Jamilah caught the mouth-watering scent of chicken and lentils. When she walked into the living room wearing a dress and hijab, all conversation stopped.
Many of us have heard the beautiful gems Nouman Ali Khan gives in his tafsīr sessions. Whenever I’d take notes of the tafsīr sessions at LinguisticMiracle.com,...
By Maryam Sultan Yellow is my favorite color. It’s the color of the purse my sister gifted me on the day that I completed my...
“We don’t make deals with Allah,” Kadija said. “Making a deal implies that each side needs something from the other, and they’re coming to an accommodation.
By Musa Furber for The Washington Post. See original post here. The horrific and heartbreaking news from India is tragic enough on its own: two alleged victims...
“That’s my bike,” Jamilah said forcefully. “You stole it. And I’m taking it back.” She picked the bike up from the ground and began to walk...
Habibi Halaqas partnered up with MuslimMatters to host a webinar with Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda, the topic of which was: “Renew your Eeman. Revive your Spirit. Carpe...
That next Friday afternoon, Kadija called. Louis could not have been more surprised if she had leaped onto the roof of his cab and done a...
The Quran is not a storybook of wondrous tales and ancient fables, isolated from the realities and complexities of real life. Each verse, in fact, each...
By Adnan Majid Bismillah’l-Raḥmān’l-Raḥīm As the Qurʾān’s first verse, the invocation above (known as the basmallah) is our gateway to divine revelation and our...