Update: Preliminary results added below. Dr. Ali Shehata has a survey online regarding Muslim attitudes in the West. Many non-Muslims are making dangerous conclusions about Muslim...
This is the second of three parts of this essay.ย Please see the first part here.ย ย Look for part 3 next Friday! –MuslimMattersย Ladies and Gentlemen, given...
This is an inspiring video, and after watching it I couldn’t resist posting it here. It’s entertaining, but there is a good message about teachers and...
A Simple Matter of Disagreement? Friday, 01 June 2007 Written by Haitham Al-Haddad A Dialogue with the Muslim Community on Music, Culture, Identity and Britishness. In...
This week I started ‘boot-camp’ at Wharton… one week of compressed summer classes. And Allah made it a bit easier for me. Keep reading… Last year,...
Next: Pew Survey- Muslims: Democratic, Socially Conservative, Concerned Citizens (Update #3) Analysis of Muslim Population in America- Methodology, Criticism and Other Sources (Update #4) ** The...
ย I thought I should address an important issue with which I have been blessed with some moderate level of expertise, namely, a Muslim man’s fashion sense....
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah, Make sure you are not eating your lunch or dinner while reading this article here about a French woman who was artificially...
A previous post on this same subject had the speech broken in 10-part video. Those 10 have been combined in 2 videos for easier viewing. Comments...
The following lecture was given by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi recently in London… the message is relevant and important for all Muslims in the West to pay...