The Hajj 2022 Lottery Debacle now turns into a Disaster A week ago we previously outlined the challenges faced by Muslims from Western Countries with the...
Our Lord has not made the days of the year equal, nor has he made the times of the day the same. He has preferred and...
As we bid farewell and message dua’ requests to friends, family, friends of family, family of friends (and everyone else in between) off for Hajj this...
You’re going on Hajj?! Congratulations, you’ve won the lottery! (Literally, though, you won the lottery in some cases). Even though Hajj this year has gone haywire...
Tens of thousands of Muslims’ plans for Hajj 2022 have been thrown into an untimely disarray after a change in the way Hajj operates for those...
“One Thousand Roads to Mecca: Ten Centuries of Travelers Writing about the Muslim Pilgrimage” (collected and edited by Michael Wolfe) is a treasure trove: the chronicles...
Much emphasis has been given on the importance of fasting on the day of ‘Arafah, but don’t forget, this was a day the Prophet Muhammad (upon...
Apart from Ḥajj, the greatest action a Muslim can do in the blessed days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah is to offer the udḥiyah (qurbāni/sacrifice). ‘Āisha reports that...
Now that we have learnt about the best of you, let’s now talk about Hajar and her sa’i. Question: Can anyone tell me the common steps...
Every Muslim knows the Kaaba, but did you know the Kaaba has been reconstructed several times? The Kaaba that we see today is not exactly the...