The history of Black Muslims seems to be trapped between Bilal and Malcolm X. While these are particularly bright supernovas in the pantheon of giants from...
Beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no barrier between it and Allah (Sahih al Bukhari 4090) “Mama!” “I can’t breathe.” A gut-punch...
Your Black Muslim friends are not okay. Your Black Muslim relatives are not okay. Your Black Muslim coworkers are not okay. Your Black Muslim congregants are...
I thought I wasn’t racist. I grew up in Sudan and the humanity of my friends and neighbors was something I took for granted. Muhammadain taught...
Again And Again And Again And Again Posted by Tariq Touré on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 We back screaming I can’t breathe again From the morning light...
Whether we like to admit it or not, the environment we live in has a very profound and sometimes subtle effect upon our beliefs, thoughts, and...
It was mid-April and we were one month into the pandemic. Ramadan was a couple of weeks away and we had settled into the “New Normal,”...
Bidding farewell to Ramadan, celebrating Eid? Well, the Muslims of East Turkestan under Chinese occupation had neither Ramadan nor will they have Eid… Not only that,...
وعن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: “كان رسول الله ﷺ إذا دخل العشرُ أحيَى الليل، وأيقظ أهلهُ، وشدَّ المئزر” متفقٌ عليه(). ʿAʾishah (May Allah be...
“Eid-al-Quarantine” is what my sister has so fondly dubbed our upcoming Eid al Fitr this year. I find myself asking, “How are we going to make...