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Social Networking Action Alert #3 – 01/09/2009


Please see this link for complete Gaza coverage, this link for all DIGG action-alerts.

This action alert relates to the “Social Networking” in the 60 min ACTION GAZA plan.

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OK everyone it’s action time again! Here is the latest list of links that we all need to support. Please do this small part in getting the truth out!

Digg (adding comments helps too):

  1. UN halts Gaza relief. Blames Israel
  2. Alex Thomson from Channel 4 news on 08.01.2009 @ 8pm (London news) shuts up Mark Regev about Israel’s appalling lack of human-rights!
  3. Israel Social TV. Jews rally in Israel against Gaza massacre
    Why do we only hear the hawkish views from Israel? What about the peace movement among the Jews, and all the other organizations that are against this Gaza massacre? Why don’t we hear from them?
  4. Small Gaza child, missing legs murdered by Israel (GRAPHIC)
    Is this child a Hamas terrorist? We treat animals better than the way Israel is killing and maiming our children. Where are the Israeli sympathizers? Don’t they have any shame?
  5. Farmocracy Experiment Part-3 (the Gaza Massacre)
    Farmocracy Experiment, a series of satirical allegory describing the Palestinian occupation.
  6. Norwegian doctor in Gaza: Israel targeting civilians
    Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor working in Gaza, told Sky News that that the number of civilians injured and killed in Gaza proves that Israel is deliberately attacking the population.
  7. IDF officers admits there was no gunfire from Gaza school
    In briefings senior [Israel Defense Forces] officers conducted for foreign diplomats, they admitted the shelling to which IDF forces in Jabalya were responding did not originate from the school.
  8. Red Cross Reports Grisly Find in Gaza
    The International Committee of the Red Cross said Thursday that it had found at least 15 bodies and several children — emaciated but alive
  9. How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe
    Oxford professor of international relations Avi Shlaim served in the Israeli army and has never questioned the state’s legitimacy. But its merciless assault on Gaza has led him to devastating conclusions
  10. Unconventional weapons used against Gazans


  1. Simple primer for Americans on the Israel-Palestine conflict
  2. Israel destroys UN School to save it
  3. Outraged norwegian newspaper breaks own publishing standard on not printing images of dead bodies to show palestinian girl in the rubble of her home in Gaza. [graphic]
  4. Farmocracy Experiment Part-3 (the Gaza Massacre)
  5. Louis Belanger: We are slowly being suffocated – Diary from an Oxfam aid worker in Gaza City
  6. HuffPost’s Max Blumenthal: Why Americans Don’t Buy Israel’s Spin on Gaza
  7. Gaza: The Life And Death Of My Father
  8. Red Cross Reports Grisly Find in Gaza –
  9. Israel ‘shelled civilian shelter’
  10. Small Gaza child, missing legs murdered by Israel (GRAPHIC)


  1. ABC News: People Are Being Killed in Their Homes
    From the page: “What we are seeing now is like nothing that’s ever been seen before in the Gaza Strip. The ground invasion will only worsen things. “
  2. Venezuela expels Israel envoy over Gaza attacks| Reuters
    Venezuela expelled the ambassador to Israel on Tuesday in protest over the offensive in Gaza only hours after leftist President Hugo Chavez called the attacks a Palestinian holocaust.
  3. Open Left:: A simple primer for Americans on the Palestinians…“Palestinians do not accept that a population that is 96.7% Muslim and Christian should be ethnically cleansed to make way for a sectarian Jewish state, any more than we would accept that the 97.5% of Americans who happen to be not-Jewish should be ethnically cleansed to make way for a Jewish s..”
  4. Destroying the School To Save It | Crooks and Liars
    The Israeli Defense Force has shelled a UN school in the Gaza strip, killing 30 and injuring 55. Israel claims that Hamas militants were using the school as a base to mortar their troops, but the UN says that all the dead and injured were civilians.
  5. Red Cross Reports Grisly Find in Gaza
    The International Committee of the Red Cross said Thursday that it had found at least 15 bodies and several children — emaciated but alive with their dead mothers!
  6. Louis Belanger: We are slowly being suffocated – Diary from an…
    Below is the diary of my colleague Mohammed Ali from Gaza. It tells a pretty frightening story of what it’s like to be in Gaza these days… Oxfam said yesterday that Israel’s proposal to hold fire for a few hours was clearly “inadequate”; Mohammed’s blog tells us why
  7. Max Blumenthal: Why Arent More Americans Dancing To Israels Tune?
    From the page: “The same pundits who are cheerleading Israel’s assault on Gaza once sold the occupation of Iraq to America, and with a nearly identical set of arguments.”
  8. Small Gaza child, missing legs murdered by Israel (GRAPHIC)

Keep supporting MuslimMatters for the sake of Allah

Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. Help us get to 900 supporters this month. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month.

The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it.
