Recently, the UK PM, Gordon Brown, proposed that in order to tackle the problem of organ donor shortages, the current “opt-in” system should be replaced with...
“Study after study shows that better educated women have fewer children. They tend to marry later and bear children later. A World Bank report found that...
What a trip the past two weeks have been? The last week of December as well as the first week of January is usually dead without...’s Justin Raimondo comments on the unholy alliance that has formed between the “extreme Left” and “neoconish Right” in response to the rise and rise of...
During these turbulent times, when it seems like nothing is going right for the Ummah, we must all remember the numerous blessings that Allah, subhanahu wa...
By Irum Sarfaraz The severe unrest that is gripping Pakistan in the aftermath of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination and the chaotic, near anarchic ways in which hundreds...
Here’s a brief summary of a few of Sunday’s TDC talks, from our “reporter in the field”, Ahmad Al Farsi– Sex Ed., Domestic Harmony and Meet...
Yasir Qadhi added his bit: I’m writing from the convention center… I’m attending all of the lectures by our dear Shaykh Salah al-Sawi. He is giving...
We have all heard, read, and know from experience the difficulties that Muslim youth are experiencing as they grow up here in the West. Identity issues,...
“Manners maketh man,” insisted William of Wykeham, the fourteenth century English churchman and Chancellor of England to Richard II. So significant is this wisdom that it...