Studies show the most common New Yearโs resolutions revolve around finances and health.ย Unfortunately, they also show only a relatively small number will keep most or...
Habibi Halaqas partnered up with MuslimMattersย to host a webinar with Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda, the topic of which was: “Renew your Eeman. Revive your Spirit. Carpe...
This is an extremely poignant khutbah by Sh. Mustafa Umar. This provides a much needed step in moving past the dialogue of things like ‘is it...
There will usually be two types of reactions to the title of this article. The first will be along the lines of, โFinally. Someone who agrees...
So it’s that time of year again. When the days are short, the nights long and you have large amounts of time off from your school/...
Bismillah Allah ย has chosen and given preference to certain days and times that are special and sacred in our religion. As many of you may know...