Netflix released Season 1 of a new thriller series called โMessiahโ. The series imagines the emergence of a character claiming to be sent by God, the...
Robert Entman, professor of media and public affairs, published an excellent study inย 1993 in which he explained the inner workings ofย framing.ย Framing is a well-known concept...
As a young perceptive boy, I looked for myself in almost everything I came into contact with. I was among countless other youth who saw characters...
When I was in high school and still trying to decide how I would use my writing professionally, I imagined I could be a scriptwriter for...
By: Abu Ibrahim Ismail Perhaps youโve tried to ignore it as I have. But you cannot. Why? Because itโs everywhere. No, itโs not the wildly fluctuating...
๏ปฟ The new documentary, Fordson: Faith – Fasting – Football, is in theaters now through Thursday, September 15th. The film follows a predominately Arab-American high school...