the life of the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) before he became a Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him). This is the occasion when the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) averted major bloodshed by his quick thinking on how to place the Black Stone using a cloth that every tribe could lift up.

Since then, there has been an average of one major reconstruction every few centuries. The last renovation took place in 1996 and was extremely thorough, leading to the replacement of many of the stones and re-strengthening the foundations and a new roof. This is likely to be the last reconstruction for many centuries (inshaAllah) as modern techniques mean that the building is more secure and stable than ever before.

9. It used to have two doors … and a window

The original Kaaba used to have a door for entrance and another for exit. For a considerable period of time it also had a window situated to one side. The current Kaaba only has one door and no window.

8. It used to be multi-coloured

We are so used to the Kaaba being covered in the trademark black Kiswah with gold banding that we can’t imagine it being any other colour. However, this tradition seems to have started at the time of the Abbasids (whose household colour was black) and before this the Kaaba was covered in multiple colours including green, red and even white.

7. The keys are in the hands of one family

At the time of the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him), each aspect to do with the rites of Hajj was in the hands of different sub-groups of the Quraish. Every one of these would eventually lose control of their guardianship of a particular rite except one. On the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) was given the keys to the Kaaba and instead of keeping it in his own possession; he returned them back to the Osman ibn Talha ® of the Bani Shaiba family. They had been the traditional key keepers of the Kaaba for centuries; and the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) confirmed them in that role till the end of time by these words

“Take it, O Bani Talha, eternally up to the Day of Resurrection, and it will not be taken from you unless by an unjust, oppressive tyrant.”

Whether Caliph, Sultan or King – the most powerful men in the world have all had to bow to the words of the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) and ask permission from this small Makkan family before they can enter the Kaaba.

6. It used to be open to everyone

Until recently, the Kaaba was opened twice a week for anyone to enter and pray. However, due to the rapid expansion in the number of pilgrims and other factors, the Kaaba is now opened only twice a year for dignitaries and exclusive guests only.

Watch the video attached here to witness the doors of the Kaaba being opened (at 50 seconds) – and the simultaneous gasps of a Million people as they cry out at this auspicious moment.

5. You used to be able to swim around it

One of the problems with having the Kaaba situated at the bottom of a valley is that when it rains – valleys tend to flood. This was not an uncommon occurrence in Makkah and the cause of a lot of trouble before the days of flood control systems and sewage. For days on end the Kaaba would be half submerged in water. Did that stop Muslims from performing the Tawaf? Of course not. As the picture below amply shows – Muslims just started swimming around the Kaaba.

Modern adjustments to the surrounding landscape and flood prevention techniques mean we may never see such sights again. Or will we? Check out this recent video.

4. The inside contains plaques commemorating the rulers who renovated it

For years many have wondered what it looks like inside the Kaaba. Relying on second or third hand accounts from those who were lucky enough to enter just wasn’t satisfying enough. Then one lucky person who went inside took his camera phone in with him and Millions have seen the shaky footage online.

The interior of the Kaaba is now lined with marble and a green cloth covering the upper walls. Fixed into the walls are plaques each commemorating the refurbishment or rebuilding of the House of Allah by the ruler of the day. Watch the video below of the only place on Earth that you can pray in any direction you want, the House of Allah, the first place of worship for mankind – the Kaaba.

3. There are two kaabas!

Directly above the Kaaba in heaven is an exact replica. This Kaaba was mentioned in the Quran and by the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him).

The Messenger of Allah แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) said narrating about the journey of ‘Isra wal Miraaj


“Then I was shown Al-Bait-al-Ma’mur (i.e. Allah’s House). I asked Gabriel about it and he said, This is Al Bait-ul-Ma’mur where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily and when they leave they never return to it (but always a fresh batch comes into it daily).”

2. The Black Stone is broken

Ever wondered how the Black Stone came to be in the silver casing that surrounds it?

Some say it was broken by a stone fired by the Umayyad army laying siege to Makkah whilst it was under the control of Abdullah ibn Zubair ®.

However, most agree that it was most damaged in the middle ages by an extreme heretical Ismaili group from Bahrain called the Qarmatians who had declared that the Hajj was an act of superstition. They decided to make their point by killing tens of thousands of hujjaj and dumping their bodies in the well of Zamzam.

As if this act of treachery was not enough, these devils took the Black Stone to the East of Arabia and then Kufa in Iraq where they held it ransom until they were forced to return it by the Abassid Caliph. When they returned it, it was in pieces and the only way to keep them together was by encasing them in a silver casing. Some historians narrate that there are still some missing pieces of the stone floating around.

1. It’s not supposed to be a cube shape

Yes, ladies and gentleman… the most famous cube in the world actually started out shaped as a rectangle.

I’ll give you a moment to pick your jaws off the floor.

Right, where were we?

Oh yeah, the Kaaba was never meant to be a cube. The original dimensions of The House included the semi-circular area known as the Hijr Ismail.

When the Kaaba was rebuilt just a few years before the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) received his first revelation, the Quraish agreed to only use income from pure sources to complete the rebuild. That meant no money from gambling, looting, prostitution, interest etc. In the ultimate sign of how deeply mired in wrongdoing the Jahili Quraish were, there was not enough untainted money in this very wealthy trading city to rebuild the Kaaba to its original size and shape!

They settled for a smaller version of the Kaaba and put a mud brick wall (called “Hijr Ismail” although it has no connection to the Prophet Ismail (A) himself) to indicate the original dimensions. Towards the end of his life, the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) intended to rebuild the Kaaba on its original foundations but passed away before he could fulfill his wish. Apart from a brief interlude of a few years during the reign of Caliph Abdullah ibn Zubair ®, the Kaaba has remained the same shape that the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) saw it in.


The history of the Kaaba is not just an interesting story from our past. The Kaaba is a real and present symbol that connects all Muslims together wherever they may be. It also connects us to our glorious and not-so-glorious past so that we may derive lessons and feel that we are a part of an eternal mission. In a day and age where Muslims are increasingly disconnected from our history,as well as each other, the Kabaa reminds us of our shared heritage and bonds. It is a symbol of unity in an Ummah sorely in need of it.


You may be interested in the other articles in this series…

9 Things you didn’t know about the Prophet’s Mosque

8 Things you didn’t know about Masjid Al-Aqsa

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  1. Carlos

    November 15, 2012 at 1:33 AM

    In which direction does one pray if one is on the opposite side of the globe from the Kaaba? How about if one is on the International Space Station, which is revolving around Earth once every 92 minutes? If there is an exact replica of the Kaaba in heaven, which version of the Kaaba does it resemble, the current black-covered cube, or one of the earlier shapes and colors? If the heavenly version of the Kaaba is directly above the Kaaba in Mecca, does that mean the Kaaba in heaven is revolving around the Earth as the Earth rotates? How many light years away is the heavenly Kaaba? If the Kaaba in heaven and the rest of heaven is in an actual physical location, we should be able to detect it, and, if it is close enough, eventually possibly even visit it.

    • Omair

      November 15, 2012 at 12:34 PM

      I hope you’re having fun. Because nobody here is listening to you.

      • clayjoiner

        April 24, 2013 at 11:09 AM

        Hey man. Stop. Asking these questions in such a blunt manner will never change that which these people love. Perhaps if you were more respectful you might actually get your point across to these people. Making a mockery of them is rude and disrespectful. Oh, and I am an atheist. Islam is about love, and you’re (Carlos) not loving these people.

      • Susan

        August 3, 2013 at 6:07 AM

        Yes we are, alhumdillialla .

      • BTK

        March 9, 2014 at 11:16 AM


        Yeah, that’s the thing about ignorance. Religious people won’t listen to reason, instead they’re just choose to ignore logic.

      • mo

        October 3, 2014 at 12:44 AM

        How about answering the questions? Or even ONE?

      • Sahar

        November 27, 2014 at 1:12 AM

        first of all Carlos you pray to where the sun rises or the mid east you would know obviously since Saudi Arabia is located in the mid east. second you don’t know where heaven is, it could be past galaxies. maybe its actually a physical place maybe its not. maybe its out of sight so only the people with the good deeds hearts etc. can go see. anyways who am i to judge im giving you my knowledge but i will leave the rest up to Allah (swt)

      • John

        May 1, 2015 at 2:02 AM

        Quote”I hope youโ€™re having fun. Because nobody here is listening to you. “Unquote

        You did….I did…and a whole host of others, who, none of which answered any questions until the 11th hour and pathetic answers they were….good questions Carlos and all worth answering and clayjoiner you look like a very young man who has a lot to learn and to yell out you are an atheist on a religious site either means you are trolling or converting. Either way, as an atheist you input is as valid as your ability to process information about God.

        • Aly Balagamwala

          May 1, 2015 at 3:41 AM

          Either way, as an atheist you input is as valid as your ability to process information about God.

          John, this applies to Carlos too then I guess. :)

          *Comment above is posted in a personal capacity and may not reflect the official views of MuslimMatters or its staff*

      • Ishvara

        September 24, 2015 at 8:02 AM

        I AM.
        I AM.
        I AM.

      • ร‡aฤŸrฤฑ

        January 15, 2016 at 11:35 AM

        No religion is not for people that dont care about logic. Islam is the itself of logic and the starter of the improved science that you pray for. Read Quran then talk. Dont be too ignorance. And if you are dont effect people with your wrong informations.

      • Zubair

        April 27, 2016 at 1:25 PM

        Tell me more about the Kaaba

      • akram

        July 9, 2016 at 9:43 AM

        Dear Carlos,

        There are questions that we can’t answer. I’ll ask you about Darwin’s theory about evolution; if its true, I am running out of hands with all chores and errands I have to get done, why didn’t I or generations after “evolved” to grow an extra set of arms? We all need to travel fast and far and yet I haven’t seen a glimpse of human “evolved” to grow wings so that we can all take flight? Everything Darwinian are only restricted in realms of fiction like The X-Men. All of the mutation I’ve seen is more on the negative effect rather than improved abilities. Plus, I have to see a creature, say from reptilian group “evolved” to intelligent humanoid form. Reptiles have been around millions of years before mammals, How come mammalian primates “evolved” into advanced beings before them?

      • Shree

        September 20, 2016 at 6:03 AM

        you must be living in dream still

      • Nikki Alford

        October 11, 2016 at 3:28 AM

        Oohh I think we definetley are listening to Carlos. What is your answer to his questions?

      • Syed Mehdi

        December 6, 2016 at 6:43 AM

        And Maula Ali (A.S) was born in kaaba, it was built for him to be born there and so that Allah could make Haj wajib till the day of judgment, ensuring everyone went round and round the birth place of maula Ali (A.S).

    • WAJiD

      November 15, 2012 at 12:35 PM

      Hi Carlos,

      We actually have answers to all of your questions, but none of that matters if you don’t believe in the very premise of Islam in the first place.

      Otherwise it just becomes a pointless exercise in you trying to ask us questions to catch us out, us trying to answer them to a skeptical mind and the cycle repeats.

      • Imelda Herron

        July 3, 2014 at 8:28 AM

        What happened to the Jews, Christians, Muslims and Sabeaens all being people of The Book. I’m certain it states this in the Q’uran. So why this drive towards converting the world to Islam? Sometimes I think if we all went back to Zoroastrianism (which Islam, Judaism and Christianity borrowed much from) then it would be less open to interpretation and the literalists of these religions would not fight wars. Or, even the form of Gnostic Islam, Gnostic Judaism and Gnostic Christianity, these, who whilst having minor disagreements on interpretations, are never risen to fight a war over it. That’s when you’ve found a truth hidden in the quagmire of misinterpretation’s by men guided by the evil of self and greed.

      • Tyrell

        November 18, 2014 at 9:58 AM

        Carlos has a point though, even though he may have went about it the wrong way. If you really do have the answers to his questions I am very interested to know out of curiosity. Like really, How else do you expect anyone to even consider becoming a Muslim if you just leave them without any answers. I’m not trying to say you can explain everything but if you do really have the answers to his questions, say them. Because people like me (Who is not trying to catch anyone out) will read this and think you don’t.

      • ajith

        July 3, 2015 at 9:24 AM

        The Kaaba was an original Hindu temple and the black stone is the Shiva Linga

        • Aly Balagamwala

          July 4, 2015 at 4:31 AM

          Dear ajith

          Very interesting. Could you please give the source of this historical fact to enlighten us? I have some limited reading of history but nowhere does Hinduism come up in the history of Arabia that I have read.

          *Comment above is posted in a personal capacity and may not reflect the official views of MuslimMatters or its staff*

      • Abdul-Karim

        September 17, 2016 at 4:37 PM

        Carlos I can see you’re pointing out many things from a physical, human aspect of understanding. God made us the way we are so that we can believe in his words and laws without having to use our level of understanding before believing. We are not equals to God therefore we do not understand or move in the ways that God does. He gave us physicality in the way he did as a test because life itself is a test. You don’t know if God constructed the outside depictions of space because he knew we’d be curious to search for him and the next life. Outer space could be a simple shroud in our understanding so that we don’t question what God says IS there. The Kaabas location is directly above our own and if you believe in science then you should believe in 2-D, 3-D, 4-D and the planes above. If you know, 2 dimensional beings would see things as only a line no matter how many angles or dimensions it actually is in. We are three dimensional by theory and see things 2 dimensionally. If you are truly aware of this theory than you should therefore see that what I’m getting at is, heaven or God (astaghfirullah for assuming) may be 4 dimensional or above. If the true Kaaba was 4 dimensional then we may not even be able to see it. In Islam we have no idea of Gods physical representation this may even be because he’s not in our dimensional image or plane.

      • Shree

        September 20, 2016 at 6:07 AM

        lol seriously man.. i have 15 questions… can u answer?

      • human being

        November 10, 2016 at 10:19 AM

        Energy ,it is all about the purest form of energy.When we were not,some energy was there; when we shall not,still that energy will be.Have you heard about Big bang theory.The origin is from mother particle,recently discovered ‘Boson’.Still scientists are saying,we have to discover the mother particle.We are very near to it.Fine.So what shall happen with it?The Eienstein theory of relativity will become more applicable,which says mass and energy is convertible to each other.
        Now in the beginning only two things survived-Time and space.Time=0,space=dark.Electron used to rotate around in the fixed path.6 sigma,you must be knowing.3.4 error in 1 million.When electron just escape within this reason 3.4 it collide with neighboring electron and big bang.Unless everything was dark .Again expansion of galaxies etc.Still going on.When a star end up,it becomes black hole.It pulls everything towards to become dark again.Again after some time the same process begin.
        Now it is all about energy and wave(sound).In each and every religion it is written,God is in the form of energy and sound.So,science is working in the same way.But a wonder.Still we know only 2-3 % of brain’s actual functions and capabilities.Watch Discovery channel for it.
        Our evolution is happened from nuclear matters. Weisman germplasm theory, with a combination of molecules in a certain atmosphere the Nucleic acid is formed.Then revolution happened.And after millions years we are in human form.
        So basically we are stardust,as scientists says.
        The Prophet or great person who came on this earth were having a purest form of energy.They had power to connect with great ‘Light side’ of energy force,which always overcome any sort of ‘dark forces’,you might have studied in many holy books.A fight with bad energy.Like saving by God while crossing Red Sea etc.
        This purest form of energy comes with internal purification with good deed,which is not possible for a common person.We must be away from Illusion,then only can achieve it.But is it possible?
        In case of Prophet or Holy people,they did command against illusion and worldly affair to connect with the ‘Purest’ form of energy,The God.Hence they had power to do anything.I ask only one thing.Have you ever seen a dream which just forecast about future’s incidence and sometimes it happens.Try to find it.If it happens,then how?
        Eiestein said-even this world what are we looking is not real.It is still an illusion created by our eye.Some time you might have observed.In dream some people start crying or cry for help,as if they were seeing a true scene.How??
        If heart and brain dead is dead condition,hoe dr. perform surgery on heart and brain when this is not working.Apart from heart and brain function,we are having some internal energy source too.
        This is a saying of heaven.It means here,;kaaba’ is considered a holy place where even a sinner can repent from his sin and cry for purity.This purity give him/her a power to overcome weaknesses and to walk boldly for a good deed.As the Prophet asked for.Even in Church,Temple a real head always says–focus on good deed,repent from crime.Why??If you want to connect with the supreme power,first make your soul pure.Are we pure to see any thing Godly with this physical eye??…..
        Power exists,and miracles do happens.Watch Discovery and search internet ask friends…you shall get end no. of examples.It is better to accept ourselves to become a pure spirit.And,till God wish no one can walk on the path of God to get away from sins….it is…Thanks for a wonderful time..May God love all….

      • human being

        November 10, 2016 at 10:28 AM

        When we shall become pure from heart and soul,the day we can see the miracle of Nature.Like-Sunrays—incoherent form,we walk in sunlight.Now use a magnifying glass and a coherently focus on any object.Can you dare to put your palm underneath,that focusing magnifying glass….. the same thing is here.Make your inner spirit pure and concentrate energy then see miracles.Can you make yourself pure from worldly affairs??thx.

      • Pierko

        December 14, 2016 at 12:34 PM

        @human being,

        That is an absolutely beautifully thought out interpretation of the workings of our reality. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. You are a truly enlightened individual with a mind that is hard to come by.

    • Abu Sumaiyah

      November 19, 2012 at 4:26 AM

      Why does MM let a Kafir insult Islam? I told you guys to ban him years ago.

      • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

        November 19, 2012 at 9:47 AM

        I think Carlos adds some good comments on several articles when he doesn’t have his atheist hat on.
        We do withhold his comments, as we sometimes withhold the comments of others, whether muslim or non-muslim, if they do not comply with our comments policy.
        In this particular case, the author of this article chose to approve his comments and as you may see tried to engage Carlos towards proper debate. However, in the end our job is to remind and it is up to Allah to guide whom He pleases.
        We pray that Carlos one day accepts Islam, as it is the duty of all Muslims to invite those who do not believe towards Islam. And if by the will of Allah he doesn’t then our readers will bear witness that we did our part.

        Comments Team Lead

        • Mahmud

          December 2, 2012 at 2:22 PM

          Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

          Kindly link me to your comments policy. I feel I am being censored too much. Be just, that is closer to taqwa and you will meet Allah with how you do this job on your record.

        • Vikram

          October 12, 2013 at 7:15 AM

          My question to you is ”Why it is right of every Muslim to convince non follower to convert? ”
          Is this not a sign of intolerance? Human history on this planet is around 50000-90000 BC. Since stone ages, men have been searching GOD and take solace in whatever GOD or form comforts him.
          For me it is perfectly alright to listen to a muslim’s experience of GOD through Quran and Islamic ways. This gives always positive feeling rather than thinking that he is naive or what he believes is wrong. However i should have liberty to choose my path and wants a muslim to appreciate my experience.
          While convincing someone through discourse and dialogue is always welcome and wish world had all religion discourse and forums like we have UN and other political platforms.
          However enforcing one’s believe by any other mean, i dont think any religion should teach.
          Mankind is above all religions and has progressed so far not because GOD has helped, but they have themselves through ages.
          What do you say?

          • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

            October 12, 2013 at 8:28 AM

            “Mankind is above all religions and has progressed so far not because GOD has helped, but they have themselves through ages.”

            That statement actually negates the very existence of God as the all-Powerful being believed by most religions.

            “My question to you is โ€Why it is right of every Muslim to convince non follower to convert? โ€”
            It is the duty of every Muslim to exhort the good and forbid the evil, both in speech and action. It is not the “right” of a Muslim. Our job is to convey what is the truth. Guidance is from Allah(SWT) and not in our hands.

            “However i should have liberty to choose my path and wants a muslim to appreciate my experience.”
            The Quran says ( “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut (Falsehood) and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.”

            So Quran actually gives you the right to choose your own path.

            Best Regards
            *Comment above is posted in a personal capacity and may not reflect the official views of MuslimMatters or its staff*

          • asgar

            December 15, 2013 at 9:53 PM

            dear vikram.
            Itz duty of a muslim to preach islam, not to force it. You are free to accept or reject, a muslim’s job is to preach. God has given u free will. I guess u might be referring to “islam having been spread with sword” n lemme inform you that the historians today claim itz the biggest myth of all times. The great historian De Lacy Oโ€™Leary writes in โ€œIslam At the Cross-roadsโ€: โ€œHistory makes it clear however, that the legend of
            fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.โ€ what does logic suggest? U know muslims have ruled ur india for centuries, if the absurd claim wr true, u wud’ve been a muslim today, so wud’ve been ur fellow indians. Same wud have been true for spain which muslims have ruled for centuries. Do you know there r millions of coptic christians living in arab countries even today, where do u see the “intolerance”? Dear vikram, you r a living example, ur and ur fellow indians’ presence testifies that islam was never spread with sword. I come from kashmir and yeah my ancestors have also converted to islam, but by their own will alhamdulilah.
            Ps: the hindu temples having been looted by muslim kings is also a myth. Read what Richard Eaton has to say

          • judas priest

            February 3, 2014 at 7:13 AM

            i believe that everyone is a part of nature . religion ,culture.divides people
            we must respect everything.god help those ,who help themselves.this line basically incinerate the presence of god.

      • WAJiD

        November 19, 2012 at 9:59 AM

        Walaikum asalaam,

        The decision to approve his (and all other) comments were my own so MM holds no responsibility for that.

        I basically accept the point that brother Aly makes – there is a difference between allowing people to debate a point (even if not done with finesse) and to be downright insulting/ denigrating. I felt that his comments were factually wrong but not offensive.

        Of course this is a very difficult line to tread and it has only grown my respect for the brothers and sisters who do the difficult job of moderating sites such as this. May Allah put wisdom in their decisions and ours.

        • JoeKidd

          July 31, 2013 at 3:59 AM

          It takes a lot of courage and maturity not to moderate a comment that seems to be ridiculing one’s religion. But the very fact that you have not moderated the comment, gives me hope that I will come across varied points of view rather than a single point of view. Thank you!

      • Thuryn

        November 28, 2012 at 12:29 PM

        I think we all as Muslims need to walk away from the very idea of “insulting Islam.” Islam is not a person. It cannot be insulted. When people say, “Oh, Carlos has insulted Islam,” this is not true. YOU have been insulted, not Islam.

        Islam does not care what people say. It will be the same after all the shouting as it was before. No insult will ever change it. The insults can only influence US… if we let them.

        Allah (swt) and the Prophets (pbut) do not care about insults, either. People of limited understanding have been trying to insult them for centuries. Has it changed Allah (swt)? No. Has it changed the Message? No. The Prophets (pbut) – all of them, not just our beloved Muhammad (pbuh) – dealt with this during their own lifetimes. We must take their example. We must either engage civilly in the questions that have substance, or simply walk away. It takes two to fight. We do not have any obligation to participate.

        The moderators here seem to have taken a most admirable path in their responses. They do not permit themselves to be baited. Instead, they say kindly, “We are sorry that you do not understand. We know you only say these things because you do not understand, and we hope that someday, you do.” Insha Allah more of us will be granted the serenity to keep our calm when people are being rude.

        Because in the end, they are just being rude to us. No more, no less. They will be held accountable on the Last Day… and we will be held accountable for how we respond. Let us protect ourselves by NOT engaging people who only seek to get a rise out of us.

        And Allah knows best.

        • Musafira

          December 1, 2012 at 5:16 PM

          I agree! If your faith & belief can’t stand criticism, it may not be worth defending. This very attitude of defensiveness has come to become our downfall. Quick to judge, we jump on any Muslim or non-Muslim fellow men/women who ask questions or inquire. Even if someone is simply out to poke fun or get rise out of believers, do we really have to respond or can we just walk away with smile or learn to ignore. THIS VERY REACTION is what sustains the ant-Muslim attacks!

          • PeaceFinder

            August 5, 2013 at 10:42 PM

            “If your faith and belief can’t stand criticism, it may not be worth defending”. I love this sentence! Even as a Muslim, we encounter lots of questions in our mind to seek the divine truth. And the search has to go on and on until we find our peace of mind. Sadly, the way most Muslim negatively react on very valid questions from non-muslim might be as well the trigger for other muslims to start doubting their own belief! And this is a fact.

        • Abu Taariq

          December 9, 2012 at 1:27 PM

          as salaamu alaykum

          I would like to ask with regards to insults. what is it when one slanders the companions or even the Prophet (alayhi salaatu was sallam)? it is what we do when this happens, but to say that people do not insult Islaam is mindboggling, as Islaam is a way of life so insulting it is insulting a way of life and we should know how to deal with it in a knowledge based way and not the same ignorant way other people do. may Allaah grant us success.

      • Nonsense

        July 3, 2014 at 6:13 PM

        Kafir, nice to read the IslamoNazi terms for their fellow human beings.

      • Asyraf hart

        November 18, 2014 at 9:56 AM

        How can you say that at the heaven is an exact replica? Its suppose to be that on earth is the exact replica and the original one is in heaven

      • zubaida

        December 10, 2015 at 8:31 AM

        carlos are sure the earth is rotating?have u ever proved it yourself?the day you prove it then we also prove to u the replica of the kaaba.

      • Mary

        December 27, 2015 at 1:29 AM

        I don’t understand why someone has to be so ignorant towards another person’s faith. How is one’s religious practice or belief, or faith require your approval? Your snarky and sarcastic remarks show your ignorance. Move on. If you can’t say something nice, move on. SIMPLE.

    • Hilarious

      December 30, 2012 at 8:18 PM

      I think Carlos has asked valid and timely questions from a different perspective. Now my doubt arises on the following because the author hasn’t given us the references.
      1. There are two Ka’bas – where is the reference?
      2. Exact replica – where is the reference?
      3. The exact replica is the baihul ma’mur – where is the reference? The quoted baithul ma’mur hadhees is correct but where does it say it is an exact replica of the Ka’ba.

      • WAJiD

        December 31, 2012 at 6:49 AM

        Walaikum asalaam,

        As I mentioned in a reply to a similar question – indeed I should have been careful to say “exact” replica when in fact the hadith is not explicit on this.

        This is an inference made by certain mufasirs that I have studied with.

    • Hilarious

      December 30, 2012 at 9:25 PM

      From a different point of view, I believe carlos is a Troll. He is not interested in Islam or anything else but to stir the silt and enjoy the scene. His questions are tangential and irrelevant. For e.g. The spacestation question is nonsensical because Islam is meant for people on earth. If you want to pray you can pray in the space station and god has provided the exception. Their is only a 1:1000000000 chance of someone being in the SS and how many solid scientific explanations has exceptions at this level. The second question will be, if you are dedicated to god why are you on the SS in the first place doing nothing much useful rather than spinning like an old sock in a washing machine (pardon the pun).
      Nonetheless, the fundamental question is, not where your head be or which direction should you pray; because all of them are irrelevant. You will mock, and you will mock until you are guided or until your death (at least like god says until your life remains just above your neck).
      If you are interested seek truth because atheism will never give an answer to the creation of energy or what happened before bing bang or many other questions that arises in your mind or importantly the existent of god. I am a human being I switch between being an atheist and believing in god. When I think like carlos it feels as if he feels. On the other hand when you think about the alternative explanation, the model doesn’t fit too. You can chose.
      If you didn’t understand all above, please search for your answers somewhere else, not in a religious forum.

      • Gnothi-Seauton

        May 2, 2013 at 11:56 PM

        Don’t hate on astronaughts. It’s not nice.

    • Halwah

      June 1, 2013 at 11:08 PM

      I enjoyed the article. When I was performing umrah I saw a lot of people revering the door and certain parts of the ka’bah. They would conduct their prayers in specific spots and when I asked why, they would say just do it and derive benefit from it. I of course didn’t feel comfortable. I just did what I know I was sincerely doing is worship. Some people made doa in front of the door or facing the door of ka’bah when I read that that is a new implementation and did not exist in the time of Abraham or the actual design. Some people made doa while holding on to the kiswah. I am not sure what is the fiqh of all these. And hope to be enlightened one day in sha allah so when I am invited by Allah to Masjidil Haram again, I can reap the most benefit out of worship.

      • TRAVIS

        August 30, 2015 at 4:44 AM

        These are all absurd. What is the point in pilgrimage even? If a non-muslim’s prayers are answered, what do you make of it?

    • Tanveer Ahmad

      August 11, 2013 at 7:19 AM

      Assalamu Alikum
      Brother Carlos I was just in search of some different article but somehow I decided to read this. After I finished reading this article I was about to close the tab but decided to read comments. I was happy to read that you know what we Muslims are supposed to do like facing Ka`ba while praying and the most interesting is that you have also read the whole article. I will try to answer your comment however I may be wrong or wright, If there is any wrong information that is from me as individual and no one should claim it as Islamic belief.
      Regarding your questions:
      1)One should look for the nearest side of the Kaa`ba as his/her direction
      2)For the person who is in International Space Station with moving direction, there is an Aayat in Quran, That “Easts and Wests are of GOD (Allah)” so one should pray Nimaz, the ultimate decision of Accepting or Rejecting the Nimaz(prayers) is with GOD.
      3)For this I guess it is the version which was Shown to Mohammad(SAW) and that hardly matters for us of what type That is made, because we don’t pray to Kaa`ba like other idol worshiper rather it is just to unite the humans.
      4)GOD is the supreme creator and the best, HE know better how to maintain all things, it is upto HIM how to position the Kaa`ba in the heaven.Our thinking has shortcomings not HIS maintainence.
      5)For how many light years That is far away from earth hardly matter, that will not resolve the problem of visiting it, because if one wishes to visit it, there is no need ot sattilite of spacejet for any other scientific invention, one think about the signs of GOD, how HE as withheld the sky without any pillers, how HE creates the human being, and evolves him from one stage to another, from childhood in which he was dependent on others to a youth when he is asking rude questions about the existance of GOD and denys HIS existence in the lack of knowledge and then GOD makes him return to the old age when he again becomes old.
      In a nutshell if one wishes to see that Kaa`ba in Heaven, he/she has to accept the truth about GOD(ISLAM).

      • Neeraj

        February 22, 2016 at 6:06 PM

        I am a non muslim but believe me Tanveer Ahmed, I loved your answer very much……that’s what my heart was looking for..may god bless you.

    • Tanveer Ahmad

      August 11, 2013 at 7:50 AM

      Brother Carlos
      Your thoughts are right at your point and that happens when one is lacking knowledge, for example if I have not seen an object say xyz I will ask so many questions about its existence, I will be full of doubts about it, and that is the initial stage, but the more I inquire about an unseen things the more I will be mastered on using it, same is the case of Islam, the initial followers of Islam did not believe in GOD but when they heard the truth, the they became the greatest followers of Islam. These thoughts are common things that that happen initially, but the point is after realizing the truth, if U accept it U will be a good follower and GOD forbid if U reject the truth, U are done.
      Even though I am from a muslim family, such questions also arose in my mind, and started thinking about it, then I heard the verse form Quran and the hadith of Muhammad (SAW) whose meaning is somewhat like this : “O you who believe do not be like people of Moses who used to ask so many questions, although there intention was not follow the order that was given to them ”

      And there are so many other things which can’t be expressed in writing, you better to get close to some Islamic organization like Isalmic Research Foundation, Tanzeemi Islamia, Jamaa`ti Islamia etc.

    • Shahid Khan

      July 5, 2014 at 5:58 AM

      Auzubillah minashaitan nirajeem bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

      Carlos, I will try to answer your questions but Allah Knows the best, I am glad you asked and we should have answers of these questions because our upcoming generation will have these type of curiosity and sometime my own kids ask about it.

      01. I am in Canada/Toronto and pray toward North-East as it is the shortest distance from point of pray toward Kaaba. There are quite a lot of smart phone Kaaba finder applications available. My job requires lots and really lots of travel so these IPhone apps or magnetic compass helps me a lot. Alhamdulillah

      02. I am not an astronaut but as a believer and believe in Islam, I hope this will help you.
      I will do following but here I see two scenarios in your 2nd question. If:
      The space station is circling around the earth with a fixed direction then you calibrate and set your compass toward the Kaaba and pray toward that direction everything when you pray.
      The space station is circling around the earth with a non-constant direction then you pray in any direction that is convenient for you. You will pray exactly as you pray in an airplane or ship.

      03. The short answer is, the original version. Just like cosmetic/make-up does not changes the actual person, they remains what they are . (Wallah-e-Alam/Allah knows the best)

      04. Earth is a microscopic dot compare to the size of universe, may be smaller (Allah knows the best)as it is a tiny microscopic dot, its rotation is negligible compare to the size of earth so the position of Kaaba wonโ€™t matter under the throne. However it will matter if you were comparing the earth with a same size of planet or if the heaven was same size of earth.

      05. We do know SOME stuff about the space but we donโ€™t know much about space compare to the size of space. If anyone think he knows then please tell me the last number of mathematics. Ie 1,2,3,4,5 and so onโ€ฆ

      06. Yes heaven is not a dreamland, itโ€™s a physical location and place. We should have found it? I doubt if you find your lost watch in the ocean. Voyager 1 has been in space since 36 years and 10 months as of 5 July 2014 and have traveled 1.906ร—1010 km and still crossing our solar system which is negligible compare to the size of our universeโ€ฆ.It could be infinite (Allah knows the best) if you think it cannot be infinite then please again tell me the last numberโ€ฆ.of mathematics
      You can find most of the answers of your questions in Quran if you read it in detail over and over again, it will upon you mind in a new dimensionโ€ฆ.Here are some example from Quran and advance physics/science
      A. Discovery of Higgs particles announced at CERN on 4 July 2012, it says โ€œIt would explain why some fundamental particles have mass when the symmetries controlling their interactions should require them to be masslessโ€. Also โ€œIf the Higgs field did not exist, particles would not have the mass required to attract one another, and would float around freely at light speedโ€
      Quran/Al-Anbiya 21:33: And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They float, each in an orbit.

      Whatโ€™s important here and related to higgs bosom isโ€ฆ.You need a โ€œMASSโ€ ie higgs particles to float, just like water in swimming pool.

      B. Quran/Ar. Rahman: 55:33-35: O society of jinns and men, cross the bounds of the heavens and the earth if you have the ability, then pass beyond them; but you cannot unless you acquire the law.(33) How many favours of your Lord will you then deny?(34) Let loose at you will be smokeless flames of fire so that you will not be able to defend yourselves.

      Whatโ€™s related here is, the solar flair and smoke less heat from Sun if you travel to space without proper arrangement (Allah Knows the best)

      C. We believe the existence of physics law everywhere in our universe and based on these laws scientist and Astronauts are working then donโ€™t you think there is a law maker too? But if you think we are the product of apes then think about it:
      If some monkeys randomly start hitting keys of typewriter then it is possible to generate the DNA only, leave the rest of the life supporting system alone for now. But do you know how much time is required to write the detail of a DNA only? Billions multiply by Trillions of yearsโ€ฆIt can be calculated by โ€œPermutationโ€ and here we says we came from Aps. Think why a human body have all the similar minerals as earth and why do we recycle and even why a human body have same water ratio as earth (50%-75%). Donโ€™t you think we are living earth?

      Hope these answers will help you. Feel free to contact me for any further question.

      • sridhar

        May 26, 2016 at 12:59 AM

        Your reply was like attending a Science class (please donโ€™t mix religion with science , it will end awkward . Religion is just true faith and no science could be mixed with it)…I appreciate your faith in your religion and nothing wrong to worship our Almighty with so much faith ( As it gives a disciplined society self regulating in nature with the fear of God/Hell/Paradise/good deed /sinful deed etc)…The things I observed by all the comments is that, as all of you say that the Almighty God is one and only the same. Yes , it is told in all the faiths and also It is no harm for worshiping the almighty with different names (like the sun in English it is sun and it is called by various names in different region and there need no fight for all of the world people to call it only by the name SUN). Apart from this I find Muslims taking religion too much seriously which is the route cause of all fanatic environment in this world. After all any religion has many contradictions in passage of time (what you follow now was not followed by your ancestors) …and I don’t want to waste time in trying to justify all the people in this matter. And Muslim brothers and Christian brothers should limit yourself by just telling that your belief in your God is true and what you follow is truth..but you have nothing more than to tell about otherโ€™s beliefs , since I very well know that you have not even gone through any of its scriptures entirely …if you would have gone through it you will have been left with only option of Sufism (which is nothing but a mix up of all good things). If you people come out of fanatic approach, there ends interpersonal human hatred. After all life is very short and let us all live happily like brothers and sister by fully accepting the world as it is , since there is no end if we start talking about “purity in worshiping God ” since you people yourself not satisfied with what you have followed all these years of worship and started now a new phenomenon called Wahhabism, and always offend other forms of worship even by your fellow Muslims. Where is the end for this intolerance?..hence my statement will hold good and let us not take religion “too seriously”and spoil peace in this world. We had enough wars and bloodshed and I am sure that God the Almighty would not ask for human blood in the name of following Holy Scriptures. To conclude, I am not here to talk ill of any religion and its followers. I only demand a world free for all and an inclusive of all to live peacefully side by side without being mentally or physically teased by any group or groups.

      • Raash

        November 8, 2016 at 12:08 PM

        Love all the explanation. MadhaAllah

    • Zaheer

      July 6, 2014 at 3:25 AM

      If I am travelling on a journey – I can use the raising of the sun in the east and its setting in the west to help me get direction to the Kaaba – and perform my prayer – My prayer will get accepted cause Muslims do not pray to a stone. the Kaaba is a means of a central direction point – One can also be in the Kaaba and perform prayer. Above the heavenly Kaaba that is mentioned – I am sure you can visit it – When you get to Heaven. The Bible and the Quraan all make mention of Heaven and Hell – yet no one has found either of these places till now with all the modern technology. Hope that answers your question

    • salim memon

      July 8, 2014 at 1:38 AM

      Dear carlos,
      I am a muslim from india and it saddens me to see the reaction of all my muslim brothers towards your questions, al though this article has been read by me 2 years later. You as an individual have all the right to ask questions on islam and we should have the capability of answering all your questions without getting agigated. Though i do not consider myself an expert in my own religion but i can tell you there was a time when i too had a lot of similar questions like you do and have found answers to all of them. My muslim brothers what use is an invitation to understand islam if we are unable to explain it to anyone, before we speak of banninf or warning pls understand that someone has come to yoy looking for answers to questions which he feels is logical it our inability that we are unable to see the point rather then passing comments. I would very humbly request all my muslim brothers and sisters to pls reply to such questions with kindness. Its our behaviour that would leave an impression in a persons mind and change his thoughts of our religio. My intention is not to hurt anyones sentiment or take anyones side. If my comments have offended anyone then my sincere apologies.salim.

    • natalie

      August 20, 2014 at 11:26 AM

      excuse me FYI heaven cannot be reached by a rocket or something after u die on the day of judgement it is Allah (SWT) that decides whether u go to heaven or hell.
      If u disbelieve u go to hell and if u believe and be a good muslim u go to heaven.
      Did u know that kaaba is in the center of the world not even a bird or a plane can cross it.
      Allah (SWT) made the world and routes like that.

    • stephen

      September 2, 2014 at 9:39 PM

      Well said! No doubt people are making up a reply as I type!

    • Beanie

      October 5, 2014 at 5:17 AM

      Hey Carlos,

      I know that was only jokes by let me answer your questions in a serious and logic way :
      “In which direction does one pray if one is on the opposite side of the globe from the Kaaba?” – Actually, the one on the opposite side is somewhere on the pacific ocean. If you grab a boat, you’ll be pushed by the motion of the stream and won’t be at the opposite anymore. So, it’s not possible to pray steadily at the opposite of the Kaaba.

      “How about if one is on the International Space Station, which is revolving around Earth once every 92 minutes?” – How do people on wheelchair get knelt during the prayer? They don’t. Toward which direction you pray if you have no way on earth to find the direction of the Kaaba? You do as you can. The Islamic prayer is inviting people to Pray the way they can.

      “If there is an exact replica of the Kaaba in heaven, which version of the Kaaba does it resemble, the current black-covered cube, or one of the earlier shapes and colors?” – Unfortunately for you, the Holy has no color, no shape. The replica is on a level you get only understand through the prayer. It is above the basic 5 senses.

      “If the heavenly version of the Kaaba is directly above the Kaaba in Mecca, does that mean the Kaaba in heaven is revolving around the Earth as the Earth rotates?” – What about thinking the other way, meaning the Earth following a rotation scheme according to what’s in Heaven ?

      “How many light years away is the heavenly Kaaba?” – You’ll be answered at the end of the time.

      “If the Kaaba in heaven and the rest of heaven is in an actual physical location, we should be able to detect it, and, if it is close enough, eventually possibly even visit it.” – Well, it is not.

    • Carlos Machiavello

      November 11, 2014 at 5:48 PM

      how wonderful, are regular tourist allow around this area ?
      for examples january 3rd or 4th

      • Bagus Satrio Utomo

        December 2, 2014 at 3:56 PM

        Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

        This is my first time commenting on this site. Should I write something wrong, please go easy on me.

        I have done Umrah twice, and I feel guilty for not knowing so much about Kaaba itself. I have three questions.

        1. Is it true that Kaaba opens all year long? Do they have special events on (Islamic) holidays?

        2. During the both of my Umrah I was told that Hijr Ismail is one of the multazam site. I was told that multazam is the place where all prayers are heard, or at least more heard, by Allah SWT. Knowing that Hijr Ismail should’ve been the interior of Kaaba, I find it weird that that Hijr Ismail becomes a special spot for praying, especially when most people aren’t allowed to enter the walls of Kaaba. In other words, should Kaaba was fully built before the death of Rasulullah SAW, logically most people won’t be allowed to enter Hijr Ismail, right? How about that?

        3. It is said in one of the comments above that no birds or planes can (ever?) cross above Kaaba. With so many constructions being held around and inside the mosque itself, is there a special rule from Saudi Arabia’s government to ban all construction crane for (accidentally) pass above Kaaba? Or is the rumour not exactly true? I know this question is pushing it, and I don’t think that this is a fact for common people, but it would be cool if someone know something about this matter.


        January 27, 2016 at 2:39 AM

        Dear Mr. Carlos:

        Non-Muslims are not allowed . They have to convert to Islam and say the Shahadah. Then they will be allowed.

        If you are really interested you alternatively get an idea by watching liveTV relays during Hajj pilgrimage or watch videos



      November 12, 2014 at 2:27 PM

      Dear Carlos,

      First of all you should understand that kaaba is a direction for muslims to pray. Allah wants us to pray towards one direction, therefore Allah commanded us to pray towards kaaba, but there are some exceptions where one can pray towards any direction ( for example, while in a battle field ). The same logic applies for a person in international space station. We don’t worship kaaba, but we worship Allah and kaaba is our direction. You may worship Allah towards any direction while in space.
      Why do you think its impossible for something to rotate around the earth? Where as we know that every object in space is constantly revolving and rotating?
      Heaven is beyond your approach dear. First try to physically reach the closest star then start thinking about reaching to heaven. Or even try to learn what is beyond black hole, then try to physically reach heaven.

    • ali

      November 15, 2014 at 11:01 AM

      Hey another atheist,May Allah guides u too! This blog was never meant to argue or change ur belief! read Quran with tafseer and watch Zakir Naik and peace tv videos for all ur answers!

      I congratulate you being a altheist ! at least you have brains not to believe in idols n fake gods! masha Allah u have believe first part of shahada ,to be a Muslim which is :there is no god/gods ,but Allah and Muhammad is his last prophet! Insha Allah u will believe too the other 2/3rd if u watch peace tv insha Allah !

      May Allah forgive all humans!


      March 26, 2015 at 1:33 AM

      Clad in ‘Mehram’, the devout Muslims, performing Haj, at least once, in their life time, they stand in front of the holy Kabba and perform the ritual of ‘Stone pelting’ at ‘Shaitan’. Holy Mecca, Saudi Arabia, housing Kabba, being a desert, it does not have stones, which are transported by ships into Mecca.for the ceremony.

      • Hannatu

        November 29, 2015 at 5:20 PM

        Stones are not pelted at the Ka’aba. Get your information sorted!

    • Vijay Seethepalli

      April 6, 2015 at 8:49 PM

      Carlos, if God is truly God – since there would be no other word to explain God, then God would or should not care about direction, because everything, including all directions belong to God. Kaaba is a creation of God, the same as people are creations of God, (an idea that i believe till such time that the purpose of man’s existence is known), so GOD should not mind if people pray facing the Kaaba or even if people don’t pray. If someone doesn’t pray to God it does not mean that he/she does not believe in God, as long as they are good human beings. If someone does not believe in the word “God”, it does not mean that they are bad people, because humanity is a creation of God, so a non-praying person can also be a good human being just as a follower of all that is written can still be inhuman. Rituals are meant for people who are as yet undecided, new followers or those who want to reaffirm their faith with society as a witness. True believers will let their humanity tell them what is right.

      • Hannatu

        November 29, 2015 at 5:19 PM

        If you believe in a god but do not obey him, what does that make you?

    • MG

      April 21, 2015 at 12:50 AM

      The Kaaba is about 12mx12m so if you happen to be on the exact opposite side of the world from the Kaaba, you pick what you believe to be the shortest distance. If on the ISS, then obviously any direction towards Earth. The heavenly kaaba is inaccessible to physical beings therefore you can’t reach it. There are other dimensions you know.
      That answers all the questions.

    • nadia

      April 30, 2015 at 2:31 AM

      i am muslim and if you are on the earth or anywhere in the universe without knowing directions we just pray regardless the direction believing that god is everywhere with everybody regardless directions or religions it is written in our holly book kuraan where ever you aim with your face there is god face .

    • Ghost111

      May 1, 2015 at 2:51 AM

      Carlos, With the advancement of technology, one can utilize gps, compasses, and other digital instrumentation, to route “direction”. Also for those that mention the sabians, christians and jews and accuse Islam of possessing the intent to convert the entire world…..READ chapter 2 Verse 62 in the Quran, “Any of the Christians, Jews, and Sabiens, that believe in God, believe in the day of judgement, and do good deeds/behavior, will have a beautiful reward from God, and no fear and no sorrow/grief will come to them” READ Chapter 2 Verse 112, READ Chapter 3 verse 85, etc. Islam is beautiful. It is the same message revealed over and over again to all the prophets. The life of this world is temporary, God is all around you at all times, open your eyes and you will feel.

    • Mohammed

      June 9, 2015 at 11:29 AM

      Dear Carlos,

      Such intriguingly and smart questions , you seem so logical and rational, , the man we all aspire to follow and regard as our role model our prophet was not facing the black cube in direction during prayer for a considerable time in his life,until he was guided to turn to this block of stone and wood, inspire of which all those prayer he made in the apparent wrong direction were not wasted but were accounted for by god for whom it was meant for. kaba has conceptual essence but not physical it is not revered as an idol but is just a marker and a reminder of the historic events that it has witnessed. There are things beyond the human conception and beyond the rational understanding of science that just reports the phenomenon , but does not give you a why or why not answer. it take a bit deeper understanding of science to know how little we on the is little blue dot , a insignificant speck in the cosmos and yet a speck on spec on a speck tries to rationalize all of conception. wishing you all the luck in thinking within the realm of known knowledge. try out of the box question, that no one has ever ask before, ever!

    • Abubakar Habeeb

      June 12, 2015 at 1:04 PM

      Golden Ratio Point of the Earth

      The two Phi or Golden Ratio points of the Earth based on latitude Is there a Golden Ratio point of the Earth?

      It has been claimed that the Golden Ratio of the Earth is in Mecca. (See archived website or video on Vimeo or YouTube.) Is this true?

      Letโ€™s first look at latitudes. Phi to 15 places is 1.6180339887499. There are 180 degrees between the North Pole and the South Pole, so 180 divided by Phi is 111.2461179749810. As latitudes are expressed in degrees and distance from the Equator, we subtract 90 degrees and convert this to a latitude of 21 degrees, 14 minutes and 46.02 seconds, North or South.

      The latitude of Mecca, according to Google Earth, is 21 degrees, 25 minutes and 38.56 seconds. This puts it only 10 minutes and 52.54 seconds north of the exact northern golden ratio latitude of the Earth. This is a variance of less about 1/10 of a percent, about 12 miles or 20 kilometers north of the exact golden ratio latitude point.

      Latitudes have a clear reference point of origin that is determined by the poles defined by the Earthโ€™s axis of rotation. Selecting the origin point of the longitudes is not as clear as there is no single definitive reference point. Those who claim Mecca as the Golden Ratio of point of the Earthโ€™s longitudes base this on a Mercator projection of the Earth, to which a Golden Section has been overlayed using the PhiMatrix software available from this site:

      Golden Ratio or Phi point of the Earth at Mecca using PhiMatrix software

      Golden Ratio or Phi point of the Earth at Mecca based on hypotenuse of Mercator projection Golden Ratio or Phi point of the Earth at Mecca in Longitude based on Mercator projection

      One could start from any longitude to get to any location, but using a world projection is a reasonable approach. The challenge though is that there are hundreds of different renditions of world projections that vary considerably. Hereโ€™s an example of others that produce similar results:

      Golden Ratio or Phi point of the Earth – Mercator projection

      Golden Ratio or Phi point of the Earth at Mecca – Peters projection

      The top image is the familiar Mercator projection. The bottom image is a Peters projection which eliminates the bias of the Mercator to highlight the Northern hemisphere.

      Rather than use an image subject to interpretation to determine the golden ratio of the latitude, perhaps it is better to use actual longitude measurements.

      If you accept the premise that a world projection map that divides East and West is the right foundation, the most accurate starting longitudinal reference point would then be the midpoint between Alaska and Russia at 168 degrees, 52 minutes and 42 seconds found in the satellite photo below. Using this as a starting point, the Golden Ratio point falls at 31 degrees, 22 minutes and 16.05 seconds, which is 938 km to the west of Mecca, which according to Google Earth is at 39 degrees, 48 minutes and 53.42 second East. If we use mankindโ€™s own Meridian at 180 degrees as the origin point, the Golden Ratio point is at 42 degrees, 29 minutes and 32.05 seconds, which is 298 km to the east of Mecca.

      The image below shows the resulting Golden Ratio points of longitude from the midpoint at left and also from the 180 degree meridian. Click on either image to enlarge it.

      Golden Ratio or Phi point of the Earth in longitude based on continental positions

      An alternate way to approach this is to start at the longitude of Mecca and move a Golden Ratio of 360 degrees away (222 degrees, 29 minutes and 32.05 seconds) to see where you land. This point is at 117 degrees, 19 minutes and 21.37 seconds West, which is inside the border of Russia as shown below. Click on the image to enlarge.

      Golden Ratio or Phi starting point of the Earth using a base at Mecca

      Is Mecca at the Golden Ratio point of the Earth? The answer is subject to interpretation. As one who believes in God though, the author says this:

      If God exists (and I have unwaivering faith He does) and wanted to make His existence known with absolute certainty He could do so in many ways. The God I have come to know though Jesus Christ gives us a choice to accept Him, out of His love for us. He gives us all the signs and evidence we need to sense His love and presence but always leaves enough margin for doubt so that we come to Him out of our own choice of faith and love, and not because there is no other alternative but to do so. He loves us, and desires our love, but true love requires true choice. He speaks to us in many ways, yet sometimes we decide to not grasp or accept the message, as noted in these scripture passages:

      โ€œThe heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.โ€ Psalms 19:1-4

      โ€œThough seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: โ€˜You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this peopleโ€™s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.โ€™ But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.โ€ Words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 13:13-16

      So whether it be seeing phi in the beauty of the human form or the location of oneโ€™s holy place, may our eyes, ears, heart and mind be open to the message of our Creator and God. Wherever the golden ratio point of the Earth may lie, these passages point to a deeper meaning yet in finding the place where our God would lead us to worship Him:

      โ€œSir,โ€ the woman said, โ€œI can see that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.โ€ Jesus declared, โ€œBelieve me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.โ€ The woman said, โ€œI know that Messiahโ€ (called Christ) โ€œis coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.โ€ Then Jesus declared, โ€œI who speak to you am he.โ€ John 4:19-26

      Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, โ€œThe kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, โ€˜Here it is,โ€™ or โ€˜There it is,โ€™ because the kingdom of God is within you.โ€ Luke 17:20-21

    • Abubakar Habeeb

      June 12, 2015 at 1:07 PM

      Visit this site for more explanation

    • Luke

      June 17, 2015 at 7:46 AM

      Folks are knocking this guy…the same despots who secretly (or not so secretly) want a global Islamic government. That’s a fact. It is in the Koran in several places (both explicitly stated and implicitly implied). People need to WAKE UP!!! Indeed, the kind of questions he is asking are going to become quite familiar to all of us after the Worldwide Caliphate is in place ;-)

      • Hannatu

        November 29, 2015 at 5:14 PM

        And yet, Islam is one of the fastest, if not the fastest, growing religion on earth!

      • Erns

        July 22, 2016 at 10:27 AM

        Can you please provide specific quotes from the Quran which relate to world domination?

    • jamil

      June 20, 2015 at 2:44 AM

      Dear Carlos;

      Do you know, at first the diresction in which muslims used to pray was Masjid-al-Aqsa which is in Palestine. then it was changed to Kaaba. And still if you are not sure of the direction of kaaba u can just assume it and pray. the legislation to face kaab is more for unifying and harmonizing the prayers of Muslims . Just in case if your still doubting this response as a spin, go thru this verse… And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allah . Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.(Quran 2:115)

    • 1

      July 24, 2015 at 5:55 PM

      Islam has a very realistic appeal to your type questions .
      These questions arent any new and there can be a lot of things also asked but Islam does give u an answer for such questions fortunately :)
      I hope u have heard before “Islam is not a religion it is a way of life” . That implies that Islam tells us on how we are to go about life .
      Therefore the qns u have asked do not really affect me on how to live my life – the Quran has whatever i need to know about living my life in accordance to who gave me life and the earth and whatever it is so u name it :) so basically , if the kabaah is an in rectangular shape in the heavens or cube shape it doesnt matter . Really do think how is it going to affect you .
      Plus even if ur christian u think so u can bulid a rocket ship to heavens ???? :/ seriously ?
      So Islam is abt how to have a perfect society . Saudi actualy has the lowest crime rates- any guesses why ??? They have the Islamic law to a certain extent there :)
      Although for a Muslim who maybe an astronaut would have to consider the first question -but im sure u can google it :)

    • Munawar

      July 29, 2015 at 12:51 PM

      Carlos’s questions are valid & will arise in every person having a thinking mind which is the highest gift of Allah Subhan Taala to mankind. But dogmatic doctrines & a conditioned mind prevents a layman from thinking right. Remember what is popular is not always right & what is right is not always popular.

      Dear Carlos if you r sincere in your search for truth Allah will definetly guide u. To begin with u start studing Sufism which represents the core of Islam. It has anwers for all your questions.

      • Mahesh

        October 4, 2015 at 12:05 PM

        Sufism ? Sufis have been wiped out from Pakistan by Sunnis !!!
        Sunnis & Shiyas are sworn enemies.
        Any sensible man on this planet labels Islam as a religion of Intolerance.
        Something is seriously wrong in Islam.

        • Munawar

          October 4, 2015 at 11:28 PM

          Dear Mahesh
          Your hatred has blinded you. You are a victim of lies generated & propogated by anti Islam forces.
          Try to contemplate on the following points to arrive at the truth.
          1. You say ” Islam is a religion of intolerance” :-Do u know that Muslims ruled Akhand Bharat (ancient India) for more than 800 (eight hundred years). If, as you accuse Islam & Muslims to be intolerant, then today the entire Indian population would have been Muslim & not a single Hindu temple would have existed in Akhand Bharat.
          Remember rulers like Akbar & Tipu Sultan not only protected Hindu temples but also gave generous donations to them. History is a solid proof of this. (There might be exeptional cases like the destruction of the Somnath Temple by Mahmud Gaznavi. Here the motivation was not religion but something else.)
          Also do you know that in Dubai there are quite a few Hindu temples & recently during the visit of the Indian PM to UAE, the Abu Dhabi govt. has announced the construction of a new Hindu temple.
          Do you know who was Sai baba of Shirdi or who was Nagnath & Keshavnath?
          They were all Muslim saints. The real name of Sai baba is Sikander Ali Shah & that of Nagnath is Naseruddin Chirag Delhvi (shrine in Delhi) & the real name of Keshavnath is Khwaja Gesudaraz Bandanawaz of Gulbarga.
          The list of Muslim saints revered & worshiped by majority of Hindus is unending. These saints never discriminated between Hindus & Muslims and they were pioneers in eradication of untouchability in India. In fact Haz. Khawaja Garib Nawaz was ordered to go to India to save humanity from the darkness of untouchability. He never preached Islam or he never aimed to convert the then Hindu population to Islam. But he practised Islam in such a fashion that seeing his conduct millions of untouchables & even scores of Brahmins coverted to Islam.

          2. You say “Sufis have been wiped out” :-
          Sufism is the essence & core of Islam. It may suffer a temporary setback but can never be wiped out. In Pakistan under the guidance of Tahirul Qadri it is flourishing.

          3. You say “something is wrong with Islam” :-
          Nothing is wrong with Islam; but yes, something is definitely wrong with present day Muslims. Islam is the same in its original form but narrow mindedness of some section of Muslims gives a wrong impression that something is wrong.
          This wrongness was initiated by some overzealous, politically motivated, power hungry pseudo Muslims who are backed by petro-dollars (especially from Saudi Arabia) who label all other sects like the Sufis, Shias & whoever does not conform to their brand of Islam as kafir. These pseudo muslims have used Islam as a tool to gain political mileage & fufill their greed for power. You can identify such Muslims easily. The following are their identification marks
          i. They will flaunt religious symbols subtlely shouting 24×7 ” I am a muslim ”
          ii) they show disrespect to Muslim saints & consider the saints as dead & useless, whereas it can be proved in the light of The Quran & Sunnah that these Saints are alive in their graves & Allah answers their supplications.
          ii. They have a superior complex & think that Allah Subhan-o-Tala is their personal property whereas Allah belongs to all humanity, animals, insects etc. etc.
          iii. They think that only Muslims should exist on this planet whereas the truth is that even an insect has a right to exist on this planet.
          iv. Who ever does not conform to their belief is labelled as a kafir although in the eyes of Allah he may be a true Muslim.
          v) they imagine exclusive rights to Jannah (paradise)

          These pseudo muslims are having a strong political & financial backing & thus thru satellite channels & other media their presence can be felt every where on this planet. Since they are in large numbers you have mistaken them to be true muslims which is not the case.

          Mahesh if you are a lover of truth then do not get swayed by false propoganda.
          Please verify the truth before coming to any conclusion.

          May Allah fill your heart with the light of true faith.

    • Wael Abdelgawad

      July 29, 2015 at 5:30 PM

      In which direction does one pray if one is on the opposite side of the globe from the Kaaba?

      Answer: There would be only one small spot that would be precisely opposite the Kaaba on the earth. If one took only a few paces in any direction, there would then be one direction that represented the shortest path to the Kaaba. That would be the direction of prayer.

      How about if one is on the International Space Station, which is revolving around Earth once every 92 minutes?

      Answer: I do not know much about the physics of space, but I would say just face the earth and trust God. Or determine the direction of Makkah at that exact moment and do your entire prayer in that direction, even if it changes as you pray. Allah’s knowledge and awareness is not limited to any one direction.

      If there is an exact replica of the Kaaba in heaven, which version of the Kaaba does it resemble, the current black-covered cube, or one of the earlier shapes and colors? If the heavenly version of the Kaaba is directly above the Kaaba in Mecca, does that mean the Kaaba in heaven is revolving around the Earth as the Earth rotates? How many light years away is the heavenly Kaaba? If the Kaaba in heaven and the rest of heaven is in an actual physical location, we should be able to detect it, and, if it is close enough, eventually possibly even visit it.

      Answer: All these questions relate to the dimension of Al-Ghayb, the Unseen, of which we only know what we are told. No one can answer these questions because these things do not belong to this physical universe. Personally I believe that Jannah (Paradise) and Jahannam (Hell) exist in separate dimensions or realities from our own. There are many indications of this in Islamic literature. They are not a part of our physical universe, and therefore our physical laws cannot describe them.

      • Hannatu

        November 29, 2015 at 5:08 PM

        Well Done! A very proper reply!

    • MOBEEN

      August 9, 2015 at 3:05 AM

      There is water opposite of the Kaaba, you wouldn’t pray in the ocean because you would be traveling, you make up traveling prayers up later with 2 rakhat Dara’s for each prayer. You wouldn’t pray in space because you be traveling. If you lived in space permanently then it’s your fault for missing prayer, no one told you to be a dumb ass and live in space, if you were forced by your parents they would be sinned. There is an answer for everything brother Carlos, but they are not all written down on a sheet of paper, you have to conclude with the information you are given or else you wouldn’t be given the mental capability, also if you are about to ask “well what if you’re retarded” if you’re mentally retarded then religious practices are not forced on you, you just accept Allah. Another thing why do you believe heaven is a physical dimension in the dimension we live in for it to be above us and rotating along with us, it doesn’t say that in the Quran, hadiths or the history. The things in the Quran and hadiths that haven’t already been proven scientifically correct are soon to be so while the rest of the information is to be proven correct just chillax and sit back for them to be. Don’t try to find reasons to avoid religion, find reasons to accept it, not everything has been proven by science and the studies of land and earth because those things are summed up by humans and they are challenged so it takes them awhile.

    • wendell

      August 10, 2015 at 2:39 AM

      Since the history of time, one unarguable fact about humanity on this planet is their quest for higher powers/deities in any sort and kind. Although reasons in resorting to these deities (physical or ideological) may vary, mankind does have a (I should say) vacuum somewhere in the core of their beings. This is a fact. If you are freelance in terms of the concept of deity and not tied to any form of deity, you might be regarded an atheist by Christians but I don’t know what the Muslims and Hindus will say.
      Secondly, the historical aspect of every established religion on the planet might not provide a perfect account of each religion and their beginnings. All that we know, are based on documented, undocumented legend and falsified statements and ideologies from people passed down to others from generation to generation. At the moment, we all are relying on history to make our founded and unfounded discussions. Thatโ€™s all.
      Let me make some points here. There is no doubt that the City of Babylon once existed in modern day Iraq. There is no doubt that Ramesses I & II of Egypt lived. There is no doubt that Alexander the Great lived. There is no doubt that Sir Issac Newton and Albert Einstein lived. There are many notable people and structures they put like that, remains of which are still in existence to this day.
      If I build a stature of Sir Issac Newton and pay homage and some form of adherence to it, what does it imply? Is the dead Issac Newton the same as his sculpture or is there any difference? To be honest, Catholics pay homage and adherence to the stature of Virgin Mary who is dead and gone. They do this in the name of Christianity. I once asked a Catholic why they do that, and he said if we(Catholics) and others (everyone else) don’t pay respects to Mary, the Lord Jesus would be unhappy with us.
      Hindus have so many gods and goddesses. They have the sun god, moon god, river god, and sculpture gods attributed to various notable figures in their religion. Likewise, Muslims have their scared Kaaba the Black Stone in Mecca. They pay respect and adherence to the Kaaba and forbid others from visiting it. If Allah is the One True living God and if he lives, he is definitely not the Kaaba which is nothing but a stone.
      If there is a real Creator and True Living God up there somewhere in Heaven or any other distant universe, it is very clear that the sun, moon, rivers, caves, golden images, idols, and Kaaba, are definitely not one of them and these do not match to that. Therefore, paying homage and adherence to these unnecessary deities is just wasting time. Defending them and their unfounded ideologies do not account to anything at all.
      One of the uncontestable facts is that all mankind will surely die one day and shall remain in silence in their graves for as long as the world remains. We all were born to die and we will and must die. Some religions believe that a process of reincarnations occur when people die is not true all. Poor people blindly believe in this.
      I believe that something is wrong with mankindโ€™s quest for a deity.
      Finally, if someone out there is searching for a deity and a true meaning in life, ask yourself the following questions, analyze, research and answer them.
      1. Who am I?
      2. Where did I come from?
      3. Why am I here on this planet?
      4. Where am I going?
      5. Is there life after death?
      6. Am I doing the right thing?
      7. Is everything ok in my religion?
      8. If there is a God, I want to search for the truth.

      • Hannatu

        November 29, 2015 at 5:04 PM

        You’re on your way. You’re already asking yourself questions that would eventually point you toward Allah. It is he who commanded that you exist; commanded that we face the Ka’aba and direct our hearts towards worshiping him!

    • Edin

      August 18, 2015 at 4:09 PM

      1- if you are on the opposite side of the Kaaba, you take the direction that you will follow when going straight to it walking on your feet (or flying in the air without obstacles).

      2- if you are in the ISS, and due to the lack of gravity, you are considered as one of those who are not required to pray! And you are considered as a traveler, so you are not asked to fast Ramadhan!

      3 – The Kaaba is about the concept (house of God that was built by Ibrahim) and is not about shape. For Christians, the pope is one person but have different shapes and forms (and even hearts).

      4- Only God knows!

      5 – how many light years away is the heavenly Kaaba? The distance is quite shorter my friend. It will take you a 2-digits number of our normal years before seeing it from a distance (or from a near place… Who knows!)

      6 – you want to detect heaven? That’s not easy my friend, you must study this religion as much harder as you can otherwise you will fail in what many others have succeeded.

      Have a great day!

    • Ibrahim

      August 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM

      Brother my Lord and your Lord has stated in the Quran (these words said by the almighty himself) in surah Al Rahman meaning the most merciful the most gracious. In ayat (line) 33 it’s says “33. O assembly of jinns and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority (from Allah)! This is basically saying if you have the power to reach the heavens then do so. It then says ” Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny? After Allah says “There will be sent against you both, smokeless flames of fire and (molten) brass, and you will not be able to defend yourselves. Followed with ” Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny? Brother I hope I have helped you out here with given evidence from Allah’s words and please understand we have great sorts of technology but none will be enough to reach the heavens and if you believe that you can then transgress then, pass them. You will never reach the heavens without Allah’s permission and authority.

    • Finch

      August 21, 2015 at 9:12 AM

      Hi Carlos,

      Your question would only make sense, if you were standing at the exact opposite end of the Earth to where the Ka’aba is (which would have to be a very small area; the size of the Ka’aba itself)!
      If the Qiblah was just drawing a straight line from where you’re standing, you would have 2 possible directions to pray in. The rule is that you pray in such a direction, such that if you draw a straight line from where you stand to the Ka’aba, you should be praying in the direction of the line which would meet the Ka’aba the earliest (out of the two possible directions). So you have to be praying in the direction that would be called as the shortest distance from the Ka’aba.
      (Now please before you ask further questions , get an atlas and a compass, you will also need a pencil and a scale measure and draw lines, I hope you have your answer.)
      Secondly, Heaven as we all know is ambitious and religion is something based on faith. Here I am not putting any peer pressure to you mate as to agree to my statement, According to Muslim’s prayer regulations, they pray towards the holy Ka’aba on the Planet Earth! (the Black Cubical thing in your terms, I suppose). So even in space or moon, just get an atlas and follow the procedure I mentioned earlier.
      Ka’aba in the Heaven could possibly rotate. Actually not everyone has the time to think about something like a pot head. it’s funny I must say. Maybe, maybe not, but its pretty irrelevant.

      In mathematics there is a theory known as โ€˜Theory of Probabilityโ€™. If you have two options, out of which one is right, and one is wrong, the chances that you will chose the right one is half, i.e. one out of the two will be correct. You have 50% chances of being correct. Similarly if you toss a coin the chances that your guess will be correct is 50% (1 out of 2) i.e. 1/2. If you toss a coin the second time, the chances that you will be correct in the second toss is again 50% i.e. half. But the chances that you will be correct in both the tosses is half multiplied by half (1/2 x 1/2) which is equal to 1/4 i.e. 50% of 50% which is equal to 25%. If you toss a coin the third time, chances that you will be correct all three times is (1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2) that is 1/8 or 50% of 50% of 50% that is 12ยฝ%.

      A dice has got six sides. If you throw a dice and guess any number between 1 to 6, the chances that your guess will be correct is 1/6. If you throw the dice the second time, the chances that your guess will be correct in both the throws is (1/6 x 1/6) which is equal to 1/36. If you throw the dice the third time, the chances that all your three guesses are correct is (1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6) is equal to 1/216 that is less than 0.5 %.

      Let us apply this theory of probability to the Qurโ€™an, and assume that a person has guessed all the information that is mentioned in the Qurโ€™an which was unknown at that time. Let us discuss the probability of all the guesses being simultaneously correct.

      At the time when the Qurโ€™an was revealed, people thought the world was flat, there are several other options for the shape of the earth. It could be triangular, it could be quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, octagonal, spherical, etc. Lets assume there are about 30 different options for the shape of the earth. The Qurโ€™an rightly says it is spherical, if it was a guess the chances of the guess being correct is 1/30.

      The light of the moon can be its own light or a reflected light. The Qurโ€™an rightly says it is a reflected light. If it is a guess, the chances that it will be correct is 1/2 and the probability that both the guesses i.e the earth is spherical and the light of the moon is reflected light is 1/30 x 1/2 = 1/60.

      Further, the Qurโ€™an also mentions every living thing is made of water. Every living thing can be made up of either wood, stone, copper, aluminum, steel, silver, gold, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, oil, water, cement, concrete, etc. The options are say about 10,000. The Qurโ€™an rightly says that everything is made up of water. If it is a guess, the chances that it will be correct is 1/10,000 and the probability of all the three guesses i.e. the earth is spherical, light of moon is reflected light and everything is created from water being correct is 1/30 x 1/2 x 1/10,000 = 1/60,000 which is equal to about .0017%.

      As for giving the place a visit, I’m pretty certain your pocket allowances wont be enough to afford it. Secondly, invade the Sun first which is only 149.59787 million kilometers away. And educate yourself a little bit and please for health and environment’s sake STOP SMOKING POT.

      I am an Aerospace Engineer, and I educate myself on religion and spirituality in relation to Science

      • Hannatu

        November 29, 2015 at 4:50 PM

        Well done! Someone needed putting him in his place!

    • Dan

      September 11, 2015 at 8:44 AM

      How’s it going, Carlos? We shall try to answer to the best of our abilities.

      Please take note that a Muslim does not have to pray facing the Kaaba if the Muslim is not able to, such as when travelling, or on a transport. Rather, the purpose of the Kaaba is so that Muslims will all be praying in the same direction in unity and oneness. Before the Muslims were ordered to pray facing the Kaaba, the Muslims initially prayed facing Jerusalem. When the order was given to face the Kaaba, this signified that God has chosen the new and final nation – the nation of followers of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, the descendant of Prophet Ismail peace be upon him, son of Prophet Abraham peace be upon him. For you to understand the significance of the change, you should read more on the history of Children of Israel and the reasons for why the Quran educates Muslims and uses parables from the Children of Israel, warning us to not repeat the mistakes of the Children of Israel – essentially we are the last chosen nation.

      Back to the topic, if one is not able to pray facing the Qibla, then it’s fine as there are islamic rulings to guide us in terms of when one is not able to pray facing Qibla. As God has revealed to us,

      “And Allah’s is the East and the West, therefore, whither you turn, thither is Allah’s purposeโ€ฆ” [Surah Baqarah 2:115]

    • fareeha Ghafoor

      September 17, 2015 at 12:37 AM

      we Muslims believe in forgiving so we forgive you for your sick mentality , we understand that you are mentally unstable and nothing in this world can cure that . may Allah Subhana Talah have mercy on you . You will never be that lucky to witness the breath taking beauty of Kaaba Shareef.
      Allah hu Akbar!

    • Alia

      September 17, 2015 at 12:11 PM

      To those that does think bad about Islaam.

      We Muslims could not care much for you to be Muslim , no Muslims EVER NEVER came to your step door and ask you to revert or change your religion unlike other faith because God own your heart not people and only GOD has the possibility to revert you even though your soul has met GOd before born and has declared its faith! So we will be really arrogant and audacious to even slitly think of it. That is my awnser to those who accused always the Muslims of bugging them w our religion, I think the truth of the matter you are bugged because how much weak Muslim can be we still stand in our own feet and do not reject our faith period so I call this ENVY.
      As for other commentaries I have one thing to say keep on denying what could be the reality laailaaillallaah…….. And mohamed salaaalahwaalayhi wa salaam rasool Allah. We all going to die one day or another we will meet then all together those who have mocke us mocke our prophet and all prophets…. We will have some explanation to do to HIM our creator and not to each other. Mothers fathers all siblings friends neighbors will not be able to help each other. Remember I said at your death bed. Sincerely.

    • Zahed

      October 6, 2015 at 9:23 PM

      Carlos, nice name. Break the codes in the ayats of quran. U will find ur answers their. Nothing can be craeted frm nothing. Read the quran u will definitly convert to islam whn u wil realize that Allah created you and the whole universe. La ilaha illallah muhamadur rasulullah.

    • Molly

      November 26, 2015 at 6:49 PM

      The heavenly Kaaba is not in this space-time. Above is not literal. Only Allah knows the position. We know that the existence of the universe itself is not well understood. So don’t be so patronizing

    • Hannatu

      November 29, 2015 at 4:42 PM

      Since the Heavenly Ka’aba is in “Heaven”, only those who go there will likely see it. Don’t worry Carlos. You WILL see the Heavenly Ka’aba someday, inshaAllah!

    • aki

      November 30, 2015 at 1:17 AM

      Heaven existed before Adam A.S created . And still exists to this day. You cannot use the spacecraft go to heaven.
      You have to die first, raised in ‘mahsyar’ and if you are Muslim with a lots of ‘pahala’ then you will get to heaven.

    • Din

      December 1, 2015 at 10:10 AM

      @Carlos, If you’re asking for accurate directions from anywhere, NASA MIGHT have the answer to that now but Allah knows best and the exact direction. Allahu’Alam. And the rest of your questions, Allahu’Alam. If you are really researching on all of your curious questions because you want the knowledge, I can only say this to you… Qur’an Chapter 1, verses 5, “Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.” or another “Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help.” So ask from Allah because Allah hears our prayers. Insha’Allah, Allah will give you your answers. That will be a reward from Allah. Salamu’Alaikum.

    • Aafia

      December 9, 2015 at 3:06 AM

      Have you Heard of the Golden Ratio? Mecca is in the golden ratio of Earth.You can watch this video that explains all :

    • Sufyan

      December 10, 2015 at 7:13 AM

      @ Carlos:

      No matter wherever you are, just say this ayat from Quran and start your salah in sha Allah.

      ” Inni Wajjaahtu wajhiya lillazi fataras samavati wal ardha hanifaon wama ana minal mushrikeen” which means ” Verily, I have turned my face towards HIM who created Heavens and the Earth, worshipping none but Allah alone, and I am not of Idolaters.

      or carry your compass as well.. LOL

      About the size and shape of Kaba, I would say that its little hard to say as I haven’t seen it yet but your love for knowledge about Kabah will surely get you know the answer someday most probably ‘day of judgement’. now if u say that how can i believe something which i have never seen, I haven’t seen how energy looks like coz its shapeless but i believe it exists, I haven’t seen a soul but i know it is there which if leaves a body u die, its not that your battery gets discharged ;-) and there are loads of things which we havent seen but a sane mind suggests to believe it cz thats logic.

      For more clear concept kindly watch videos of Dr. Zakir Naik and other eminent scholars on topics that concerns you on Cheers Mate

    • syed

      December 14, 2015 at 8:09 PM

      In which direction does one pray if one is on the opposite side of the globe from the Kaaba?
      Ans- In the shortest direction.

      How about if one is on the International Space Station, which is revolving around Earth once every 92 minutes?
      Ans- In the direction of earth.

      If there is an exact replica of the Kaaba in heaven, which version of the Kaaba does it resemble, the current black-covered cube, or one of the earlier shapes and colors?
      Ans- The one of the earlier shapes and colors.

      If the heavenly version of the Kaaba is directly above the Kaaba in Mecca, does that mean the Kaaba in heaven is revolving around the Earth as the Earth rotates?
      Ans- No it does not mean.

      How many light years away is the heavenly Kaaba?
      Ans- nearly 500 Light years.

      If the Kaaba in heaven and the rest of heaven is in an actual physical location, we should be able to detect it, and, if it is close enough, eventually possibly even visit it.
      Ans- yes you are right, its only a matter of time. technology is actually a gift to us from Allah.
      this life is a test. In the test may things are unseen to us like, angels, etc. The day you something among the unseen, its the end of the test.

      • Erns

        July 22, 2016 at 10:34 AM

        Im sorry brother, but some of your answers are wrong. Firstly, where do you get 500 light years from? Secondly, there is nothing to suggest that we will ever develop technology that will allow us to see, let alone visit anything 500 light years away (if that is where it is).

    • brivan

      January 4, 2016 at 12:59 PM

      I am an atheist but can answer one of your questions.if unsure of the direction to pray u can take heart from the Words of the quran “and to Allah belongs the east and west so wherever u turn there is the face of Allah” a heartfelt prayer will surely b accepted by Allah even if the petitioner doesn’t have compass.sorry if misquoted.I am an atheist.

    • Nemexia

      January 6, 2016 at 4:23 AM

      Don’t worry bro, they never respond positively to logic.

      • Erns

        July 22, 2016 at 10:35 AM

        Actually, a number of logically sound answers have been provided.


      January 27, 2016 at 2:35 AM

      Dear Mr. Carlos:

      Regarding your query about direction,this is no problem now-a-days as there are Compasses which help people locate Ka’aba.
      The main thing is while offering our prayers, we should face Ka’abah.
      The other points you raised are just hypothetical and also seem somewhat sarcastic.
      If you are a christian then this may help:

      Please contact me if you any further info.

    • Abdou

      February 1, 2016 at 9:57 AM

      U don’t need to be a genius to know how to pray, wherever are on the glob you pray towards the Kaaba its very simple..if you are in the space you still pray in the vertical direction of the Kaaba, very easy and simple..and for the the one in heavens don’t worry about it because Allah didn’t ask u to pray towards it , Allah want humains to worship him and if you refuse no one can force you..and Islam is Avery easy and simple religion in case you don’t know the Kaaba direction you can pray any direction you think its the right one..and Islam is #1 growing religion in the world.. Thanks

    • Muhammad Chohan

      February 1, 2016 at 4:52 PM

      First any way would be fine since any way you look it’s where the Kabba is. Qibla math gets even trickier when youโ€™re not on Earth. Nine Muslims have been to space, on a series of American and Russian missions, and when a Muslim astronaut is in low Earth orbit, the position of Mecca can shift nearly 180 degrees before he or she can finish a prayer. A 2007 survey of Muslim scientists commissioned by Malaysiaโ€™s space agency recommended that spacegoing Muslims do the best they can โ€œbased on what is possible.โ€ Sometimes, said the scholars, just facing roughly in the qibla of Earth is all one can do. Also not all is logic as Muslims say, Allah/God can do anything… Hope you got your answer!

    • Muhammad Chohan

      February 1, 2016 at 4:54 PM

      First look any way since you will be looking at the Kabba no matter what. Qibla math gets even trickier when youโ€™re not on Earth. Nine Muslims have been to space, on a series of American and Russian missions, and when a Muslim astronaut is in low Earth orbit, the position of Mecca can shift nearly 180 degrees before he or she can finish a prayer. A 2007 survey of Muslim scientists commissioned by Malaysiaโ€™s space agency recommended that spacegoing Muslims do the best they can โ€œbased on what is possible.โ€ Sometimes, said the scholars, just facing roughly in the qibla of Earth is all one can do. Also, for the last question let me just say, not everything has to be logical since I and Muslims think and know Allah/God can do anything and anything!

    • King

      March 9, 2016 at 2:51 AM

      Dear Carlos,

      You may not understand this depending on your faith. Never think that any request or question you have is too much for Allah, He says: “BE” and it is.

    • Muhammad Saad Sami

      April 26, 2016 at 3:53 PM

      Hi Carlos,

      Hopefully you will be fine.
      I was just surfing the net when I got here, then I read your queries in the end. I am not a religious scholar nor do I practice Islam as it is meant to be. But I think your above questions can be answered in just two simple concepts (As all of your questions revolve around two things: The Kaaba and the Prayer):

      1. Firstly, coming to the queries regarding prayers and the directional issues. I think our Mullas have presented a very rigid diagram of Islam. Islam is very much flexible. I mean do you think God who is the creator of all of the universe and Galaxy really needs our prayers. Prayers are just a mode of mental connection with someone(Allah) who can look after you in the biggest of crisis. And in one of the Hadith it is stated that Allah loves man more than seventy Mothers. May be you think I am getting irrelevant but in Islam the intention of doing anything really matters. Long story short when ever you have a directional issue just remind that I am bowing to someone who don’t cares for the direction, my bowing down to him is the thing that matters to him. Also we pray so as to become more beloved of Allah and more special to him. And once we are among his beloved ones nothing would bother us anymore.

      2. Secondly, your queries about the Second Kaaba, one in the heavens. Before I answer to your question, I would again prefer to clear the concept. Well Carlos, Man is just a creation of God, just like computer is a creation of Man. Computer cannot know everything about Man (like his thoughts, his emotions etc) until or unless it is feed with specific knowledge. Similarly Man cannot know everything about God and even his creations until or unless God wants him to. e.g. Man today has discovered Galaxies far far away but still cant control disasters and natural calamities. We cant even fix the feather of a fly once torn apart. And thats just a micro level. You will again be thinking me of irrelevant but believe me there are things which Man cannot intend to know.
      By the way dont get disappointed. I have promised you the answer and luckily God has feed us with Answer regarding Second Kaaba. So here is your answer:
      In Islamic teachings, there are seven layers of heavens or sky. God’s Throne is above these seven layers. And the only person who has crossed these seven layers to meet the God in person is Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) at the event of Miraj. It was that event when Second Kaaba was revealed to Holy Prophet (SAW). The point is, at the event of Miraj when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was invited to heavens by God there was a point named Sidra Tul Muntaha that no one can cross not even Gabrial (The leader of angels). So, there are limits in heavens which even Angels cant cross. Now returning to my point, Second Kaaba may be somewhere in the third or above layer of Heavens and whether or not it is rotating with Earth or may be Earth Rotating around it, we simply dont know and may be its out of our reach. I have not studied much literature. Surely there will be more about Second Kaaba in the Islamic Literature. You have to research under someone’s guidance.

      Best of luck for your research. If you find more please share. But please remember one thing. Man cannot learn everything, if he could, there wont be any God.

    • Kispangit

      May 2, 2016 at 9:30 AM

      This point with the ISS is legitimate. Allah (swt) after all has allowed space travel. A fatwah should be issued about prayers on the ISS – or the South Pole Station for that matter. Is there one?

    • Shabz

      May 16, 2016 at 8:46 PM

      One prays in the direction of the kaabah example if in south africa face north east ! If in canada south west ! Secondly nope you cannot detect heaven with technology and no belief as technology is not capable of detecting that which is devine so its a matter of belief from the heart and soul when the reality of heaven can be appreciated ! As for your technicak quiestions it seems that your denial of the almighty existence still has u somewhat bothered or iritated at others which in itself prooves that you are not convinced at all as we are beyond the iritation of you not believing in Almightys existence which in turn prooves that our belief is more convincing to us as wgat yours is to you and therefore we smile and pray that someday you will realize there us bon worthy of worship besides Allah the sooner u do the faster your iritation will go ! Try it

    • Saira

      May 18, 2016 at 7:18 PM

      Carlos the unlucky fool
      So sad you are not blessed
      Carlos = careless
      Carlos = car loss
      Carlos = car low
      Low individual

    • zahid

      May 20, 2016 at 9:26 AM

      Carol and others hello…I am a muslim indeed and you are Christian, jews, atheist etc. Does that matter most or above all we are same mankind. The color of our blood isn’t same? Don’t we want peace and harmony and a better world? We all have same feeling on same issues. Think about it !!!!! Instead of finding out the common understandings and causes why we are fighting (!) on differences. All of us are educated enough to study a lot and decide which is good or bad , logical or illogical. Nothing is imposed on any of us. We are free to choose not only for oneself but for the humanity. And always we can learn from each other and discuss for the cause of humanity. Just remember history and the present tells us that few ambitious men exploit the common people either to go to power or to remain in power. They create rifts amongst us by misinterpreting what we have.
      So brother, let us study and understand each other and make it a better world. Inshalla, we can make it, its not late I hope.

    • Joseph Suber

      May 23, 2016 at 2:31 AM

      Its turtles, man. Turtles all the way down.

    • ashfaq ahmed

      June 14, 2016 at 4:32 PM

      AoA, when you are not sure which direction is the Kaaba or you are in the space station then Allah address that in Quran Al-Baqarah – 2:115
      And to Allรขh belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn yourselves or your faces there is the Face of Allรขh (and He is High above, over His Throne). Surely! Allรขh.

      However if you know the direction towards Kaaba then you should face toward Kaaba as it is instructed by the prophet Muhammad Swallah hu alay he wasallam. Also note a point that Muslim doesn’t pray “to” Kaaba but towards Kaaba. Prayer are intended only the Almighty Allah.
      I hope I answered your question.

    • Luthfi

      June 29, 2016 at 3:09 PM

      May peace be with you.

      Allah tells in Quran
      Allah is of the east and of the west, to him belongs dominion of heavens and the earth and all that is between them.

      It is your piety and intention that reaches Allah and Kabaa is to keep all in one direction of prayers else they all would be performing prayers as they like. It’s aligning all towards a common platform.

    • Fatimah

      July 8, 2016 at 8:33 AM

      I would like to extract the answer from Quran -the Book from Allah. This verse was sent for people like you who wondered such things. (Quran, Al Baqarah, verse,177) “It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to East or west but it is righteousness to believe in Allah, His Angels and the Book (quran) to spend your sustenance out of love for Him, for your kin, orphans, needy, wayfarer, those who ask for help, for ransom of salves. Be steadfast in prayer, charity, fulfill your promises, be patient in pain, adversity and times of panic.

    • Erns

      July 22, 2016 at 9:28 AM

      In which direction does one pray if one is on the opposite side of the globe from the Kaaba?
      Firstly, Prayer is not supposed to be a gymnastic exercise. One is supposed to concentrate on the prayer rather the exact orientation.
      More specifically, you follow the linear direction to Mecca. While the common misconception is that Muslims always pray facing east, that’s only true if you’re west of Makkah. In the US, it’s roughly northeast. If you are in Japan you would face west-northwest, and if in South Africa, you would face north-northeast
      If you are at the exact opposite end of the globe, you would conceivably have two linear directions to choose from, both are correct.
      How about if one is on the International Space Station, which is revolving around Earth once every 92 minutes?
      This is a problem also encountered when travelling by plane. But more specifically addressed by Sheikh Muszaphor Shukor, a Muslim crew member on the 16th mission for the international space station. To address this concern, a conference of 150 Muslim scholars and scientists was convened prior to his mission. The overwhelming consensus was that in situations like this the qibla should be determined on what is possible.
      This advice is further substantiated by Dr Kamal Abdali, a cartographer who has written extensively on determining the qibla. He points out that in a train or plane, it’s customary to start in the qibla direction but then continue the prayer without worrying about possible changes in position.
      If there is an exact replica of the Kaaba in heaven, which version of the Kaaba does it resemble, the current black-covered cube, or one of the earlier shapes and colors?
      To be honest, I donโ€™t understand the relevance or significance of this question.
      If the heavenly version of the Kaaba is directly above the Kaaba in Mecca, does that mean the Kaaba in heaven is revolving around the Earth as the Earth rotates? How many light years away is the heavenly Kaaba? If the Kaaba in heaven and the rest of heaven is in an actual physical location, we should be able to detect it, and, if it is close enough, eventually possibly even visit it.
      Good questions, except you assume that โ€œthe heavensโ€ exist within this universe. It is possible that the heavens exist beyond our universe with its constraints of space, time and matter. The possibility of something existing beyond our universe is supported by the โ€œbig bang theoryโ€ and the relatively new โ€œmultiverse theoryโ€.
      Furthermore, if it we assume that โ€œthe heavensโ€ exist within this universe, does this mean we should be able to detect it. Well the answer is no, due to the size of the universe, we cannot physically detect all objects in the universe. In fact, some objects are so many light year away that we will never be able to detect them.
      I hope this answers your questions.

    • Whacko

      July 26, 2016 at 11:07 AM

      This made me laugh out loud.. :D .. actually i find any religious rituals funny. People look like kids who didn’t grow out of their imagination land when the grew up… i so wish you’re still using your id to see this response :)

      1. The exact opposite spot from Mecca on Earth is in the middle of the pacific. Which is right here –'51.3%22S+141%C2%B007'42.7%22W/@-20.49758,-141.1307207,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d-20.49758!4d-141.128532?hl=en.
      Would love to see a boat filled with worshippers doing a headstand. Brownie points if you can do Yoga as a part of offering prayers.

      2. In an international space station – well, it takes a lot of studies and university degrees and ‘modern science’ to get there. Question invalid.

      3. There is a replica in heaven. When the monument on Earth fell apart, they broke the heavenly one too and rebuilt both together so that they could match.

      4. The heavenly Kaaba is located at a distance of average 405,565 km from the earth directly above the Earth Kaaba. But it follows an elliptical path and has an apogee of 421,080 km and a perigee of 390,050 km. Since the apogee of moon is 405,504 km and Perigee is 363,396 km, the two sometimes cross each other’s path (narrowly missing) and some spectacular images of Heavenly Kaaba can be clicked using a gamma camera from moon. When this happens twice a year, people celebrate eid. Have you ever wondered by the significance of the crescent moon * ) ? Kaaba heaven and Moon don’t risk crashing into each other, although, they might come really near to each other. *)

      5. Non-muslims are forbidden from entering Kaaba heaven, since it’s a temporary stoppage after muslims die before deciding if they make it to paradise (72 virgins) or hell (satan). That’s why there have been no space missions to that place.
      P.S. the Kaaba in heaven is invisible to human eye (can’t see it) and ethereal (can’t touch it), so spaceships can’t reach it and people who don’t believe in Allah can’t see it.

    • umar

      August 3, 2016 at 9:01 AM

      these are very interesting questions as my friends have desire to worship and pray but he is still confuse in worldly things. First of all Muslim do not worship kaaba, they worship the creator of all universe, the one who told this world that the earth is round like egg 1400 hundred years ago, which was strange for centuries, the one ho talk about easts and wests 1400 hundred year ago now we know that the rise of sun is different in summer and different in winter the one who tells from beginning to end, the one who regulates every thing, from the core of earth to deepest part of sea still un seen un touched, from the gasses layer to distant black holes erupting energy and absorbing energy.
      Kabba is just an icon ALLAH is every where offering salah five times a day need direction towards kabba but if you want to pray your GOD, just say the name, the creator know creation better then any one else. kabbas gives muslims single direction, a direction for all person living on earth.
      when a muslim starts offering prayer facing kabba infact he surrenders him self against desire of his creator.
      it is sea exactly behind kaaba, but even if you are in flight which is changing direction one can just start salah and the creator knows it. what is the color of kabba does not makes any difference to muslims because for them kabba is not GOD. the kabba in heavens is not for humans but for the creation of heaven which are angels. if some one says that where is heaven how many light years away, then i will say that this question is bit early. we hardly reach some multiples of sound speed with out state of art fighter jets. a countable number of humans across earth reach above 100 years the what is the point of light years. previously electron, protons and neutron were basic particles now science says there are sub particles. science is still silent how man made pyramids were built. 95% sea life is UN-discovered. then why we are talking about beyond our solar system, our galaxy and our universe.
      if someone want to access the heaven then only way is with the help of creator. today science says that time can be folded like fabric which was also mentioned in quran 1400 years ago then only one power can fold the time and that power is GOD. we human can just invent only GOD can create. some people might say that there are artificial elements but all of them are not stable but transition. Only GOD can regulate every thing for billion of years from gravity to magnetism, seasons to weather, earth surface to earth core sun rise to decent. every thing.
      only one GOD, the GOD of kaaba, muslims, humans and every creation of universe can bring some on to heaven and only that GOD deserve prayer.

    • Nada

      September 12, 2016 at 4:40 PM

      Just trying to answer few of your questions. The opposite to kabba in the other side of earth is probably ocean. I have been to far west ( Pacifiec coast ) We prayed heading east. My brother lived in Japan and he faced west praying. We do that using a compass. No rocket science really.
      To represent anything in general a thing must not necessarily be A REPLICA ! To be more specific Muslims dont have records of the colors and dimentions. Having a faith that we believe in makes things like colors and size irrelevant. Believers in any faith will see my point for they believed in God and heavens but didnt actually see them by naked eye or have specific records that describe them.
      There are 7 skies Or layers in the sky/ universe between us and heavens . How long it take to reach the heavenly kabba ! As much as it take to go to heaven ! A question which no faith ( Judaism, christianity or islam) or science can answer . But If you believe in heavens you would not want to know how long the ride is only to visit.. You will want to stay.. If you dont believe then probably its pointless to ask.
      Thank you

    • Abbas

      September 18, 2016 at 5:37 PM

      Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
      (In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful)

      Salam(Peace) Carlos

      Q1. Which direction does one pray when on the opposite side of the globe from Kaaba?
      Answer:- As we all might know that the earth is a sphere like a ball hence the word globe, so where ever you stand on the globe you will always have two sides facing the Kaaba one which will directly face the Kaaba and second which will circulate the globe from that point to the Kaaba. Now the question is which side do you face ? Well I think it’s simple the side which has the shortest distance to the Kaaba. So when you are on the opposite side of the Globe face the side which is closest to the Kaaba. Now this could be also question further by saying what if I’m exactly and precisely on the opposite side? I will have numerous directions and the distance of all will the directions will be equal? Alright to that first I will ask you how do you know that you are precisely on the opposite side of Kaaba? Well let’s give you the benefit of doubt and say you do know and you are precisely on the opposite side of The Kaaba well yet again it really simple. Now you have many directions going towards the Kaaba and all of them are Equal so just take one step in any direction and start praying then you would have just two direction to the Kaaba and the side you are facing would be the closest?. A step wouldn’t hurt would it ? I mean if Allah has give you this life and all that comes with it can’t you take one step towards him? Take one step towards Allah He will take ten steps towards you. If you say you don’t wanna take a step and you want to pray right from there well then Islam is not for the people who are stubborn. You can stand right there ? Also first comes intention and then direction ?

      Q2. If you are at a space station which is revolving earth every 92 minutes?
      Answer:- Allah is Ar – Rahim ( The Most Merciful) Allah in the Quran says in some verses that He does not burden a soul more than it can bare. So he has given different rulling for Namaz when travelling and I think being at a space station means being away from home which means travelling and Now I won’t spoon feed you. If you have the want for knowledge and understanding you will search for your self. If this reply doesn’t satisfy your curiosity then I would advice you or the person at the space station to do the math and calculation of the movement of the revolution of the space station and adjust your direction accordingly. It takes about 5 mins to pray 2 rakats. So start your Namaz where ever the direction of Kaaba is at that moment place and time and leave the rest to Allah. As said earlier first comes intention and then direction?.

      Q.3 About the heavenly Kaaba?
      Answer:- There’s a reason why it’s called Heavenly Kaaba and that its situated in the above Heaves. We live on earth which is in the lowest Heaven or realm as you would understand it and we only have a Glimpse of understanding which was passed down to us about the other Heavens. In order for us to understand it more we have to work towards it more and try and gain more knowledge and eventually die to see it or know it that too if we are lucky enough to be in the Heavens or else you are smart enough to know where the other place is ? Why don’t you try using your 100% brain if you are so true with your questions let me see you do that ? Well don’t try cause no normal human ever could or ever will be able to understand and there’s a reason to why we can’t use our 100% brain and the reason is that He gives us a sign saying you don’t know everything it’s not in your power to know everything. Only Allah is The All Knowing. I rest my case for this question ?

      Q.4 How far is the heavenly Kaaba? How many light years ? Will you eventually possibly visit it in this life ?
      Answer :- No you won’t eventually possibly visit it in this life. Why? Do you know what Dark Matter is ? I’m guessing you don’t. Let me give you a brief idea about Dark Matter. What ever is out there the entire so known UNIVERSE is ( The standard model of cosmology indicates that the total massโ€“energy of the universe contains 4.9% ordinary matter) which means 85.1% is not known or seen by us which is known as Dark Matter. You can not see it as light does not emit on it, you can not collide with it but we feel it’s gravity. Google it if you want to understand more. Now this information comes from science and not Islam. But well There are many verses in the Quran which talk about Dark Matter and the other Six heavens or realms as you understand it . I’ll put down a few.

      [Quran 55.31] We [Allah] will settle your affair, both you of weight (man and jinn)

      This indicated about the WEIGHT which we feel trough gravity. Look up dark matter.

      [Quran 41.12] So [Allah] decreed them as seven heavens (one above the other) in two days and revealed to each heaven its orders. And We [Allah] adorned the lowest heaven with lights, and protection. Such is the decree of the Exalted; the Knowledgeable.

      [Quran 65.12] Allah is the one who created seven Heavens and from Earth like them (of corresponding type); [Allah’s] command descends among them so that you may know that Allah is capable of anything and that Allah knows everything

      [Quran 67.3-4] [Allah] is the one who created seven superimposed Heavens “ุณุจุน ุณู…ูˆุงุช ุทุจุงู‚”. You do not see variations in the formations of the Compassionate, so redirect your sight, do you see any creation (Futtur in Arabic ูุทูˆุฑ)? Then redirect your sight again, your vision returns to you in defeat and regret.
      (This is where it shows us the way to look at dark matter if you look up for Dark Matter you will understand that you can’t see Dark Matter directly)

      Now I hope all this information was sufficient enough for the people with understanding. As I can’t spend any more time on people who do want to understand. Please stop trying to prove Islam wrong cause the Truth can not be proved wrong. Whether you believe or not the Truth won’t change because you don’t believe. The Truth doesn’t exist because or on the basis of yours and my belief. Our believes exist because and on the basis of The Truth. You need to believe in Allah and the hereafter He doesn’t need you to believe in Him. You can not take anything from Him nor can you give Him any thing. You can only and only give your self and take away from your self. So please give your self some knowledge you deserve better ?

      I will conclude with :-

      Ask to understand don’t ask to find faults

      Imam Ali (AS)

    • bashee ahamed

      October 18, 2016 at 5:42 AM

      they can pray at any direction of their choice as has been done by the people of Mecca. Who knows the heaven where it is..Allah alone knows..and He will decide only after the day of judgement..and for Him everything is possible and He can make it in a minute or day..and also possible for Him to keep the replica of Kabaa rotating or fixed exactly above the present kabaa in an another milky way or galaxy..and the scientist has not explored many things..and the present studies say that many milky way may exist with habitation of powerful and intelligent people. Quran has not revealed to the world in text but only by sound and text of quran is not holy only the sound of quran and Allah saved it safely in some mode..i am a lay man i do not know what Allah did/do/will do.

    • Faruque Ahmad

      October 18, 2016 at 10:55 PM

      Hi Carlos, I know answers to some of your questions and probably can answer the others guessing a little bit in my way. But I’m afraid of talking inaccurately, which is strictly prohibited in Islam. Instead, I would like to give you names of some of the Muslim scholars that I know of, if you agree. But can I request you one thing., try to know religion only if you’re looking for the truth and ready to accept it with an open heart. And, please don’t get offended by some stupid answers to your valid questions.

    • Saif uddin

      November 10, 2016 at 12:18 AM

      Wait until u die ull know the truth………..fools like u came before and passed away…… wait …………or if u want success after u die then read Quran understand it and decide for ur self whether it is the truth or not our prophet peace be upon him told us many prophecies that came true ………….And keep ur tiny brain with u

    • Z

      December 22, 2016 at 6:35 PM

      You can pray in any direction. Just like if you are traveling in train or a ship.
      It doesn’t matter which shape of that kaba in heaven is because it doesn’t effect us and it’s not a sound hadith. In this article they are many things which are not certified hadiths. Thing about heaven we can only judge what has been told by Prophet PBUH and Quran. Allah hasn’t given us knowledge of that and we are unable to understand. If we could see heaven then life wI’ll not be a test everyone will be a true believer on the earth when he could see heaven and hell or angels etc.

    • Charles

      January 4, 2017 at 2:35 PM

      O pilgrims to the Ka’bah! Where are you? Where are you?
      The beloved is right here, come back!
      Your beloved is residing next door;
      What are you searching, confused, in the desert?
      If you see the formless manifestation of the beloved’s form
      You will be the master, the house, and the Ka’bah yourself.
      Ten times you reached that house [Ka’bah] through the same route;
      Just once climb up the roof of this house [your soul].

      (Divan 648:1-4)

  2. Tariq Nisar Ahmed

    November 15, 2012 at 1:42 AM

    Jazakumullahu khayran — I did not know all of those. I imagine if the cloth color or design were changed anytime soon, that at least half the Muslim world would be certain that the end of the world were coming. Alhamdolillah, that Islam makes much more sense than that.

    • Gibran

      November 15, 2012 at 2:19 PM

      Assalamaualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

      Wajid bro, I remember one of the signs of the Last Day from hadith was that the keys to the Kaaba will be given by someone to the king or by the king to someone-I can’t remember. Have you read anything like that?

      JazzakAllah for this jaw dropping post. Dude, I think right before you’re “pick your jaw up sentence” my jaw actually dropped. LOL.

      • Wajid

        September 5, 2013 at 4:46 AM

        Walaikum asalaam

        Sorry brother Gibran – I am not sure why I missed your reply. I don’t remember reading anything like that although I do remember it being an interpretation of the specificity of the hadith of the Prophet(SAW) implying that a king will forcibly take the key and this will be a further proof of his tyranny. WAllahu Alam.

  3. Dreamlife

    November 15, 2012 at 3:27 AM

    JazakAllah for the interesting post. One other intriguing aspect is the hadith about how the Kabah will be destroyed by an Abysinnian man…this being one of the signs of the end of the world.

    The part about Al-Bait-al-Ma’mur (i.e. Allฤh’s House) is also amazing. When you’re actually at the Kabah, just thinking that you’re DIRECTLY under this place just adds so much more awe to the experience.

    May Allah take us all there again and again.

    • TRAVIS

      August 30, 2015 at 4:59 AM

      There’s not enough evidence to substantiate whether Abraham travelled to a stark desert platform like Arabia back then; apparently by foot. It is just a fabricated story nonetheless. When looked upon under the guise of faith, people would find it acceptable. These are nothing more than fables to keep people intact in following a cult from dark ages! Read scriptures other than religious doctrines, for your questions will all be answered.

      • Shabz

        May 16, 2016 at 8:53 PM

        Well what u should bear in mind is that this religious doctrine or quraan has been scientificly tested and prooven true so until it can be proven false which will never happen it is nore then enough proof to a 3rd of the worlds population and coz of its truth and rick solid consistency its the fastest selling most well read book in the world and islam is the fastest growing religion ! Is that just a coincidence to you

  4. Yasmin

    November 15, 2012 at 4:46 PM

    Mashallah, very interesting post!

  5. Carlos

    November 15, 2012 at 8:19 PM

    Thank you, Wajid, but do Muslims not have such questions? What answers do Muslims get to such questions? I have one more question. The photos show everyone pointing the tops of their heads toward the Kaaba. If you are not within a few hundred kilometers of Mecca, and you want to still point the top of your head at the Kaaba, would you not have to point the top of your head toward the ground? People in the Western Hemisphere should be doing headstands when praying, should they not? Did the custom of praying toward Mecca arise when people assumed the Earth was flat?

    • Amanda

      November 20, 2012 at 1:09 AM

      Carlos, I’ll answer some of your questions, not because I want to start a debate or anything silly as such, but because I used to have questions like yours before I became Muslim. And so, I believe that although these questions are not the type of questions that will do you any good, they are questions that can sometimes run across a curious mind, or a person who is trying to “protect” himself from religion by using his “brain”. I would like to point out to you, though, that although your questions may sometimes seem like genuine, smart question to you, many times you will be “digging” yourself into trouble rather than elevating yourself from ignorance. I am sorry if I have said anything, so far, that is offensive. If I have, forgive me. I am only trying to answer your questions while stating why I think you are not asking the right types of questions—that is, if you are sincere in knowing about Islam.

      The question about the direction of prayer. If you are on the opposite side of the Earth, you would not pray standing on your head. That is silly, but it is understood why you would tell yourself that that is what is more appropriate since Earth is oval shaped. But consider this: If you want to travel to the other side of the world, your only “option” is not traveling through the Earth’s crust, it is? Obviously, there is a direction to take, alongside the Earth’s surface, that will eventually take you where you want to go. Another question that you asked about was praying in space. Although you will most likely never go there, it is appropriate to ask since it is feasilble. When a Muslim is traveling for example in a plane, or even in space, and s/he has to pray, it is understandable that s/he may not be able to stop the travel and pray in the correct direction. Thus, praying in the correct direction is no longer an obligation.

      Islam is easy. Islam is practical. Islam is for those who reflect.

      Hope this satisfies your questions.


      • Halwah

        June 1, 2013 at 11:14 PM

        Salaam sister excellent! Actually I did not find his questions offensive, as these are matters of fiqh. Those with deep and strong understanding of qur’an and sunnah as well as the madzhabs of fiqh will be able to elucidate some of his concerns and add supports from hadith and qur’an, these are why we continuously are in need of brainy and spiritually astute Islamic scholars in our times so they can shine their nur in the world and help to guide us who are not so knowledgeable in these areas in an increasingly diverse and changing world. We should not shun, we should look into Islam and find out what it says in case there is a valid and practical concern.

    • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

      November 20, 2012 at 2:20 AM

      Dear Carlos
      Please note while we are more than happy to allow comments from you that add value to the site. However, your recent comments are violating our comments policy (and you are well aware of this). Please consider this a formal warning that your commenting privileges on this site will be revoked if you continue on this path.

      CommentsTeam Lead

      • Carlos

        November 21, 2012 at 12:34 AM

        Dear Aly,

        It has been a while since I have reviewed the MM comments policy, but I do not think I am doing anything that violates it. Judging from my comments that MM has censored, it is my comments that challenge Islam as a doctrine that are deemed to violate the policy. Is challenging the legitimacy of Islam a violation of MM’s policy? I am atheist. My ideology challenges the legitimacy of Islam and all other religions. How can I write freely about my thoughts on MM if I cannot challenge Islam? Is Islam above criticism? Is it above criticism from non-Muslims, but not from Muslims?


        • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

          November 22, 2012 at 6:24 AM

          Dear Carlos

          Our comments policy may be found at and we encourage you and all our readers to read and comply. There have been many of your comments that have been let through (and I can say this because I myself have pressed the approve button) but those that we feel do not add value to the discussion or are in conflict with our policy we do censor or edit.

          While there have been calls for banning you I for one think a lot of your comments do add value. You are generally very polite and that has never been an issue. It is only when you start mocking our religion that things get problematic.

          We look forward to positive contribution from your side and seeing your comments. However, consider yourself on warning.

          Best Regards

          • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

            November 22, 2012 at 6:26 AM

            One point has always puzzled me. During the few months that we were using the Disqus comment system you had totally disappeared. As soon as we got back to WP comments you came back. Is there a reason? Is Disqus atheist-phobic? :)

          • Carlos

            November 22, 2012 at 10:04 PM

            The new format just did not appeal to me. Also, my wife was complaining that I was spending too much time preaching to Muslims, and I agreed with her. Also, I was getting a little tired of the sometimes arbitrary way my comments were being withheld. Now that I am on probation, it will get worse, because my freedom of speech has been “chilled.”. Sometimes I think Muslims are too quick to consider criticism as “mocking.”. I like you guys. I have learned much from you. I hope you don’t ban me. You can learn a lot about atheists and Americans from me. I am not necessarily a typical atheist or American, but I am definitely unique in my willingness to spend extraordinary amounts of time communicating with deeply faithful Muslims, people who are so different from me in their beliefs.

          • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

            November 23, 2012 at 5:18 AM

            You have been on moderation for quite some time so your “freedom” was always “chilled”.

        • hashim

          January 11, 2014 at 6:36 PM

          Dear Carlos,
          u can remain atheist if u choose but I feel u should read at least once an authentic translation of Holy Quran and ponder. It will answer many questions in ur mind. But u have to be respectful while studying it.

      • MOBEEN

        August 9, 2015 at 3:12 AM

        There is water opposite of the Kaaba, you wouldn’t pray in the ocean because you would be traveling, you make up traveling prayers up later with 2 rakhat Dara’s for each prayer. You wouldn’t pray in space because you be traveling. If you lived in space permanently then it’s your fault for missing prayer, no one told you to be a dumb ass and live in space, if you were forced by your parents they would be sinned. There is an answer for everything brother Carlos, but they are not all written down on a sheet of paper, you have to conclude with the information you are given or else you wouldn’t be given the mental capability, also if you are about to ask “well what if you’re retarded” if you’re mentally retarded then religious practices are not forced on you, you just accept Allah. Another thing why do you believe heaven is a physical dimension in the dimension we live in for it to be above us and rotating along with us, it doesn’t say that in the Quran, hadiths or the history. The things in the Quran and hadiths that haven’t already been proven scientifically correct are soon to be so while the rest of the information is to be proven correct just chillax and sit back for them to be. Don’t try to find reasons to avoid religion, find reasons to accept it, not everything has been proven by science and the studies of land and earth because those things are summed up by humans and they are challenged so it takes them awhile.

    • Muhammad al-Hakeem

      November 30, 2012 at 8:53 PM

      I wanted to comment on Carlos’ questions.

      His questions are highly influenced by atheistic, material thinking that can never dispose of some of its arrogance to try to discuss with spiritual beliefs. In Islam, thanks to Allฤh, we do not care whether we see our Creator or the Unseen World because even seeing such things would never possess any evidence for why we should believe in them. We have already believed through logic and many other proofs that Islam is the absolute truth and that the Noble Qur’ฤn is the verbatim word of the Creator of the heavens and earth (for me, as a native Arabic-speaker, the Qur’ฤn solely in itself is the proof that it is from a non-human source, i.e. the Creator), and then, after we have known this infallible truth, we have no excuse to reject anything it tells us. Very simply, “detecting” through science such unseen things would not render us stronger believers, and we do not care whether we do detect them because we may die in a femtosecond and then it would be of no use when it’s too late to believe. Had Muslims depended on what you are saying, they would have never practiced their religion for 1400 years and they will definitely not do so for the next millennia because science is everchanging.

      We Muslims, thanks to Allฤh, do not question why Allฤh has forbidden for us pork, alcohol, fornication, rape, incest, homosexuality, backbiting, murder, etc., nor do we ask what would benefit us of praying, fasting, giving charity, performing pilgrimage, being kind to the neighbors and hospitable to the guests, and being just and honest. Of course, that does not mean we do not have answers for such questions or should not seek to know the wisdom of the Creator behind them, but it means that we submit to His Will since we have already found through logical proofs the absolute truth in His revelation to His Last Prophet (PBUH); after all, that’s the very essence of being a Muslim.

      Again, had we depended on science and its discoveries to justify Allฤh’s commands, we would have kept on eating pork, drinking alcohol and doing each and everything forbidden, and we would have abandoned each and every act of worship commanded by Allฤh, for we would have yet to know the “harms” of the former and the “benefits” of the latter โ€“ the same exclusively material way of thinking depending on “personal interests.”

      There are things we do not treat with common sense in Islam. For example, if a person does ablution, wears socks, then nullifies his ablution by any means and now wants to do ablution again, he only has to move his fingers along the upper side of his socks. But common sense tells us we should wash the bottom of our socks as it is the side exposed to dirt when walking; should we obey common sense here and disobey the direct order of our Creator? Surely no, because we have already believed in Him and known that whatever He ordains is the best for us, for He is the best to know about His creation.

      Therefore, we do not have to firsthand see the angels, the demons, al-Bayt al-Ma’moor, the Seven Heavens, or even the Almighty Creator to strengthen our beliefs, for even then it would never be enough evidence for close-minded people who adhere to physical things alone. The unending atheist argument is that they must see, smell, and hear God to know He exists. Fact is, even if they do so it will never suffice them; even if they see the Creator create His creation and see the creation process with all their own open eyes, they will make another excuse as to why there is no God. They will say they have been tricked or have seen magic because once they have refused logic in the first place, nothing else will suffice.

      May Allฤh guide us all. Ameen.

    • Abu Taariq

      December 9, 2012 at 1:38 PM


      there is a narration that says: “don’t ask a question if you are not ready for the answer” I would like to ask are you interested in Islaam or are you seeking to cause doubt in the minds of Muslims. what do you believe in and how have you come to this belief? like the brother said what is the use answering questions when your intention is not one of truly seeking the truth.

    • Aliflammim

      December 13, 2013 at 8:53 PM

      I thought if you pray, the Islamic instruction is to “turn yourself in the direction of the sacred Mosque”? This does not imply that one has to be looking directly AT the Kaaba, only in its DIRECTION.. so you would follow the natural curvature of the Earth, the way you would WALK to it if journeying in a straight line.
      Also, as I understand it, it’s OK to “pray by estimation” where the need arises, like if you were on the Space Station… after all, what are the prayer times on the Space Station? Again it’s by estimation.
      And Allah knows best.

    • TRAVIS

      August 30, 2015 at 5:08 AM

      Islam itself demands submission. A muslim is not supposed to question anything that’s challenging fundamental islamic dogma. If so, he’d be an infidel beyond doubt. He can question other faiths, for it is illogical in his viewpoint. That aside, why do muslims even pray towards the direction(citation needed for the earth is a sphere unbeknownst to the Prophet) of Ka’aba? Is it not implied that they are worshipping the black stone for Islam forbids idol worship? Are there not clear dictions when it comes to fundamentals of Hajj pilgrimage? And above all, how can you trust hadiths for it was coded 200 to 300 after the death of the prophet? Isn’t there a question of authenticity or is it just meh?

    • Fatimah

      July 8, 2016 at 9:01 AM

      I would like to extract the answer from Quran -the Book from Allah. This verse was sent for people like you who wondered such things. (Quran, Al Baqarah, verse,177) โ€œIt is not righteousness that you turn your faces to East or west but it is righteousness to believe in Allah, His Angels and the Book (quran) to spend your sustenance out of love for Him, for your kin, orphans, needy, wayfarer, those who ask for help, for ransom of salves. Be steadfast in prayer, charity, fulfill your promises, be patient in pain, adversity and times of panic.

    • Erns

      July 22, 2016 at 9:39 AM

      Hi Carlos,

      That’s a really good questions. In fact Muslim’s never believed the earth was flat. It states in the Quran that the earth is not round, but egg shaped. This fact has only been proven recently by modern science, but was revealed in a book written more than 1400 years ago.

  6. WAJiD

    November 15, 2012 at 8:48 PM

    Dear Carlos,

    You’ve illustrated my earlier point brilliantly. Circular & pointless discussion for us to be having unless you are a muslim (as otherwise you dont believe in any part of the article anyway & you’re just trying to make a point – & a garbled one at that.)

    So unless you a) have a genuine question or b) are planning to announce your reversion here… Let’s move on in our separate paths.

    • TRAVIS

      August 30, 2015 at 5:13 AM

      Ah. Reversion, stupefied state of a boggled mind! Suppose, if Islam was there from the start, why are there not even a mention of Allah in other holy scriptures, such as Torah or even Injeel(Bible)? Why was Islam not prevalent in the poles, America, Australia or lands far from middle east?

      • Shahin

        August 31, 2015 at 8:42 PM

        Hi Travis, sorry to burst your bubble mate, but you couldnt be more wrong about this. I’ll try to be brief, apologies in advance if I ramble on too much.

        Did you know that the arabic language predates known history? I kid you not, google it. Arabic and Hebrew are 2 semitic languages which go wayyy back, before known history. The term “God is only about 1000 years old now, as is the english language. So this term God is very recent, but the name Allah has been used for many many many thousands of years already.

        Allah is basically the arabic term for God, only much more authentic, as I said, the name God is only about a thousand years old, a term coined very recently compared to the age of humanity.

        So actually Allah has been mentioned in both the old testament and new testaments. Even if you watch the movie passion of christ, and listen closely to the original aramaic term the character of Jesus uses in the movie. He says Ellah… which is the aramaic term for God. Ellah in Hebrew. Allah in arabic. See the resemblance?
        Any bible you pic up today will have the name Allah in the beginning, as the arabic translation for the english word God.

        Allah is the one true God worthy of worship. He is One, Unique, and Unequalled. Every divine religion in its pristine form was actually worship of Allah, the One and Only Being worthy of worship.
        First commandment given to Moses (pbuh) : “Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God, your Lord is One”
        when the jews questioned Jesus (pbuh) as to the first commandment, he repeated the words of Moses verbatim: “Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God, your Lord is One”
        If translated in Arabic, they both said, hear oh Israel, your Lord is Allah”
        Allah is the name God chose for himself, Moses said Ellah, Jesus said Ellah, Abraham said Ellah, We say Allah.

        Do the research yourself, you will see that the information I provided is pretty accurate.
        Basically, every religion from God was Islam, just by different names as they are known today. As Islam means to submit your will to God. If you could go back to the past and asked Jesus what his religion was, because he never heard this term christianity in his life, as the term was coined by the enemies of the christians much later, what do you think Jesus would say? He would say, my religion is a religion of submission to Gods will… and one word for that is Islam. Moses would give you the same reply, and so would every other prophet in history, they would all say: ” My religion is a religion of total submission to Gods will” and that is why the religion of every single prophet was Islam.
        The term Judaism was never used by Moses, nor was the term christianty ever used by Jesus. But the term Muslim (one who bows his will in Islam) was coined by father Abraham, going back further than all the other major religions. So basically dude, Islam is truly the oldest and the original religion intended for all humanity. But the religion was only perfected and completed in the time of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) As Allah says something to this effect : “Today I have perfected your religion for you, I have completed my favour upon you, and chosen Islam as your religion”
        And after that statement, the religion was complete, to last as such till the end of time. Hence Islam is the culmination of all the worlds religions, destined to supercede them all, after which no other religion would ever be acceptable from Allah. As Allah says elsewhere in the Quraan something to this effect: “Verily, the only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam (meaning total submission to His will).

        //Why was Islam not prevalent in the poles, America, Australia or lands far from middle east?//
        Dude, by this logic, I could very well ask, why arent there so many americans in china? or why are there mostly Germans in Germany? hehe. But anyways dude, to answer as briefly as possible, it is because some parts of the world more readily embraced Islam than others, for many different reasons. By the way dude, there are millions of Muslims living in America…. and growning by the day… like wild fire! Same goes for Australia, seriously, research it. Islam is growing at an alarming rate in these countries.
        As for the poles, dude, Antartica is classified as a desert, and is pretty much uninhabitable due to its extreme conditions. You find your odd researchers and explorers there only, but nobody really lives thee for good reason.
        A similar case with the Arctic for that matter, although you do get some sparce eskimo populations there, further north, again, too hostile to be habitable. Basically, Islam has spread to all corners of the world already, that doesnt mean it has to be dominant everywhere. Although Islam is destined to dominate the entire world one day, it is inevitable. So just give it some time dude… I think we could realise this in the next 30-35 years or so, give or take a few. Although lots still has to happen before this can happen.

  7. jj

    November 15, 2012 at 11:09 PM

    asalaamalaikum warahmat ALLAH wabarakatu, why are their plaques of dignitaries inside the Kaaba?????? and why is it open only for dignitaries and “special guests”?? all hujjaj and those who go for umrah are guests of Allah. it is the House of Allah, not the house of those who maintain it. inshaAllah no bad intentions are attributed to the reason, but really it reminds of something of quraish history of them placing you-know-whats inside it. especially when only also, dont understand that if rasullilah salAllahu alayhee wasallam’s intention was to make the Kaaba building bigger..then why 1400 years later no one opted to just go ahead and do it? jazakAllah kheir for your explanations here, interesting. there is no better place to be than under the Arsh of Allah in Makkah.

    • Abdus Sabur

      November 16, 2012 at 11:31 PM

      good questions. I also have a problem with the exclusivity of being able to enter the kaba. the plaques are completely unnecessary and it’s such a western thing to do. Allah knows who has helped keep it maintained should not be enough?

      As far as the reconstruction to the original footprint I think it’s good that it is as when Rasulullah (peace be upon him) last saw it. Since the reconstruction did not occur during the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar , Uthman or Ali (radhiAllahu anhu) it’s probably best that it has not happened. Allahu Alim.

      and to Carlos’ question:
      Allah says in His book, the Holy Quran-
      “And to Allah belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn yourselves or your faces there is the Face of Allah (and He is High above, over His Throne). Surely! Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knowing.” 2:115

      very interesting facts that I did not know. JazakAllahu Khair for sharing with us bro. Muhammad. Wa salam

    • Halwah

      June 1, 2013 at 11:19 PM

      Its not an important part of faith to enter the ka’bah although it would be a unique experience, so let us not cause a sense of pointless and unnecessary disgruntlement among the mu’min for no benefit. Entering of Ka’bah is not amongst the teachings of Muhammad saw, but causing disagreement and stirring anger and disunity amongst the mu’min is. So lets not slander the mu’min royalty who made the decision to do this. Let’s focus on deen. Wallahu alam.

  8. Saif

    November 16, 2012 at 12:57 AM

    Salam alaikum,

    The kiswah under the Ottomans used to be red in color until the late 19th century.

  9. Asmeeni

    November 16, 2012 at 2:29 AM

    Mashaallah really cool article. Didnt know alot of these facts about the Kaabah. Its really amazing how it used to be different colours, just gets you thinking that at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) the Kaaba was not the same black and gold that we see today. Subhanallah

  10. Anwar Khan

    November 16, 2012 at 11:10 AM

    Dear Wajid,
    Thanks for being useful.\the infrmation is very interesting and inspiring. Allah bless you.
    Anwar Khan

  11. Mehdi Sheikh

    November 16, 2012 at 11:58 AM

    The video of the inside of the Kaabah is outdated. There are no more pillars inside and theres a more recent video on youtube you can find showing that.

    I don’t know where you got the reference that there is an exact replica in the Heavens. Yes we know directly above it is Baitul Ma’moor, but where does it say that its a replica?

    • WAJiD

      November 16, 2012 at 8:05 PM

      Walaikum Asalaam,

      As far as I’m aware that video is taken 3-5 years ago which is still after the last reconstruction. According to those I know that have been in recently, the pillars remain as they have been for centuries.

      The hadith does not specify re: the baitul mamoor being an exact replica, however this has been mentioned by commentators. Perhaps the word “counterpart” may be more accurate.

      • Hilarious

        December 30, 2012 at 9:41 PM

        Where did the commentators get that impression from? It is bid’ah to create new information or explain things that are unknown. The moment Carlos knocked you off, I realized that this was not something correct. Please quote your sources correctly and keep your opinions to yourself.

  12. Abdus Sabur

    November 16, 2012 at 11:35 PM

    As far as the cube size of the Kaba I’m of the opinion its perfect in it’s simplicity, just like Islam – simple and elegant

  13. konga

    November 17, 2012 at 2:09 AM

    It’s in interesting to see how al-kaaba is a building just like any other building in the world. It gets consumed by floods, wears out and needs reconstruction, gets broken, changes design… etc

  14. zujaja

    November 18, 2012 at 12:41 AM

    good stuff….I don’t think it’ll feel the same if it was red, wer’e so used to seeing it black :)

  15. Uthmaan

    November 18, 2012 at 2:52 AM

    JazakAllah khair. I’ve always had this question:
    Is it permissable to pray in any direction within the Hateem? As technically, it’s the ‘inside’ of the Ka’bah?

  16. ahsan arshad

    November 18, 2012 at 4:20 AM

    I scored 3 out of 10 marks and then the brother wrote muslims are increasingly disconnected from our history.
    Swimming tawaf would be fun.
    I enjoyed your post

  17. Alchemist

    November 18, 2012 at 8:16 PM

    Jazakum Allahu khairan, thank you for sharing this information. We do have to know information like this about the house of Allah where we face towards at least five times a day

  18. jman

    November 21, 2012 at 3:21 PM

    what is hanging from the roof of the kaaba in that inside video?

    • WAJiD

      November 22, 2012 at 4:21 PM

      Those are old oil lamps hanging between the pillars. I am not sure if they now contain lightbulbs or still have candles.

  19. Dawud Israel

    November 28, 2012 at 1:42 PM


    Good article.

    Also 70 Prophets are buried at the Kaaba, including Isma’il alayhi salam.


    • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

      November 29, 2012 at 12:50 AM


      Can you provide any references for your comment?

      • TRAVIS

        August 30, 2015 at 5:15 AM

        Even if people are going to refute your claims, you are not gonna budge, are you?

    • Gibran

      March 26, 2013 at 5:13 PM

      Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

      No Dawud, that is fiction unless you can actually prove it. There are numerous hadith that prohibit taking graves as masjids and I’m sure many people who enslave themselves to graves below Allah would love to believe that people are buried under the Ka’ba and would love to think they are actual Muslims while they make dua to other than Allah.

      But they can’t at all be Muslims. So please post the fabricated hadith/website/dream which says that anyone is buried under the Ka’ba.

  20. Adeel Ahmad Siddiqi (Toronto,Canada)

    December 4, 2012 at 4:47 PM

    Excellent information! Happy to know all the facts and other information and history.
    With our very best wishes and DuaiN

  21. ndndr

    December 8, 2012 at 1:40 AM

    Mecca never existed before the 4th century,so definitely kaaba was made after that and not by Abraham like you mentioned in the post. Pagans use to house their idols over there and they had the ritual of hajj. The main reason of hajj was to make people go over there and increase their trade and muhammed copied and added it in his religion.


      December 9, 2012 at 12:34 PM

      The bible mentions people performing pilgrimage as they pass through the valley of BAKKAH, one of the names of Makkah. History knows of no other valley of Bakkah which is associated with pilgrimage other than the one in Arabia.

      Paran in the Bible is Mecca today. See the Archeological discoveries that prove Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia.

      Historical Proof of Abraham Built the Kaaba:

      Ka’bah As A Place Of Worship In The History

      An excerpt from the last link:
      Ka’bah & Makkah In History

      Edward Gibbon writes about the Ka’bah and its existence before the Christian era in his book:

      ….. of blind mythology of barbarians – of the local deities, of the stars, the air, and the earth, of their sex or titles, their attributes or subordination. Each tribe, each family, each independent warrier, created and changed the rites and the object of this fantastic worship; but the nation, in every age, has bowed to the religion as well as to the language of Mecca. The genuine antiquity of Caaba ascends beyond the Christian era: in describing the coast of the Red sea the Greek historian Diodorus has remarked, between the Thamudites and the Sabeans, a famous temple, whose superior sanctity was revered by all the Arabians; the linen of silken veil, which is annually renewed by the Turkish emperor, was first offered by the Homerites, who reigned seven hundred years before the time of Mohammad.[1]

      Diodorus Siculus was a Greek historian of 1st century BC who wrote Bibliotheca Historica, a book describing various parts of the discovered world. The following lines are the English translation of Greek quoted by Gibbon from the book of Diodorus Siculus (Diodorus of Sicily) describing the ‘temple’ considered to be the the holiest in the whole of Arabia.

      And a temple has been set-up there, which is very holy and exceedingly revered by all Arabians.[2]

      It is interesting to know that Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, mathematician and astronomer, flourishing about a century after Pliny, undertook to make an atlas of the habitable world. He was not a descriptive geographer, and his book was intended to be no more than a commentary on his maps. He enumerated some hundred and fourteen cities or villages in Arabia Felix.

      For example, Dumaetha, placed by Ptolemy just outside the northern boundary of Arabia Felix, must be the mediaeval Arabian Daumet, which is today the chief village of the great oasis of Jauf. Hejr, famous in the “times of ignorance” as the seat of a kingdom, and now Medayin Salih, is Ptolemy’s Egra. His Thaim is Teima, now known for its inscriptions to have had temples and some sort of civilization as far back as 500 BC. It is the Tema of Job. In Lathrippa, placed inland from Iambia (Yambo), we recognize the Iathrippa of Stephan of Byzantium, the Yathrib of the early Arab traditions, now honoured as El Medina, the City of Cities.[3]

      Apart from this a place called Macoraba is also shown which is identified as Mecca (please refer to the map facing page 17 of reference [3]). G E von Grunebaum says:

      Mecca is mentioned by Ptolemy, and the name he gives it allows us to identify it as a South Arabian foundation created around a sanctuary.[4]

      • Hilarious

        December 30, 2012 at 9:49 PM

        Why do you want to incorporate Edward Gibbon into Islam? What if in 2 years time someone else publishes a different book with different points of view? Which one will you choose?. If I were you I will stick to the info that is promised by god to be protected (Quran and Hadhees). Science changes from time to time with better explanations and discoveries, but religion doesn’t.


      December 9, 2012 at 12:43 PM

      Pagan Arabs did use to place too many idols around and inside it, and that’s very obviously why God sent to them โ€“ and the whole of mankind โ€“ Prophet Muhammad (p) to rectify their distorted faith.

      They also did perform pilgrimage as a response to Abraham’s call to the House of Allฤh, and it isn’t Prophet Muhammad’s fault that they altered the pure monotheistic religion of Abraham and used it for their trade.

      To say that Prophet Muhammad (p) copied from pagans is like to say every prophet copied from the previous one. God sends prophets whenever and wherever He wants. And similarity does NOT mean plagiarism. In fact, Islam corrected many bad habits of Hajj such as being naked and idolatry.

      • Hilarious

        December 30, 2012 at 9:51 PM

        I agree with this comment but not the previous one.

  22. WAJiD

    January 16, 2013 at 4:36 AM

    The discussion on banning wasn’t regarding people asking questions or free speech. It was more to do with someone making rhetorical points in the form of questions.

    It distracts from the purpose of the article and turns this into a debating forum which it isn’t.

    You absolutely have the right to state whatever you want. But that doesn’t mean that you can abuse that right whenever and wherever. Example – you have the right to criticise a movie as much as you want but if you do it in the cinema whilst others are busy watching… not appropriate.

    Oh and – for future reference – no one likes being referred to as “You” people.

  23. Pingback: WAJiD (wajid) | Pearltrees

  24. Arshiya

    June 23, 2013 at 10:14 AM

    Amazing… had tears going through this…May Allah bless you ameen.

  25. Shahin

    June 24, 2013 at 10:17 AM

    Im a little disappointed at our responses to Carlos’ questions. He was not disrespectful nor was he blatantly mocking. I feel that Muslims should not get defensive when posed with questions which might not have clear cut answers. I as a Muslim found his questions intriguing, as the ruling regarding praying on the international space station has crossed my mind as well.
    Guess Im just disappointed that we got all defensive and didnt even bother answering his questions.

    Although this post is already old, Im just itching to reply, so here goes anyways…

    //In which direction does one pray if one is on the opposite side of the globe from the Kaaba?//
    I think that would be smack in the middle of the ocean, I could be wrong. But if it is, I think depends which direction youre travelling in. face the direction in which youre getting closer to Makkah. If youre smack in middle, take your pick which direction you want to face, its the intention the counts anyway, Allah will surely understand.
    Islam is a full and comprehensive way of life, not dogmatic as many think or would have you believe.

    //How about if one is on the International Space Station, which is revolving around Earth once every 92 minutes?//
    I think you should face the earth. That should be good enough. Although odds of you having a Muslim living up there is highly’ unlikely. Not to say we wouldnt make it if we wanted to, but that living in space n stuff just aint our thing.

    //If there is an exact replica of the Kaaba in heaven, which version of the Kaaba does it resemble, the current black-covered cube, or one of the earlier shapes and colors?//
    The brother corrected himself here, the words ‘exact’ or ‘replica’ should not have been used.

    //If the heavenly version of the Kaaba is directly above the Kaaba in Mecca, does that mean the Kaaba in heaven is revolving around the Earth as the Earth rotates? How many light years away is the heavenly Kaaba? If the Kaaba in heaven and the rest of heaven is in an actual physical location, we should be able to detect it, and, if it is close enough, eventually possibly even visit it.”//
    Carlos is thinking too in the box here. In a nutshell, I think the entire observable universe in its apparent infiniteness is actually part of the first heaven. So to start talking about distance in light years and planetary rotation makes no sense. If you ask me, the 7th heaven is a totally different dimension. just like jinn(demons) exist in a dimension parallel to ours, the other heavens exist in alternate dimensions, beyond what we know as space and time, or as Einstein called it, space-time. ie our entire observable universe. Its not a matter of physical distance…
    Same goes for Angels, Heaven n Hell etc… all exist in an alternate dimension, which we will only become a part of after death or maybe after resurrection. There might be different dimensions associated to both respectively.

    (all my answers are in my humble opinion, Im no Mufti or authority on religion, so please forgive any errors or inaccuracies therein)

    • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

      June 25, 2013 at 1:18 AM

      I agree the questions should be asked. However, Carlos has a past history on this site for which he was under moderation. Based on this history, his intent with the questions was not to understand but rather ridicule. Thus, it may seem we were harsh at him. And Allah knows best what is in the hearts. May He guide Carlos to the light of Islam.

  26. Shahin

    June 25, 2013 at 5:46 AM

    Ameen, brother Aly. Curious, is Carlos still part of the site? If he is, and not a typical’ athiest as he claims to be, I’d like to have a logical discussion with him if he is up to it. Well, he made an offer that if anyone wanted to know the mentality of American athiests, we should ask him. Id like to take him up on that offer.

  27. yessmeen

    July 8, 2013 at 4:07 PM

    Are there really 70 prophets buried there ?

    • WAJiD

      July 19, 2013 at 3:55 PM

      Walaikum asalaam,

      I’m not aware of this being mentioned. This is possibly more to do with Haram Sharif in Al Quds.

    • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

      September 3, 2013 at 3:57 AM

      There is no authentic evidence to the best of my knowledge to support this statement.

      Best Regards

  28. Parminder

    July 19, 2013 at 5:24 AM

    Dear Wajid, One of my colleague send me this link to check, I found the article to be interesting. Though the main part was informative however the comment section was even more informative. Overall, I like the post very much and definitely increased my knowledge about Islam.
    I know it is not the correct thread to ask this question, however I will be happy if someone answers, does Islam allow animal sacrifice or it is superstition which is going on. And if it allows, Do we have right to take anyone’s life.
    I have asked the same question to Christians & Hindus and never got a satisfactory answer.

    • WAJiD

      July 19, 2013 at 4:07 PM

      Dear Parminder,

      Thank you for your kind words. It is very much appreciated.

      Islam does allow sacrifice of animals, however there are strict guidelines with regards to how and why. For more information, I would recommend you speak to knowledgeable Muslims in your local area who can discuss on this and other issues with you.

      • Rahat

        January 13, 2014 at 7:06 PM

        @wajid, I don’t think allah needs blood of an animal to feel satisfied, btw Qurbani came from abraham and if I not mistaken abraham was not an muzalmaan?? I aks my self is there something original that the muzalmaan have, coz if you read the old testament and the quran everything is one by one, and if I not mistaken the old testament was first…… quran???? think aboud it!!!!!

        • WAJiD

          January 13, 2014 at 7:24 PM


          May I make a few suggestions please.

          1. I would be grateful if this comments section could not be turned into a debating platform since it doesn’t fit the purpose of the article

          2. Please refrain from using abusive language and simply trashing us. You don’t like Islam or Muslims. I get it. But civility is key if we are going to have a discussion. Otherwise it is just you shouting at us and it is not something I can let continue.

          Thank you.

          • Rahat

            January 15, 2014 at 12:41 PM

            @ Dear WAJid, it is not true that I do not like Islam, I hate people how they bring create hate among differant religions. I gave you a small example, Hindu’s and Muslim’s are living more than 140 years togeter in Surinam ( South-America ). When and Hadji come from Pakistan or India and he saw how peacefull the Hindus/Moslims live to gether, they predict only hate toward the Hindu’s that we are shaitaan and bad things, that is very bad, so you destroy the innner peace of this two com’s where they lived together, so I hate such people. My mum is muslim my dad is Hindu, both of them respect each other’s religion’s. My mum Walid always said free your heart and mind from violence and from those causes that bring about enmity and prevent love. I alwas said Humanity is my Religion. I like to read and to know about all religion’s and please for God sake do not say that I do not like Islam my friend.

    • Aashiq Hussain

      August 26, 2013 at 4:55 AM

      Yes Islam allows animal sacrifice and it is backed up by Quran and Sunnah.
      Second, mankind and jinkind were created to worship Allah and that is only reason we are here. Allah put us in this world and everything you see around is provision for mankind, and everything around works inorder to support human life. You can say everything here has been made subject to humans by Allah. Animals are our food like plants.
      Third, I don’t think you can survive without killing any life e.g Plants. Since my first grade I am reading that they have lives. And in some places on this earth fish are easily available than plants.

      Fourth, once you believe Allah is our Lord and Muhammad(peace be upon him) is His messenger, you have to follow their commandments. You can’t pick and choose.

      Finally, Allah, the Lord of the worlds, Does NOT create junk. Then why would our body have digestive systems that can digest both veg. and non-veg? And also our teeth sets.

      Allah knows best.

      • Rahma Abdullah

        December 16, 2014 at 6:27 PM


        I was surprised and disturbed by the fact that you said, “my mum is a Muslim and my dad is Hindu!

  29. Pingback: Ten Things You Didn't Know About The Kaaba | Th...

  30. Shahin

    July 20, 2013 at 7:34 PM

    Wajid hope u don’t mind me chipping in a bit. I think I know the answer Parminder wants. so here it is straight up. yes we have the God given right to take life, both animals and humans. the former is an important food source, that’s why you have canine teeth. the latter is essential for justice to prevail, which is pretty much what Islam is all about. as Wajid said, only in very specific circumstances and under very specific conditions. hope that answers your question.

  31. Pingback: Ten Things You Didn't Know About The Kaaba - Mu...

  32. abubakar abdool

    July 31, 2013 at 11:41 PM

    I hope you’ll don’t mind but I am a 16 year old boy…..I’ve being learning about islaam from the time I was in grade R and I must say.what ever I learnt so far is that islaam is not for anyone judge other people,allah(swt)has told us in the holy Qur’aan that we should not hate or hurt or do anything that will make a person feel uncertain about islaam… carlos,he thinks that islaam is tooo quick to judge people.well, islaam teaches us that we should no judge any person no matter what his/her status is or how rich or poor he/she is(in this world),in allah(swt)’s eyes we are all the same(hereafter)…….jarzakullah and may allah(swt) grant carlos and all those who have been led out of the folds of islaam imaan and junnah-tul-firdous,ameen

  33. peanutzlol

    August 12, 2013 at 2:54 AM

    i never knew these things and i couldnt believe it when i read it

  34. Joe

    August 20, 2013 at 11:09 PM

    It seems inappropriate that “the Kaaba is now opened only twice a year for dignitaries and exclusive guests only.” Do others not feel it is wrong to let powerful and connected people have more access to such a significant site than everyone else?

    • Noor

      June 20, 2014 at 4:22 PM

      Yes, the muslims i know feel it is very wrong that only the rich dignitaries and exclusive guests can only see the inside of the kabba.Are we not all equal in gods eyes.Rich or poor male or female.

  35. Parminder Singh

    August 26, 2013 at 4:35 AM

    Dear Shahin/Wajid,
    For last month or so i am trying my best to get details about those “specific circumstances and specific conditions” from my Muslim friends and all of them are asking me to ask Dr Zakir. Now I know, first of all it is difficult to get hold of him and that also without any knowledged about those “Specific”, I will not be able to ask perfect questions to him. I will appreciate if you could send me some links which might help me on those “specific conditions”.

  36. Shahin

    August 27, 2013 at 6:15 PM

    Dear Parminder, the last reply of mine to you was sent from my cellphone, hence I was very brief and to the point. But now that I am on my laptop, I’ll give you a more comprehensive answer. Well, actually logged on just to reply to you, so hope you’ll appreciate ;) Bear in mind, I am no authority on religion, and can be prone to error. Muslim brothers in here, Wajid, Ali etc, please feel free to correct me where you feel I have erred.

    Let me start by clarifying a point, that Islam does not’ condone the taking of innocent lives. Not in the least’. Except in very specific conditions and circumstances, but this is a whole different discussion altogether. For the sake of clarity, let me stick to what you asked.

    The Quran says something to this effect, that if someone kills a single innocent person, it is as if he has killed all of humanity. And he who saves a life, it is as if he has saved all of humanity. Such is the price of human life in Islam, beyond’ precious. So bearing that in mind, know that for a Muslim to ever take the life of another, it would have to be justified… sanctified…. for as I said previously, Islam is a religion of justice.

    Basically, according to the Quran, there are only 2 times the death penalty can be applied. One, if someone commits murder, the relatives of the mudered have the right to take the life of the muderer. That is If they decline to accept the blood money as compensation. Baically, if someone murders your brother, you have the right to kill him.

    Of course you cannot just go about this like some vigilante. There is a process to follow. First, a trial before a jury, just like any court hearing. Innocent’ until proven guilty, is the law which applies. Only when the accused has been proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt, and sufficient witnesses have been produced, can the penalty be meted out.

    Also bear in mind,if someone is injured unjustly and wishes to take revenge, the law of an eye for an eye is applied, and bounds in retaliation may not be exceeded. Basically, justice will prevail, but he who transgresses in indeed in the wrong.

    Secondly, death penalty may be meted out to someone who if he was allowed to live, would cause much harm to society. So a great deceiver, who’m if was let to live would lead a great many people to immorality and sin, would deserve to die. Basically, someone who could cause much damage to the society, in any way which is detrimental, be it through terrorism, promotion of homosexuality, child molestation, rape etc

    Also if someone were to harm the religion of Islam in any way, so an apostate who can cause much harm to the religion. Please understand that I am not talking about your average Joe, Im talking about someone who can seriously cause damage to the religion and Muslim body, may be trialled and killed if found guilty.
    Also of someone mocks or besmirches the character of our beloved prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), we as Muslims have the right to take his life, of course, no vigilante justice again, a trial and conviction is always required. But if proven guilty, his being put to death will be justified in Islam.

    So although the Quran might mention 2 cases where capital punishment is justifed, there are other cases as well, such as the above mentioned, the justification for the punishment of which is provided for us by the Sunnah (way of the Prophet)
    Ok, the reason I have typed all this instead of just pasting a link, is that from what I’ve browsed through in the links I have visited, none have seemed to provide the answers i am looking for.

    Many would have you believe that the punishment for apostacy in Islam is death, whereas the Quran states otherwise, something to the effect that, it is not for us, but rather it is up to God to deal with the apostates.

    Another is that stoning to death is a valid form of Islamic punishment for adultery. Which is actually a punishment from the old testament or Jewish Torah. This punishment was meted out just once in our prophets life time, and in a very specific circumstance which prompted punishment according to jewish law. According to the Quran, there is a stipulated number of lashes for both fornication and adultery respectively.

    So regardless of what people may have you think, Islam is far from barbaric. The apostate should not simply be put to death, nor should the adulterer simply be stoned. As this contradicts Quranic ruling.

    Rather, capital punishment for apostates and stoning for adulterers, was meted out only in very specific circumstances in the past, but majority do not understand and apply these punishments as a general rule, although it contradicts the Quran. May Allah grant us all the correct understanding.

    Anyway have said enough. i have provided 2 links below which may or may not state things more clearly than I have. I just felt the need to clarify the above mentioned points so that you do not read into the links i provided too subjectively. We live in a time of great deception, so never take anyones word as authority, not even my own, never forget this. Instead, keep searching for truth, if you truly seek, InshaAllah (God willing) it will eventually find you. Hope I did justice to your enquiry.

    Please forgive any inaccuracies in my post, and please feel free to correct me where you feel it is necessary. Shukrn (thank you)

    • Rahat

      January 13, 2014 at 7:25 PM

      Also if someone were to harm the religion of Islam in any way, so an apostate who can cause much harm to the religion. Please understand that I am not talking about your average Joe, Im talking about someone who can seriously cause damage to the religion and Muslim body, may be trialled and killed if found guilty.
      Also of someone mocks or besmirches the character of our beloved prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), we as Muslims have the right to take his life, of course, no vigilante justice again, a trial and conviction is always required. But if proven guilty, his being put to death will be justified in Islam.

      And I tought islam is very, very, very peacefool men o men.

      If someone are tallking rubbish of my reliigion, I don’t mind coz I know what and how my religion is. I don’t gonna fight coz if you do that, than people gonna think that it is true.

      • Shahin

        December 20, 2014 at 5:37 PM

        (Salaams Doctor Wajid, trust youre well. Been a while since I posted anything, just noticed this post recently, I know this is not pertinant to the topic but I hope youl give me some lee-way to give Rahat a proper response. I’ll try to be brief inshaAllah)

        Salaams Rahat, apologies for the delayed reponse, but I would just like to clarify some things inshaAllah (God willing).

        //”And I tought islam is very, very, very peacefool men o men.”//

        Islam is truly very peaceful. In fact, Islam, and Salaam (peace) both originate from the same root word. But what Islam actually means is ‘peace attained through total submission to the will of God’. For only in obedience to Allah, will we find contentment. And only in the zikr (rememberence) of Allah, do hearts find peace.

        But Islam does not mean ‘peace’. I think that I did mention this, that allthough Islam is a peaceful religion, it is also a religion of justice. So crimes do not go unpunished, which if they did, this world would be in a state of absolute chaos.

        I think you have not understood my point in my previous post Rahat. I was saying that the death penalty is not to be applied in the way we are made to believe. That even the apostate should NOT just simply be put to death, except in very specific circumstances. And this would only be carried out under the authority of an Islamic state, so it doesnt even really apply at this point in time.

        //If someone are tallking rubbish of my reliigion, I donโ€™t mind coz I know what and how my religion is. I donโ€™t gonna fight coz if you do that, than people gonna think that it is true.//

        But I do mind that people paint Islam in the wrong light. As if we just kill people for this and that we just condone stoning and this and that. And of course the media will always portray Islam in the worst possible light and will always publisize those attrocities carried out by a minority who are totally misguided and only think’ of themselves as carrying out an Islamic penalty according to their limited understanding of the shariah.

        This is not about causing conflict, or imposing ones views on another, but rather, this is about our purpose, and the most important thing in this life…
        “Truth and Conviction therein”. The truth of this reality, of the self and the soul, the truth of God, Allah, who created this entire existence as we know it, and that which we do not know of, and the ultimate truth of our purpose in this life. This is our object, to recognise Allah, and worship Him with due awareness and cognisance of His Majesty. And until you truly recognise the essence of who you are, you will not be able to truly recognise your Creator. And until you truly recognise your Creator, you have not yet achieved your purpose in this life.

        We should all try to spread as much truth and beneficial knowledge as possible. Only an extremely selfish person would want to keep something good all to himself, especially if he knows how beneficial it could be to others.

        The main concern of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) was how he could save all humanity from hellfire and get us all entered into paradise. We need to ask ourselves this question, “Am I concerned about what happens to other people? Do I recognise others as my fellow human beings? Do I care at all about what happens to this ummah? Nevermind the condition of people in this life, but do I care about their eternal salvation?

        Spreading truth and clearing up these grave misconceptions about Islam is extremely important. Peoples salvation could be at stake for not having the correct Aqeeda (belief) about important matters. Allah is the Most Compassionate, Most Loving, Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful of All those who show mercy, so we should not be too quick to condemn anyone to death and hellfire too quickly.

        I am no authority on religion and everything I have said is in my humble opinion. Whatever good is in my post is but a grace and favour upon me from Allah the Most High and all that is bad in it is due to my own deficiency. May Allah give us all the ability and wisdom to reflect upon the verses of His beautiful Quran, to recognise Him, to see what Islam truly is, and may Allah bless us and guide us ALL to the straight path. Ameen.

  37. Wajid

    September 1, 2013 at 4:39 AM

    Dear Jennifer and Shahin,

    I hope you both do not mind but the comments section of this article was not meant to be used as a surrogate debating platform. It can have the unintended consequence of preventing others replying with more relevant comments.

    I would appreciate it if you both could exchange email addresses and continue the debate between yourselves if you prefer. I intend to delete your posts in a few days (simply to bring the comments back to being relevant to the article.)

    Thank you for your understanding.

    • Shahin

      September 1, 2013 at 5:25 AM

      Maaf Wajid, I tend to get a little carried away at times, I totally agree with you. But I have no intention on continuing this debate with Jennifer much longer than one more post,, and a response to her reply if she wishes to.JazakAllah for your understanding and allowing a few days to conclude. By the way, didnt mention it earlier, but loved your post bro, Alhamdulillah, it was very informative, much I knew, and still much I didnt, so mashaAllah, Muslims need people like you and websites like these who educate the masses and I for one learned quite a bit.
      There are also some things pertinent to the topic Id also like to share a little later on InshaAllah. Well… soon as I give Jenn a lil insight… InshaAllah, she gets hidaayat, who knows, but right now, its not my intention to do so, since it ultimately is not in my hands, so hope you dont mind too much. JazakAllah again

      • Wajid

        September 1, 2013 at 5:48 AM

        I don’t mind at all. And thank you for your kind words.

        • Wan

          September 3, 2013 at 10:50 PM

          I don’t understand about islamic criminal law,sometimes it looks very cruel to behead or chop off hands of criminals(second chance is not given to those who has remorsed and repented).Like pelting stones to death to those who committed adultery,is really cannot be accepted by a rational mind.Is this practice of punishment predated muslim civilisation?Is it relevant in today’s modern educated world?Also when there is a hell after death,why punish criminals here down on earth?If human beings take the law in their hands than what’s god’s role?

          • Wajid

            September 5, 2013 at 5:45 AM

            Dear Wan,

            Thank you for your question, however, it is probably better if you have this discussion with an Islamic scholar in your local area.

            – The comments thread is not the best place to have a back and forth on technical issues

            – In my opinion, a lot of the time, we have the discussions the wrong way around. We tend to focus on side issues and the periphery rather than central core themes. So Islamic criminal law will always be contentious if the person viewing it doesn’t believe in Islam and Islamic values in the first place. Its like having a debate about NASA experiments conducted on the moon if one party doesn’t believe that man landed there in the first place.

            So I really hope and pray that you can get in touch with someone who you can have a “real” discussion with about Islam, the concepts of faith and justice etc…

  38. Shahin

    September 6, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    Salaams Wajid, as I said earlier, loved the article bro, and it taught me a lot. Just one thing I’d like to clarify. InshaAllah, all readers will benefit. Its just a different perspective on things, hope you dont mind. Please do understand my intention is merely to educate inshaAllah. I ask you to please forgive my shortcomings in advance, bear in mind, I always remind people that I am no authority on religion, but that doesnt mean I dont know what Im talking about. InshaAllah, youl find my point of view to be correct.

    //It’s not supposed to be a cube shape//

    Spot on bro, just i think the way the point is worded is appropriate. Maaf in advance, i’ll try to be brief InshAllah.

    Basically, the more appropriate wording should be.

    “It was originally a rectangle” for if it was ‘supposed’ to be anything but the way it is today… it would have been just that. For every action of our prophet(saw) was by divine guidance and decree. If the prophet truely intended to change the kaaba back to its original rectangular form, I am sure the habeeb of Allah would have done so. I dont think that the prophets death would have occurred unless he had already completed every aspect of his mission.

    In essence dear reader, what I am saying is that it is actually meant’ to me the cube it is today, and it couldnt have happened any other way.. so goes taqdeer (fate,predestination). but that doesnt belittle the kaaba in the least. I truly learned about why is a cube and so much more stuff from this article, so hats off to Wajid. Seriously, mashaAllah, this article taught me much I didnt know. I had no idea that it was once read and that the reason its a cube was cos of lack of funds etc etc the list goes on. So hope you dont think me disrespectful in any way bro. Me like you, loves to educate where I can InshaAllah.

    Basically, the reason that the prophet(SAW) did not rebuild/extend the kaaba to its original form was because he feared that it would then become something that people of the ummah would do after his death. And it is for that reason that the prophet(SAW) did not renovate/extend the kaaba back according to its original rectangualr shape. Understand that every action of prophet(SAW) is sunnah. And if he’ had extended the kaaba again, Who knows what the ummah to come would do after that. You are spot on most of bro, as I said, just a different perspective on things.

    If prophet(SAW) truly did want to rebuild the kaaba, he had every resource at his disposal to do so. He was king of arabia, and had a following who loved him and would have died for him without hesitation. If he Muhammad(SAW) truly intended to rebuild the kaaba on its original foundation, he surely would have done so when he enetered Makkah as a king and leader of thousands. The only reason he didnt do so, was he feared his followers after him would copy him, and had he done so, it could very well have become a sunnah generations after him would do, and who knows what the kaaba might have looked like today? being rebuilt generation after geneneration. This way, as you said, it is in the form that the prophet(SAW) saw it in, and it will stay as such until its destruction before Qiyaamah will happen. Which I think will be destroyed by an African btw, well… a dark skinned person. But Allah knows best.

    Anyways, sorry for the long post. Hope Wajid doesnt mind. Please understand bro I mean no offense in the least, my intention is purely to educate it at all possible to whoever possible. InshaAllah we are all in need of guidance, and I myself am always searching for truth and facts. And there is so much to our deen that I dont know if I will ever encompass it all. InshaAllah, it is what I aspire to. And as I said before Wajid, JazakAllah for the post, for I truly learned much from it, and I love posts like this that teach people hard facts, and I understand your intentions could only have been well InshaAllah. So hope you dont mind the post bro, and hope you dont get the wrong tone of it. Make me maaf for any inaccuracies or any offense if I have caused any. It truly was never my intention to do so, so if I have, I do apologise.

    Again I am no authority on relgion, but am and always will be… an ardent scholar, in the teachings of Islam, InshaAllah. May Allah grant us all the understanding.

    • WAJiD

      September 6, 2013 at 2:38 PM

      Walaikum asalaam

      That is an interesting perspective and I think you definitely have a point about latter generations “rebuilding” and enlarging the Kaaba claiming that it is a sunnah rather than a one-off event that the Prophet (SAW) completed.

      JazakAllah khairun for sharing.

    • wan

      September 6, 2013 at 11:33 PM

      To someone called Shahin,
      where you got all this informations about Qaba,please do a thorough studies and research before you talk on Islamic matters.”WHICH WILL BE DESTROYED BY AN AFRICAN btw,dark skinned person”,can you tell me from where you derived this information and which materials(scriptures) you are referring to?DARK SKINNED PERSON,ok it’s accepted… but at where scriptures pinpoint it will be AFRICAN?do not say something if you are not VERY SURE,this is a thread to educate people about true ISLAM not an individual person’s opinion or what he thinks it might/might not.

      • Shahin

        September 7, 2013 at 10:33 AM

        [This posted has been edited for brevity by author]

        Firstly let me start off by apologising for not being specific. Understand Wan, I am just a scholar, with a lot floating around up in here, if you know what I mean. Its hard to remember each and every single thing soo specifically.

        //it will stay as such until its destruction before Qiyaamah will happen. Which I think will be destroyed by an African btw, wellโ€ฆ a dark skinned person. But Allah knows best.//

        I apologise for using the words I think, rather I should have said it this way…

        Anyway, here are some proofs, my source is the Hadith of prophet Muhammad(SAW)

        ” AbduAllah ibn Amr said I heard the Prophet ุตู„ู‰ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุนู„ูŠู‡ ูˆุณู„ู… say: ” Zul-Suwayqatayn from Al-Habasha ( Abyssinia or Ethiopia) will destroy the Ka’ba and steal its treasure and Kiswah (cover). It is as if I could see him now: he is bald-headed and has a distortion in his wrists. He will strike the Ka’ba with his spade and pick-axe.” (Musnad Ahmad)

        Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the Prophet ุตู„ู‰ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุนู„ูŠู‡ ูˆุณู„ู… said: “It is as if I can see him now: he is Black and his legs are widely spaced (bow-legged). He will destroy the Ka’bah stone by stone.” (Musnad Ahmad)

        It was reported from ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet ุตู„ู‰ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุนู„ูŠู‡ ูˆุณู„ู… said, “Leave the Ahbash (Abyssinians or Ethiopians) alone so long as they do not disturb you, for no one will recover the treasure of the Ka’ba, except Zul-Suwayqatayn from Abyssinia.” (Abu Dawud) ”

        But anyway, I apologise Wan if I offended you in any way, it is not my intention to do so. Im just trying to understand the issue you had with my post.

        I have a reply for your previous post which I would like you to read. Understandably, Wajid told you to ask a Muslim scholar in your area, as he wants to keep this comments space relevant to the topic, and not to turn into a debating platform. Which I can respect, so please understand that it is not my intention to argue or debate with you. Merely to give you a response to your post.

        If you wish to read my response to your previous post, please post your email. And I will email it to you. Alternatively, if Wajid doesnt mind, he could play the middle man and email your my response on my behalf.

        As I always state, Im no authority on religion. Please do forgive any inaccuracies in my post, I am only human, am certainly prone to many errors, and whatever good comes from my post is only a grace and favour to me by Allah, and all errors and bad in my post are my own deficiencies, and once again, I apologise for my mistakes.

        Hope I did answer your question Wan. And please give me your email if you do want the response to your previous post.

        Long post i know, as always :p hehe. Sorry about that. Salaams

  39. Shahin

    September 6, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    JazakAllah Wajid, glad you appreciated the post bro. You are truly an exemplary Muslim scholar, your open-mindedness and disposition to truth when you see it is truly commendable, mashaAllah.
    Also I forgot to mention, you are right in the sense that the prophet(SAW) would have liked to erect the kaaba on its origional foundation, and although it may have been his hearts desire, out of wisdom and divine guidance, he did not do so, as he feared that it would become a sunnah had he done so. Just wanted to clarrify that.

    One more thing I forgot, regarding the mud wall you mentioned called the Hijr Ismail, which was erected to indicate the original dimensions of the kaaba. If one were to pray in the space between the Hijr Ismail and the kaaba, it would almost be as if one was praying inside the kaaba, as it is within the original foundations which the kaaba was built on. And the land, the ground, the very foundation.. is itself holy. So to all who are disappointed that we the common folk are not allowed to enter the kaaba, do not despair, for if we were to pray within the zone of its original foundation, InshaAllah, it would be as if we have prayed in the kaaba, and Allah knows best how much more reward and barakah one might get for doing so, if at all.

    May Allah grant us the understanding.

  40. wan

    September 7, 2013 at 2:20 PM

    dear Wajid,
    I understood you are moderator of this blog,so my request to you please do not allow someone to talk about RACE here.Someone called Shahin in his previous post said something like this “WHICH WILL BE DESTROYED BY AN AFRICAN BTW,DARK SKINNED PERSON”.Do not allow remarks like this in your thread,even though the details could be true but i don’t think so it’s appropriate to say it out loud like this.There are millions of people reading our posts daily including many Africans.So i hope this beautiful thread doesn’t get spoilt by blowing racial sentiments here.Hope person like Shahin tone down his voice,not to be too excited in wacking everything in the post without taking care the feelings of our African brothers and sisters.

    • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

      September 8, 2013 at 2:26 AM

      Dear Wan

      I don’t understand your concerns. Are you suggesting that any hadith that suggests a race of the person who will destroy the Kabah should not be talked about because it talks about a race?

      Best Regards
      Comments Team Lead

      • wan

        September 8, 2013 at 9:59 AM

        Dear Aly,
        It doesn’t matter whether it’s stated in the hadith or not,in an open forum like this why must pinpoint the race when there is always a room to avoid such a statement.Some materials/contents in scriptures are better to discuss in a closed room than openly like this,because it will unnecessarily invite some irresponsible writers to this blog.Consequently,lots of harsh words will be exchanged until finally moderator has to involve to warn them.Why spoil the beauty of this beautiful thread,which serves to furnish knowledge(the word of God),to the true seekers.

        • Wajid

          September 8, 2013 at 4:36 PM

          Asalaam alaikum

          In my personal opinion – the key is to provide context and explanation rather than avoiding mentioning them. Offence can be taken by anyone to almost anything – the key is context.

          • Aly Balagamwala | DiscoMaulvi

            September 9, 2013 at 1:25 AM

            JazakAllahu Khairin wajid. That is indeed what I meant to say myself but was not quite so articulate.

  41. Shahin

    September 7, 2013 at 4:16 PM

    [Comment edited for brevity]

    Salaams Wan, firstly I have to clarrify something. That I too… am an African. Born n bred in South Africa. And believe me, that I am far from racist. Actually, Islam came to abolish the racist practices of the world.

    Much love to all by African bros out there reading this. Im sure any Muslim or African who reads my post knows I meant no disrespect, It was just a random bit of information I threw out there as is my usual custom if you read my other posts. But if I have offended anybody in the least, I ask you for sincere maaf, I apologise, Allah knows its not how my mind works, nor was it ever my intention to offend anybody.

    Please undertsand that I mean no offense, but I am a realist.. and generally very straight forward, so please dont take what I say the wrong way and make me out to be racially incentitive when you are actually overly racially sensitive.

    As I always state. Im no authority on religion. Please do forgive any inaccuracies in my post, I am only human, am certainly prone to many errors, and whatever good comes from my post is only a grace and favour to me by Allah, and all errors and bad in my post are my own deficiencies, and once again, I apologise for my mistakes.

    May Allah grant us all the understanding, and Allah forgive my shortcomings, and grant me guidance. InshaAllah. Ameen

    • wan

      September 9, 2013 at 9:44 AM

      Asalaam alaikum,
      All of you are very defensive and keep saying the same thing over and over.Firstly,did i say something nasty when i said there is no need to pinpoint any races since we can always inform/explain something in Quran/Hadith in many other ways.My sugesstion was, why not choose a way that doesn’t have to involve any races or ethnics since we can always explain/inform something in many beautiful ways without running out of the contexts.When suggestions like this given why not take it in a positive way rather than make it a big issue like this.Shahin,i understood your intention and you also must try to understand what i am trying to tell you.This has nothing to do with sensitivity or hyper sensitive or over sensitive,this is all about politeness,being nice and professional in sharing our knowledge on Islamic teaching.Maybe you don’t mind(good,great) but do not say that all the Africans throughout the world are proud to say that they are the one, in coming days going to demolish the Qaba.Especially African Muslims,they don’t feel nice to hear this.That’s the reason i said ,you don’t have to be very loud on this,even though it’s written in the scriptures.I myself not an African but i have lots of African friends who felt very uncomfortable after reading your post,that’s why i bring out this issue to you people’s attention.

  42. Shahin

    September 9, 2013 at 3:18 PM

    Wan… dude youre lucky my previous posts were cut short for brevity. Understandably, no hard feelings to brother Wajid, I was quite happy with his summaries. Although I will admit that he left out all the fun bits :p hehe

    So I’l try’ to be brief Wan. Here is your first problem… right here:

    //that all the Africans throughout the world are proud to say that they are the one, in coming days going to demolish the Qaba//

    Did I really say that? please do qoute me then… if you read what I said correctly… I ahve no need to even read back, as I know my mind wouldnt even think something like that.

    Wan, you came up with one post first, about cutting off hands and this and that. Now you decided to pick an issue with me being racially insensitive. Dude, firstly, I apologised, secondly, I said that I doubt a single Muslim will take offense, or that any sensible Muslim would have taken offense. If you truly have African friends who have read my little statement and got offended, please tell them not to be shy, post a reply, and I will apologise to them personally.

    //Thatโ€™s the reason i said ,you donโ€™t have to be very loud on this,even though itโ€™s written in the scriptures//
    I agree with you, that I could have been more tactful in the way I said it, but like I said, my mind just doesnt work that way, could have been an jew or an indian or a mexican or whoever, and I wouldnt have cared less. Call a spade a spade! We will live in ignorance if everyone thought like you, going on all lets be hush about it, and not so loud, and bla bla and we’d all have to tip toe around with our words like we’re all walkng on eggs when theres only one rotten egg complaining.

    I admit, you are right, I could have been more tactful. But making this big an issue out of it, nah, dude, search yourself, seriously, your issue is not with my statement. If you know a single Muslim who got offended. Please, let them speak for themselves.

    Just for you Wan, let me clarrify my statement, I used the words… an African, because I had forgotten that it was specifically an abyssinian. Secondly. I used the words ‘dark skinned’ because you get fair skinned africans too you know? did you know that Wan? well… whatever i remembered, I just threw into there. Im sorry that it wasnt up to your standards.

    Once again, make me maaf for my shortcomings, I am only human, prone to many many many many errors, and whatever bad is in my post is because of my own deficiencies, be they spiritual or intellecutal. And all good in it is from Allah. Maaf again for my statement if it was inappropriate. It was not my intention. Salaams

    • Zaheer

      September 9, 2013 at 4:41 PM

      Salaam Shahin

      I think you are getting into a circular argument with Wan. He/She believes political correctness is more important than religious truth, in this specific instance. This is clear as Wan refuses to accept the perfectly clear explanations by you, brother Aly as well as the author himself. Haqq is more important than not offending overly sensitive people.
      This may be due to the highly (read: over-) sensitive nature of racial topics to many people – especially on the internet, where everyone’s a crusader with some axe to grind.

      The hadith spoke of one black man; to consider it an offence to all Africans is not only to deliberately misunderstand the hadith (a big enough sin and falsehood on its own), but also to show over-sensitivity inappropriately. The sahih nature of the hadith is another matter entirely, which maybe can be more fruitfully discussed than the “racism” argument being had here.

      I think it’s best to leave wan to be offended on others’ behalf, before the relatively civil discussion goes south.

      Greetings from a fellow South African muslim! Terema Kasih :-) for your insightful posts so far!

    • wan

      September 10, 2013 at 11:19 PM

      Comment removed by Comments Team. This comment thread has reached to the point of debate which is not related to the topic of the post. Thank you to all who participated for their views.

      Comments Team Lead

    • Amirah

      October 27, 2014 at 5:47 AM

      As Salamu Alaikum,
      I am sorry, but I am very confused. Why has this become a race issue? There is an Islamic description of the way Jesus looked. Would it be bad to mention it on this site? Or in the Bible in the song of Solomon where the man said (depending on translation) “do not laugh at me because I am dark skinned”.
      Islam is not racist, only descriptive. There is no need to get upset because a person is described. It is not easy to describe a person without telling the color of their skin. Please explain why this is wrong. I am very confused. Does the description make Africans look bad? I do not see that. I only see a Religious description. I hope everyone calms down. ALL details of Islam are important, and must be shared.

    • Zaman

      July 6, 2016 at 4:54 AM

      Assalamo alaikum

      I am following the posts of Shahin and Wan with intercepts from Wajid / Aly.

      I am an Indian and I also felt a bit disturbed the way Shahin described in caps the person who would destroy Kabaah.. The issue was not very relevant. If quoting from Hadith, he could have nicely inserted the Hadith with reference (which he did later in his defense) without adding his own interpretation while at the same time, declaring himself a non-scholar and only a student.That was a bit strange.

      I also found it unsatisfactory the way Shahin handled the issue of reconstruction of Kaaba where he interpreted the intentions of Prophet SAW by saying the Prophet SW thought it will become a Sunnah and future generations will imitate the expansion endlessly. I wonder how competent Shahin is in giving such an interpretation. It looks very logical and reasonable but do we accept any such insertions without any reference for Sahaba or Khulfa-e-Rashideen. I could not see any supporting evidence for such an interpretation from any scholar. I am sorry for being very strict in my comment as the matter is interpretation of the actions / intentions of Prophet SAW. A similar episode about Taraweeh offered in Jamaat has been explained by Umar R.A with more supporting evidence.

      Shahin also says he is very direct and doesn’t care if someone is hurt. This is strange coming from Shahin who reveres the Prophet SAW who used Hikmah in his teachings and corrections. There are so many incidents where he advised Sahaba karam to be patient and gentle in their dealings with others. If one cant be gentle and tactful, he should refrain and Moderator should be more careful.

      **I said, my mind just doesn’t work that way, could have been an jew or an indian or a mexican or whoever, and I wouldnt have cared less. Call a spade a spade! We will live in ignorance if everyone thought like you, going on all lets be hush about it, and not so loud, and bla bla and weโ€™d all have to tip toe around with our words like weโ€™re all walkng on eggs when theres only one rotten egg complaining.**

      I am with Wan in this discussion. Shahin wanted a Muslim who was offended and here I am.

      May Allah show us all the right way of explaining religion of Islam. Ameen

  43. Shahin

    September 11, 2013 at 4:47 PM

    JazakAllah for kind words Zaheer, glad you enjoyin my posts bra, Alhamdulillah. InshaAllah, youl find this one informative,

    Salaams to all. Im going to try to keep this as brief as possible, please bear with me.
    It is not my intention to start a debate, nor do i expect you to listen to me, this is purely information, from my perspective as a Muslim, targeted mainly at my fellow Muslim bro’s n sisters out there. May you find this beneficial, InshaAllah.

    To begin, I have to quote Wajid for emphasis, for this is pivotal.

    //There is no place on Earth as venerated, as central or as holy to as many people as Mecca. By any objective standard, this valley in the Hijaz region of Arabia is the most celebrated place on Earth.

    Thousands circle the sacred Kaaba at the centre of the Haram sanctuary 24 hours a day. Millions of homes are adorned with pictures of it and over a billion face it five times a day.

    The Kaaba is the epicenter of Mecca///

    In a nutshell. Everything is about energy. Our thoughts, our words, every motion, every breath every second every millisecond, we are giving off energy. Heat, cold you name it. Our world is essentially energy, this universe is essentially energy. Even according to the big bang theory which our Quran confirms, the universe started off as energy. And e=mc2 , as we know it is never lost, merely transferred. The question is, transferred to where? If our mere thoughts are a for of energy, be they electrical impulses etc…, then where does this energy go to?
    For one, the reason why angels gather around gatherings of zikr… is due to the energy given off at suich gatherings, if said with enough zeal would light up all they way to the heavens, as has been in the case of the past with so many of the sahaaba(RA) and prophets(AS) of the past.
    Basically, angels, feed off positive energy, devils.. off negative energy. Yes, jinn too feed off our energy much as angels do. So if you do angelic things, youl attract angels, do devilish things, attract the like. So, basically what I am stressing, is that mere thoughts, are energy, mere intentions, are energy, mere words, are energy… (break reality down, we get atoms, protons, neutrons, etc. and as we know, an atom is never static, electrons etc are in continuous motion, the fact reality is perceived so solidly is truly a marvel of Allah if we contemplate. (Wish I had time to go more in depth with this, such a vast topic, perception, reality, metaphysics etc, but this post is already long enough. Basically, this life is a miracle, take my word for it, i’ll leave it at that)

    Now, what happens when you have more than a billion people all giving off this energy in one direction, for one purpose, for one creator? Can you imagine this on a grand scale, like on the blessed day of Jumua. When the bulk of the Ummah all perform Salaah? Sincerity and intentions aside. Allah knows best our conditions. But still… all this energy is headed to the Kaabah, which is common among each and every one of us.

    Also, not too sure what you guys know of our earths energy grid so Im just gona brief you a bit. Basically the earth has an energy field, which is essentially made up of what they termed ‘ley lines’. Many monuments such as giza, Stonehenge, etc are located in such places where there an intersection of these lines. Makkah has among the most, if not the most, ley lines passing through it. And as Wajid said, the kaaba the epicenter of Makkah, and even if you jus look on a map, Makkah is central to the planet, if not the centre of the world, not that it matters really, as it is the most energy filled place on the planet, in terms of pure and spiritual energy.

    I drifted way off topic here, as my intention was actually post something related to the destruction of the kaabah and how it is linked to the end of the world. So basically, there is verse in Surah Maaidah, chapter 5, verse 97 i think, which states something to this effect, that the kaaba is a means of sustenance for mankind.

    Basically, destruction of the kaaba… which has more to do with the harmony of the planet than many would think. We now know that scientifically, everything vibrates at a certain frequency and gives of specific energy signatures. Plants, animals etc, all reality is about energy vibration at different frequencies. Some we perceive… some we do not.

    There is a reason why the world will only end after all the Muslims have died and there will be no one left to do zikr of Allah on this planet. Only then will the kaaba be destroyed, and for those who know the signs before judgement, will know that this is one of the very final signs, before total destruction of life as we know it.

    Also the rulers of the world are trying to get the planet to a certain level of energy vibration conducivr to antichrists arrival. Hence you see how fast things are happening in the world. May Allah help our fellow Muslims being murdered and persecuted around the world. Ameen.

    Ive said enough I think, sorry if I was vague, please forgive any inaccuracies in my post, but as I said to start off with, all this is purely information, do with it as you wish. In conclusion, my main point being that there is more to everything than meets the eye… every time we pray… every dua we make, is energy transferred… to the right source InshaAllah. Let us all focus our energies in the angelic faith prophet(SAW) has left behind for us, for there can be no better way to spend the short time we have left in this life. And worth more than money, time is priceless.

    Maaf for the long post Wajid. As agreed, it will be my last inshaAllah.

    All bad in my post is from my self, and whatever good there is in it is a grace and favour upon me by Allah. Please forgive my shortcomings and any mistakes I may have made, and inshaAllah, if my posts benefit even one person in some way, Alhamdulillah, it will be worth my time InshaAllah.

    May Allah guide us to the straight path and grant us all the understanding. Ameen

    • Sammy Ghani

      November 13, 2013 at 10:41 PM

      Dear Shahin I love the information you have given in your last post, I have shared with a few friends. I think you should share such knowledge on facebook. Much Love …Sammy Ghani

  44. WAJiD

    September 12, 2013 at 2:11 PM

    Dear Jenifer/ Shahin/ Wan et al

    I am afraid that I will have to draw a line in the sand for any further comments
    – especially as some have been a) off-topic b) abusive or provocative c) lengthy without adequate cause

    I suggest that a different platform be sought for these discussions/ debates as it is not fair on the readers who are coming to read this very specific article & have relevant/ concise comments or myself/ brother Aly who are spending far too much time moderating in between.

    Each one of you have had comments rejected/ edited so there is no bias being shown here. I hope you all can move on to other constructive discussions elsewhere.


    • hassan

      November 9, 2013 at 4:29 AM

      Me please live happy and be at peace with Islam, if not with each other. Salamwalaikom to all.

  45. Pingback: 6 Islamic Rulings Your Probably Didnโ€™t Know | Mohamed Allam Naeem

  46. Pingback: Ten Things You Didn't Know About The Kaaba - Mu...

  47. Yogesh

    November 11, 2013 at 4:19 PM

    Muslim people are amazing


    November 20, 2013 at 3:35 AM

    10. It has been reconstructed several times

    The Kaaba that we see today is not exactly the same Kaaba that was constructed by Prophets Ibrahim แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) and Ismail แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) From time to time, it has needed rebuilding after natural and man-made disasters.

    Of course, we all know of the major reconstruction that took place during the life of the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) before he became a Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him). This is the occasion when the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) averted major bloodshed by his quick thinking on how to place the Black Stone using a cloth that every tribe could lift up.

    Since then, there has been an average of one major reconstruction every few centuries. The last renovation took place in 1996 and was extremely thorough, leading to the replacement of many of the stones and re-strengthening the foundations and a new roof. This is likely to be the last reconstruction for many centuries (inshฤ’Allฤh) as modern techniques mean that the building is more secure and stable than ever before.

    9. It used to have two doors โ€ฆ and a window

    The original Kaaba used to have a door for entrance and another for exit. For a considerable period of time it also had a window situated to one side. The current Kaaba only has one door and no window.

    8. It used to be multi-coloured

    We are so used to the Kaaba being covered in the trademark black Kiswah with gold banding that we can’t imagine it being any other colour. However, this tradition seems to have started at the time of the Abbasids (whose household colour was black) and before this the Kaaba was covered in multiple colours including green, red and even white.

    7. The keys are in the hands of one family

    At the time of the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him), each aspect to do with the rites of Hajj was in the hands of different sub-groups of the Quraish. Every one of these would eventually lose control of their guardianship of a particular rite except one. On the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) was given the keys to the Kaaba and instead of keeping it in his own possession; he returned them back to the Osman ibn Talha ยฎ of the Bani Shaiba family. They had been the traditional key keepers of the Kaaba for centuries; and the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) confirmed them in that role till the end of time by these words

    โ€œTake it, O Bani Talha, eternally up to the Day of Resurrection, and it will not be taken from you unless by an unjust, oppressive tyrant.โ€

    Whether Caliph, Sultan or King โ€“ the most powerful men in the world have all had to bow to the words of the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) and ask permission from this small Makkan family before they can enter the Kaaba.

    6. It used to be open to everyone

    Until recently, the Kaaba was opened twice a week for anyone to enter and pray. However, due to the rapid expansion in the number of pilgrims and other factors, the Kaaba is now opened only twice a year for dignitaries and exclusive guests only.

    Watch the video attached here to witness the doors of the Kaaba being opened (at 50 seconds) โ€“ and the simultaneous gasps of a Million people as they cry out at this auspicious moment.

    5. You used to be able to swim around it

    One of the problems with having the Kaaba situated at the bottom of a valley is that when it rains โ€“ valleys tend to flood. This was not an uncommon occurrence in Mecca and the cause of a lot of trouble before the days of flood control systems and sewage. For days on end the Kaaba would be half submerged in water. Did that stop Muslims from performing the Tawaf? Of course not. As the picture below amply shows โ€“ Muslims just started swimming around the Kaaba.

    Modern adjustments to the surrounding landscape and flood prevention techniques mean we may never see such sights again. Or will we? Check out this recent video.

    4. The inside contains plaques commemorating the rulers who renovated it

    For years many have wondered what it looks like inside the Kaaba. Relying on second or third hand accounts from those who were lucky enough to enter just wasn’t satisfying enough. Then one lucky person who went inside took his camera phone in with him and Millions have seen the shaky footage online.

    The interior of the Kaaba is now lined with marble and a green cloth covering the upper walls. Fixed into the walls are plaques each commemorating the refurbishment or rebuilding of the House of Allฤh by the ruler of the day. Watch the video below of the only place on Earth that you can pray in any direction you want, the House of Allฤh, the first place of worship for mankind โ€“ the Kaaba.

    3. There are two kaabas!

    Directly above the Kaaba in heaven is an exact replica. This Kaaba was mentioned in the Qurสพฤn and by the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him).

    The Messenger of Allฤh แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) said narrating about the journey of ‘Isra wal Miraaj

    โ€œThen I was shown Al-Bait-al-Ma’mur (i.e. Allฤh’s House). I asked Gabriel about it and he said, This is Al Bait-ul-Ma’mur where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily and when they leave they never return to it (but always a fresh batch comes into it daily).โ€

    2. The Black Stone is broken

    Ever wondered how the Black Stone came to be in the silver casing that surrounds it?

    Some say it was broken by a stone fired by the Umayyad army laying siege to Mecca whilst it was under the control of Abdullah ibn Zubair ยฎ.

    However, most agree that it was most damaged in the middle ages by an extreme heretical Ismaili group from Bahrain called the Qarmatians who had declared that the Hajj was an act of superstition. They decided to make their point by killing tens of thousands of hujjaj and dumping their bodies in the well of Zamzam.

    As if this act of treachery was not enough, these devils took the Black Stone to the East of Arabia and then Kufa in Iraq where they held it ransom until they were forced to return it by the Abassid Caliph. When they returned it, it was in pieces and the only way to keep them together was by encasing them in a silver casing. Some historians narrate that there are still some missing pieces of the stone floating around.

    1. It’s not supposed to be a cube shape

    Yes, ladies and gentlemanโ€ฆ the most famous cube in the world actually started out shaped as a rectangle.

    I’ll give you a moment to pick your jaws off the floor.

    Right, where were we?

    Oh yeah, the Kaaba was never meant to be a cube. The original dimensions of The House included the semi-circular area known as the Hijr Ismail.

    When the Kaaba was rebuilt just a few years before the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) received his first revelation, the Quraish agreed to only use income from pure sources to complete the rebuild. That meant no money from gambling, looting, prostitution, interest etc. In the ultimate sign of how deeply mired in wrongdoing the Jahili Quraish were, there was not enough untainted money in this very wealthy trading city to rebuild the Kaaba to its original size and shape!

    They settled for a smaller version of the Kaaba and put a mud brick wall (called โ€œHijr Ismailโ€ although it has no connection to the Prophet Ismail (A) himself) to indicate the original dimensions. Towards the end of his life, the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) intended to rebuild the Kaaba on its original foundations but passed away before he could fulfill his wish. Apart from a brief interlude of a few years during the reign of Caliph Abdullah ibn Zubair ยฎ, the Kaaba has remained the same shape that the Prophet แนฃallallฤhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allฤh be upon him) saw it in.

    The history of the Kaaba is not just an interesting story from our past. The Kaaba is a real and present symbol that connects all Muslims together wherever they may be. It also connects us to our glorious and not-so-glorious past so that we may derive lessons and feel that we are a part of an eternal mission. In a day and age where Muslims are increasingly disconnected from our history,as well as each other, the Kabaa reminds us of our shared heritage and bonds. It is a symbol of unity in an Ummah sorely in need of it.

  49. Pingback: 88. Fun Ka’aba Facts | ุฌุงู…ุนุฉ ุฌูˆุฑุฌูŠุง ุงู„ุดู…ุงู„ูŠุฉ

  50. Akash

    November 29, 2013 at 11:02 PM

    Although I am a Hindu, but amazing experience in knowing the Islam.

    Allah is great and is peace lover.

    Thanks for this information.

    • Swatika

      February 8, 2014 at 2:22 PM

      I am a Hindu too and this piece of information created great respect for Islam. I wish, I could visit Kaba once in my life, but thanks for giving me such a awesome view of kaba.

      Thank you

      • O H

        February 8, 2014 at 10:27 PM

        Insha Allaah you could visit it one day. You just have to recite the Shahada and embrace Islam :)

  51. Pingback: Istanbul Day 1 – Tokapi Palace | literarylydi

    • Abubakar Habeeb

      June 12, 2015 at 1:12 PM

      Can anybody help me financially to visit the kaaba????

  52. O H

    February 8, 2014 at 10:23 PM

    “Fixed into the walls are plaques each commemorating the refurbishment or rebuilding of the House of Allฤh by the ruler of the day. ‘

    Cmon this is plain ridiculous. The rulers may regret this…

  53. Pingback: 8 Things You Didn't Know About Masjid Al-Aqsa |

  54. Anshul

    March 7, 2014 at 2:46 PM

    kaaba is mentioned in hindu texts as shivlinga of makkaeshwar, as a pinda which is absolutely filled with God’s love. Its original shape, if truly was semicircular dome shaped, then it would have looked the same as a shiv linga. Which simply means that that there is just one God who is known to some as allah , some as God, some as shiva. I hope to visit mecca one day to feel the love of the primordial God :)

    • ummZAKAriyya

      May 11, 2014 at 2:35 AM

      I know you mean well and seem to be a peaceful, loving person.
      But your understanding of kaaba and comparing it to the shiv ling is completely wrong.

      Many cultures have worshipped stones, its not unique to hinduism to worship the Shiv Ling. And all old worshipped rocks tend to be of a dark colour(not much of a choice eh?). Can you then say they are all related?
      Drawing Parallels when they are absolutely different and disconnected is incorrect. I have seen swami Sri sri Ravi Shankar do this. I wonder if you got this info from his book.

      Muslims do not worship the black stone inside the kabah or the kabah itself. Its just a marker for us to pray towards. Even if it suddenly dissappeared, we would continue to pray in the same direction.

      Can you stand on top of Shiv ling? Definitely NO. Because you worship it.
      Whereas a muslim can stand on top of kabah ( that is where AZAN/adhan used to be given initially)
      Also,the black stone is JUST A STONE. Would you call shiv ling – ” just a stone”.

      This tells you theres a huge difference.

      May Allah bless you with a chance to visit makkah for pilgrimage!

  55. Karlos

    May 10, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    As a non-muslim… I had thought that when Mohamed took the Kabala, he cast all but one of the pagan Idols out. If that is the case… Where is the one he kept?

    • ummZAKAriyya

      May 11, 2014 at 2:42 AM

      Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) destroyed all the idols .

      you are probably confusing this with the story of Prophet Abraham(Ibrahim)pbuh.
      Prophet Abraham destroyed all the idols except one, when his people where away. When they returned and asked him if he was the one who destroyed the idols, he responded by asking them to enquire with the big Idol about what happened to the rest . lol. They were dumbfound because they knew no idol could answer them, not even the big one. He did this on purpose to bring them back to their senses.

      • Syed

        August 31, 2014 at 9:13 AM

        Any way .
        as a muslim …

        Where is the Reference and proof of that …

        10 things to know about Kaabah ????!

    • Aly Balagamwala

      May 13, 2014 at 9:18 AM

      Dear Karlos

      When Makkah became Muslim, the Kaaba was cleansed of all idols. There were none left. It was dedicated for the worship of Allah who the only True Diety who is not an idol. He is the Only One, the Unique. The One who does not Beget nor is He Begotten.


      • Sahil

        August 13, 2016 at 8:06 AM

        Dear Mr. Aly Balagamwala,
        No body worship idols, They worship god inside which is inside every thing. As if you miss you father and see hi pic you are not missing or loving your father’s pic butt your father.
        And if that is idol worship then what are you doing by worshiping kaba which is idol too, Do you want to say that kaba is allah.
        worshiping kaba is actual idol worship because every muslim is worshiping kaba.

        • Aly Balagamwala

          August 30, 2016 at 10:26 AM

          I don’t know how to respond to this without sounding condescending so I won’t.

          *Comment above is posted in a personal capacity and may not reflect the official views of MuslimMatters or its staff*

  56. Mel

    July 6, 2014 at 7:51 AM

    Salam /Peace Those who seem shocked by the enthusiasm of the invitation to Islam/ d’awah, have you ever heard of evangelist missionaries working all over the world. I did and had so many of them trying to convert me from Islam. So why is it right for some and wrong for others?

  57. saf

    August 20, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    Am surprised to see this thread seems to have become a hit because of Carlos lol.I think it is a good thing then that we interact with those who are not like us, it makes us conscious of the rules better.As for VIkram asking the question on conversion- conversion is impossible in Hinduism,almost like Judaism.So,they do not understand why they should be lectured or tortured to convert.I converted from HInduism,not because I was ‘bad’,’moralless’,’athiestic’,’superstitious’,agnostic’,etc. but I saw Islam as an extension of my all religions, after all Allah has said every religion is from Allah and every Book and Prophets sent to every nation.Islam is the final version given and the corruption of the message is not possible with the Quran.I think beating up other communities or religions on moral basis does not help,as there are several morality and ethics issues in the Muslim world.But showing that Religion and Humanity are 2 different entities,is the only way to convince the Carloses and Vikrams about what Dawah means.

  58. Pingback: TEN THINGS YOU DIDNโ€™T KNOW ABOUT THE KAABA | Houghton Muslim Jamaat (West Street)

  59. Pingback: 15. Mag je de Ka’aba aanraken? | Factotum

  60. Pingback: Lexicology of Kaaba | questionauthorityrespectfully

  61. Kamran Khan

    October 14, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    yes this post is so nice and very informative havent read like this before :-)

  62. Joseph

    October 20, 2014 at 1:14 AM

    The kaaba was build for pagan gods and the pagans use to perform the same things muslims are doing today.
    Another question,If this kaaba is the replica of the one that is in Heaven,does that means GOD gave the pagans the designing maps or how did they figured it out?Thank you

    • Aly Balagamwala

      October 22, 2014 at 3:56 AM

      Dear Joseph

      The kaaba was built by the Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ismail (Ishmael) (May peace be upon them) and they were divinely inspired by revelation. After these prophets passed away, the descendants of their followers turned towards idolatory and corrupted the religion of their forefathers. Thus, their rituals were from Abraham albeit corrupted and when Islam came it reverted them back to monotheism.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting on the site. We hope you will read the many articles present.

      Thanks and Best Regards

      Comments TeamLead

  63. Pingback: 10 Things You Didnโ€™t Know About Ka’bahSailan Muslim - The Online Resource for Sri Lanka Muslims | Sailan Muslim - The Online Resource for Sri Lanka Muslims

  64. Pingback: Najdcore | Arid Letters


  66. Pingback: TEN THINGS YOU DIDNโ€™T KNOW ABOUT THE KAABA | SoGoodHajj-Qurbane-Eidul Adha

  67. Pingback: Guardians Of Humanity | L.A. Emrich

  68. Mahmoud ghaffari

    January 10, 2015 at 6:17 PM

    Stupidity has no bounds. A billion morons, bowing to a worthless, brick room, when there is science and cosmos to bow to and learn from. No wonder A-rabs are detested. This religion can’t understand nature and the beauty it holds and therefore hides behind a bogus non-existing figure named Allah. I some times wonder about you guys……..

  69. Roberto

    January 15, 2015 at 9:55 PM

    Hello, i have a question, problably 2, but probably will sound dumb for most of you.

    Can a non muslim get inside Kaaba? I ask this, because that place is probably 1 of the mostly ancient place on the planet and would be amazing to see it.

    Numer 2, why the black color is used alot in Islam?

    Ty Rob

  70. Pingback: 9 Things You Didn't Know About The Prophet's Mosque -

  71. Khadijah

    April 13, 2015 at 2:06 PM

    I thought this was a recent article, so had not been corrected by a commenter, but the doors of the Ka’bah are not opened anywhere near the 50 second mark of the video under point number 6 (6. It used to be open to everyone). In fact it cuts of to footage of an already opened door at around 5 mins 40 seconds.

    Perhaps this should be corrected?

    Also, I’m so sorry, I’m a stickler for zero grammar mistakes for smooth reading, but I think this: “…he returned them back to the Osman ibn Talha ยฎ of the Bani Shaiba family”, should be without the “the” before Osman ibn Talha’s (r.a.) name.

    Besides that, jazaakallah khair for the article! Can I find out the references anywhere?

  72. Anonymous

    May 5, 2015 at 12:16 AM

    Dear brothers,
    Basically am a Hindu , I am following Hinduism. According to my concept we all are created by the same god, the universal father. Religions are just various paths to reach him. And he had given us the right to choose the path and customs that we like to follow. I love all religions and respect them because according to my knowledge all are trying to convey the same message, God is love and to reach him we should love our self and our siblings. We should not try to impose our beliefs on others, let us try to let everyone have the liberty to choose their path. I got one day I want to visit mecca and pray to my god for his blessings. Am sure that God is beyond the limits of religions and customs made by us. He is love and pure love is the best reward he expect from us. Love you all brothers, may god be with you all and let us forget the borders of religions and caste and try to live in love for the sake of our father.

  73. Himat Rawat

    May 15, 2015 at 2:30 AM

    The information above is very valuable for people.I love the way you presented.

  74. Suhail

    May 18, 2015 at 10:25 AM

    I have reverted to Islam from being a hindu. its my path my choice. My question is this. who has more faith a blind man or a man that can sight? the reason i ask this is to enlighten one on the belief of God.

  75. Nasir Miah

    May 24, 2015 at 10:41 PM


  76. rabiya basri

    June 14, 2015 at 7:24 AM

    To Vikram,, Muslims do not try to convert people , what they(muslims) are adviced is ” Call the people towards the right path so that the people can go to heaven” this is not only for other people but also for fellow muslims who are derailed.

  77. Phil Travers

    June 21, 2015 at 6:52 PM

    Ok, very confused. Can a human see around corners? No. We can only see in the line of site. The Koran says the earth is flat. But we now know the earth is round. Why didn’t God know that? This worries me greatly. Now if I pray towards Mecca, the only way I can do this correctly is to peer through the earth: I can’t see around corners. No iPhone app is going to calculate this correctly. I know, simple point but when you think about it, quite complicated. Also, I know we say the Kabba is not a stone idol and we don’t pray to it, perhaps it does unite us but how does it help us have a personal relationship with Allah. My Jewish friends raise this point.

    • Aly Balagamwala

      June 22, 2015 at 9:05 AM

      > The Koran says the earth is flat.

      The Quran does not say the Earth is flat.

      *Comment above is posted in a personal capacity and may not reflect the official views of MuslimMatters or its staff*

  78. Pingback: 22 Unique Religious Facts That Are Eye Openers - Truly Godly Blog

  79. Phil Travers

    June 22, 2015 at 9:32 AM

    Thanks for your reply big guy (Aly B). I’m annoyed that sites like this ie proclaim the earth is flat. Please give me the ammunition to attack them verbally for such scurrilous reasoning. “Laid out like a carpet” is (correct me if I’m wrong) a figurative term.
    But if the world is round (which I think we all accept) , why are we praying into space? Surely we should be looking to the earth (at the correct angle and orientation) to pray towards Mecca my brothers?

  80. sibgatullah

    July 13, 2015 at 4:35 AM

    if u really think humans are that much capable that you can “detect or even visit” Bait-ul-Ma’mur (heavenly Kaaba), then you must try to find the missing Malaysian Airlines plane MH270 which disappeared without leaving any trail. The front line technology is being brought into action to find its remnants, but the world still awaits any success,,,you better go, help them,find it.

  81. Zeeshan

    July 24, 2015 at 6:02 AM

    To all non-believers, their are points in Religion where no logic works, and its best believe on what told by PROPHET ( PBUM) and the Holy Book.
    non believers have no idea how it feels like. No dought for many it could be brick wall, but for us its lord (ALLAH) home and the most blessed and refreshing place on earth. i have traveled world but there is no place like The Holy Kabba.


      August 17, 2015 at 1:52 PM

      most of you are queer, that’s why My God in heaven the one that created all things sent his son to die for all mans sin, the only thing you have to do is ask for God to for give you of your sins and ask Jesus his son to come into your heart. read John 3/ 16 and believe with all your heart. the end is coming sooner then most know, the antichrist will be in your mist 2017. most of you will fall from your own religion and worship this demon (just remember he is a demon and will burn in hell forever and ever and those that take his mark) you will know him from coming back alive just moment after death, he will claim god did this but he did not satin will have done it to deceive the multitude (YOU).

  82. Dr Basavaraj Modi

    August 22, 2015 at 6:05 AM

    I’m keen to know when Islam does not approve , then why do Muslims venerate the Holy black stone in Kaaba?

    This Holy black stone resembles ” Linga” of Shaiva religion. Linga is miniature replica of universe which Shaivas make use for meditation.

    Many people believe it to be “Makkeshvara Linga”, as once upon a time the Shaiva relgion
    was extending to far of places world including Arabia.

    Shiva is considered to be the first yogi, you may call him the Prophet also, of the world. Who lived thuosands of years ago on this earth, who propogared simplicity, purity of mind, heart & body, opposed violence of any sorts, opposed discriminations of any sort, not believed in idol worshipping but proposed meditation or prayer to purify the mind by concentrating the gaze on Linga while meditating.

    I’m given to understand that Islam bans the Haj piligrimage under some body’s mercy, obligation or taking a loan for this. If so why Muslims accept the Haj priligrimage sponsored by Government of India particularly when it is politically motivated? Is it not against the religion?

    • Munawar

      August 23, 2015 at 1:06 AM

      Dear Dr. Modi
      The Kaaba the venerated stone & the linga are all symbols just like the arch, the dome & the minaret are symbols.

      To understand these symbols u have to embark on a spiritual journey.

      To start with I recommend you to start reading books written by Mr. William Chittick.

      Your approach in search of reality should be with clear intentions unbaised & without any prejudice. If your approach is simple inquisitiveness & to malign the other then “The Divine ” will never help you in realising the truth.

      The core of all religions is ” THE ULTIMATE REALITY ”

      Please note the fountain of Real Knowledge is one from which Budhha, Krishna, Jesus (may peace be upon them) & ultimately Muhammad (sallahu alaihi wa sallam ) drank.

      In your search for the truth i wish u good luck

    • abu ayaan

      October 15, 2015 at 10:33 AM

      dear Modi,

      For your information indian government is not sponsoring any haj piligrimage for your information pilgrims pay’s their hard earn money to government do you think government will provide fund for haj.

  83. Pingback: Comment on Ten Things You Didnโ€™t Know About The Kaaba by TRAVIS | Souqhub | Blog

  84. Pingback: 10 Secret Places You Can Never Visit

  85. Robspiere

    September 11, 2015 at 3:07 PM

    Islam bores me with it’s violence and hatred.

  86. swami

    September 15, 2015 at 10:47 AM

    The Kaaba is nothing more than a man-made stone building which muslims prayer to. It was originally a Hindu temple and the black stone is the Shiva Linga (the one and only and Allah will bow down to him).

    • Munawar

      September 15, 2015 at 1:22 PM

      Agreed the Kaaba is a manmade building but it is the ignorant who thinks that Muslims worship the Kaaba. For your information dear Mr Swami Muslims bow towards the Kaaba & not to the Kaaba.
      The prostration is only & only to Allah Taala. About the locus of Allah there are clear cut allusions in the
      following 2 ayats (for people who understand)
      1) We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein (Quran 50:16)
      2) And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. (Quran 57:4)

      The above 2 ayats tell us that Allah is with u all the time and that HE is everywhere.

      Now keeping in mind the above 2 ayats the question arises as to why Muslims have been ordered to bow towards the Kaaba?
      The answer is simple & logical. It is to avoidย  chaos in the mosques all over the world, because with reference to Quran 57:4 every Muslim may argue : since Allah is everywhere I can bow in any direction, this will lead to chaos & disunity. To avoid this we have been ordered to bow towards the Kaaba.

      Also it is important to note that people who are living far away from the Kaaba like myself (I am about 4000 kms away from the Kaaba) logically it is not possible to pin point & bow towards it. Also for an astronaut in a space station it is impossible to bow towards the Kaaba. Since Allah is with him even in the space station he can bow in any direction. If he is more than 1 then the direction should be decided by consensus.

      As regards Kaaba being a Hindu temple ?
      The answer is yes at the time of The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) the Kaaba was some sort of a temple in which the ignorant pagan Arabs of those times had installed more than 300 idols which were nothing but carved stone & wood. These were destroyed by the Prophet (SAWS) on the Command of Allah Subhan Taala.

      Regarding the Black Stone you compare it with Shiva Linga. This shows your ignorance about your own religion i.e. Hinduism because the Shiva Linga is cylindrical in shape & the Black Stone in the Kaaba is circular. For men of understanding both are spiritual symbols the meaning of which can be sought from your Shankaracharya.

      As regards Allah bowing to Shiva Linga that again is ignorance & wishfull thinking because Allah is the creator who created you me Shiva & Shiva Linga. The Creator never bows to the creation but it is vice versa.

  87. Pingback: Comment on Ten Things You Didnโ€™t Know About The Kaaba by fareeha Ghafoor | Souqhub | Blog

  88. Haji Abdul Kareem Nandasena

    September 18, 2015 at 3:35 AM

    ALLAAHU AKBAR.! A great work. Appreciate Your effort. May ALLAAH Bless You.
    Haji Abdul Kareem Nandasena.
    Sri Lanka.

  89. Pingback: Comment on Ten Things You Didnโ€™t Know About The Kaaba by Haji Abdul Kareem Nandasena | Souqhub | Blog

  90. Dhunya

    September 23, 2015 at 3:47 PM

    Great article..

  91. Dhunya

    September 23, 2015 at 3:48 PM

    Great article..its v informative. Thankyou

  92. Pingback: A Lost Sense of Sacredness | Identity Crisis

  93. Zahed

    October 6, 2015 at 9:24 PM

    Carlos, nice name. Break the codes in the ayats of quran. U will find ur answers their. Nothing can be created from nothing. Read the quran u will definitly convert to islam whn u wil realize that Allah created you and the whole universe. La ilaha illallah muhamadur rasulullah.

  94. Tahir ibne illyas

    October 30, 2015 at 2:10 PM

    We know the anser of ur questions.but there z one thng.we do not need to answer u.coz u r ..=========,’ i hope u understood

  95. Luis

    November 8, 2015 at 1:14 AM

    Very interesting article. There’s a lot of information I didn’t know. I wanted to add that there were other Kaabas beside the one at Mecca. There is still one of these, in Yemen, at the Al Kabir (“Ghamadan”) Mosque in Sanaa. Images of it can be seen in the net, but also there is one in the edition of National Geographic Magazine, in an article about Yemen, Vol125 No. 3, March 1964, by El Hajj Thomas Abercrombie, who also took the photographs. The image shows this Yemeni Kaaba with some people prostrating to Mecca during Salat. The caption reads: “Foreheads pressed to the ground, Sanaa Moslems kneel for Friday morning at Al-Kabir Mosque, Yemen’s holiest and one of the oldest and most venerated in the entire Moslem World. The stone Kaaba in the courtyard once rivaled Mecca’s shrine as a pilgrimage center.The muezzin’s melodic cry of Allahu Akbar, which means “God is Greatest”, echoes across the land five times each twenty-four hours at sunset.” (Thomas J. Abercrombie, National Geographic foreign staff/photos by the author).

  96. Aziz

    November 19, 2015 at 11:59 PM

    The earth is not flat. That’s the knowledge of man of antiquity. So they believed all human can aligned themselves facing Mecca. The truth, Mecca is UNDER the feet of million of people on the side of Mecca.

  97. Sufyan

    December 10, 2015 at 7:15 AM

    @ Carlos:

    No matter wherever you are, just say this ayat from Quran and start your salah in sha Allah.

    ” Inni Wajjaahtu wajhiya lillazi fataras samavati wal ardha hanifaon wama ana minal mushrikeen” which means ” Verily, I have turned my face towards HIM who created Heavens and the Earth, worshipping none but Allah alone, and I am not of Idolaters.

    or carry your compass as well.. LOL

    About the size and shape of Kaba, I would say that its little hard to say as I haven’t seen it yet but your love for knowledge about Kabah will surely get you know the answer someday most probably ‘day of judgement’. now if u say that how can i believe something which i have never seen, I haven’t seen how energy looks like coz its shapeless but i believe it exists, I haven’t seen a soul but i know it is there which if leaves a body u die, its not that your battery gets discharged ;-) and there are loads of things which we havent seen but a sane mind suggests to believe it cz thats logic.

    For more clear concept kindly watch videos of Dr. Zakir Naik and other eminent scholars on topics that concerns you on Cheers Mate

  98. Lanre Anibaba

    March 8, 2016 at 8:47 PM

    What do the inscriptions on the Door of the Kaaba say? Can you enlighten me? I found a beautiful replica etching in Gold foil in an Antique shop in Houston and bought it. Everyone loves it and the non-Muslims in particular always ask what the calligraphy means. Unfortunately i dont read Arabic calligraphy that well.
    Thank you

    • jamshed ali siddiqui

      March 12, 2016 at 6:26 AM

      do you the power of 10-x kaaba 5/016 what is brain technology

  99. Meer sameer

    March 23, 2016 at 1:36 AM

    Allah hu Akbar Islam is the fastest growing religion..

  100. PAUL MUSA

    March 25, 2016 at 1:56 PM


  101. Ali

    April 21, 2016 at 5:58 AM

    Every one has got the right to Question ,,But every one has got no rights to answer because in all aspects of our life we approach best professionals & learned people in the particular field for example we approach Civil Engineer for building & a good physician for your health.
    In same way the best answers can be given by learned people not by us.

    First search the learned people before asking these type of questions.
    It does not matter which religion,Creed or caste.

  102. Haneef

    April 25, 2016 at 1:19 AM

    1. If Hindus pray black stones they r considered as Idol Worshipers. Then why Muslims show their emotional attachment towards black stone at Kaaba?
    2. Naik is a Hindu Sur name. Dr. Zakir Naik (A Hindu Critic) is having lot of problems with Hindus why he still retained his Naik Surname? Need explanation from muslim exact meaning of Naik in Arabic

  103. Neha Aziz

    April 27, 2016 at 3:24 AM

    very nice details about the Kaaba House of Allah which every Muslim should respect and love of Muslims with this place is commendable I also want to go here and want to see this house of Allah who is most generous and merciful

  104. Aneesa

    June 20, 2016 at 8:37 AM

    A man close to God knows all religions

  105. Muneeb khan

    July 1, 2016 at 5:11 PM

    I only want to say that everyone knows everything ..every muslim knows everything about his religion (islam) .. allah has said everything about makkah and madina …. not even a single person have right to make fum of it … every muslim knows about masjid e nabawi and about haram . You dont need to gie your arguments about it …. please dont make jokes of it .. And we dont need to know about the secrets of medina and haram .. Because we are muslims . We only believes on ALLAH our god .. and also believes on each word of allah in quran …..???

  106. A

    July 2, 2016 at 8:50 PM

    And do Muslims know that the Kaaba and Mecca today are not the original ones?
    Historical evidence points to Petra, Jordan being the birth place of Muhammad and the location of all the events that took place between him and Quraysh.

    • diamond draw

      September 18, 2016 at 5:27 AM

      No one believes that because its made up, a lie.

  107. Pingback: Answers About the Hajj: Whatโ€™s in the Kaaba and Where to Find Bathrooms | AFSDP

  108. Randy

    September 15, 2016 at 5:57 PM

    So is it true that the black stone is originally a shiv ling that was destroyed as a part of the “pagan” worships that happened there before the Prophet? Apparently the pillars, worship altar and the incense stands are all that are left now inside? Why do muslims believe (quite mistakenly) that Hinduism is a polytheistic belief system?

  109. Pingback: Throwing Stones and Slaughtering Sheep at the Hajj | AFSDP

  110. Pingback: Why is my hijab a threat? – Modest Exchange

  111. Pingback: A short dictionary of Islam - General notions and terms > Sapardanis Kostas

  112. Adena

    October 14, 2016 at 9:44 PM

    The Kaaba is not a supremely ancient site and Mecca itself is not a city from the ancient world, despite what Mohammed claimed and what many Muslims still maintain.

    Mecca was essentially a trading post that was built purely for strategic purposes by a Yemenite king during an expansionist phase of his kingdom. Aside from being near trade routes, it had poor water sources, with only a few desert seeps in the ravines surrounding and the Zam-Zam well ( which even then had some pollution problems ). The Yemenite kings were quite eager to lay claim to and occupy territory in the Hejaz in order to control this section of the trade route between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean and gain more wealth and power.

    As far as the various rituals performed in Mecca during the Hajj ( such as circling ’round the kaaba and ‘stoning’ the Djinn ), these are largely holdovers from pagan Yemeni practices at the site. ‘Venerating’ the Black Stone is just a form of idolatry, in the final analysis.

    The Sauds, following their Wahabist doctrine, have not only busied themselves with destroying competing Mohammedan traditions and cultures throughout dar-al-Islam ( whilst funding Islamic terror worldwide ), but have also been tasking themselves with destroying Mecca. Whenever they have seized control of Mecca, they have set themselves the task of destroying public structures and ‘historical’ architecture, which they see as ‘Shirk’ ( idolatry ).

    After the breakup of the Ottoman Caliphate, the Sauds once again had control of Mecca. During the past 25 years, they have been in overdrive to destroy all vestiges of history ( save the Zam-Zam well and the Kaaba itself ). Khadija’s house was bulldozed recently, and a block of toilets set over it. There are numerous other examples. Pilgrims who arrive with map in hand, trying to locate sites of former structures ( such as the Ottoman-era fort ), are chased away by religious police denouncing them.

    Mecca is being turned into the worlds largest shopping mall and luxury hotel agglomeration, with one ‘sacred’ well and a small, black building draped in black fabric. The mosque is being enlarged and rebuilt ’round it, with one of the hotels looming directly above ( almost claustrophobically ). The Saudis’ new ‘Islamic Theme Park’ is basically ‘Mohammedland’ and a wonderful way of depriving the faithful of their hard currency, even as oil revenues wane.

    Mecca was built from one man’s greed, profited ( ‘propheted’ ) greatly from another man’s greed and will likely end as a testament to the greed of other men.

    When the Yemenite chieftan, Abu Karb, arrived in the valley, it was uninhabited for this very reason. The true jewel of the Hejaz was the city of Yathrib ( later to become Medina ), which was an agricultural oasis lush with date palms and squarely aside the trade routes. Abu Karb beseiged Yathrib, destroyed its date palms ( for which he was ever afterwards repentant ) and after securing it, established Mecca as an outpost. He built the first Kaaba, constructing it in the same manner–and style, including ‘dressing’ it in cloth–as was practiced amongst the pagan Yemenis of the era. The nomadic tribes ’round Mecca were also but recent pagan emigrants from the Yemen, and soon established it as their religious shrine.

    When Mohammed was born, Mecca was only about 150 – 200 years old. After its founding by Abu Karb, the Quryash tribe ( also Yemeni ex-pats ) gained control of the trading post, which had meanwhile grown into a town. Mohammed’s clan within the Quryash tribe, the Bani Hashim, had been given care of maintaining the Kaaba and its idols. During Mohammed’s life in Mecca, his Uncle, in fact, was headman of this clan, and Mohammed had helped settle a dispute during a reconstruction of the Kaaba. The clans were quarrelling about who would have the ‘honour’ of placing the ‘Black Stone’. Mohammed supposedly settled the dispute by placing it in a cloth so all clan heads could lower it into place simultaneously.

    This black stone ( which may not in fact be a meteorite at all ), may have originally brought to the valley of Mecca from the Yemen or may have been one of the many black stones–granite or volcanic rock–native to the valley, perhaps of the same material as the Kaaba itself. The Kaaba originally housed many ‘lithomorphic’ idols ( also called ‘Ashera’ ), each sacred to a different deity or ‘aspect’ of deity. Many sources believe that originally, these may have numbered 360 ( the traditional number of days in the Babylonian calendar year ). The ‘Black Stone’ may have been one of these stones.

    Yemen had, meanwhile, vacillated between embracing Christianity or Judaism, with rulers embracing one or the other, then forcing their subjects to follow suit. Yathrib ( Medina ) was half Jewish and half pagan during Mohammed’s lifetime, and Christianity and Judaism were becoming dominent in Arabia. The earlier Yemenite kings had promoted their old pagan worship and it still held sway amongst the nomadic tribes of the Quryash, with Mecca now the centre of their religious devotions. They had set up special laws to protect travelers and keep the site free from clan violence and unrest–especially during their own ‘High Holy Days’.

    The claims that it was an extremely ancient city–or even the ‘first’ city in the world–are simply not true. Abraham and his family never came anywhere near the uninhabited vale in biblical times and the Kaaba and the Black Stone were, likewise, non-existent at that time.

    As far as biblical sources, travelers’ accounts, historical records, surveys and maps–and the archaeological record–Mecca was unknown.

    At the time of Mohammed, Arabia itself was the hinterland of civilisation with little to recommend it to the civilised world. It was desert, without reliable or quality water supply, inhabited by desert nomads. The Arabian language was not known as a language of learning, but as a language of ‘poets’, both imprecise and not suited to logical discourse. Arabian kufic script would not fully gel for another three centuries after Mohammed died, with smaller ‘adjustments’ well into the thirteen century. The Koran, in fact, was the first book ever written in Arabic, and its scribes ( mostly Persian ) actually had to make changes to the script whilst writing it in order to record Mohammed’s ‘Recitation’ properly. Much of it was apparently ‘lifted’ from Syrian Aramaic sources, as the rediscovery of ancient Korans have shown.

  113. manu

    August 8, 2018 at 7:17 AM

    Brother thank your for the information. i would like to know more about the black stone ,were it come from how old the black stone was .

  114. Naimuddin saifi

    October 4, 2019 at 4:02 PM

    thanks for sharing

  115. Sitara Gull

    January 22, 2020 at 5:17 AM

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  116. Areesha Khan

    April 13, 2022 at 8:36 AM

    Mashallah very nice post ramadan mubarak to everyone..

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