Netflix released Season 1 of a new thriller series called “Messiah”. The series imagines the emergence of a character claiming to be sent by God, the...
It is in part because Ali wasn’t just a boxing superstar. Rather, he played a large role in creating what the definition of a boxing superstar...
My Appeal to the International Community to Save the Lives of 3+ Million Uyghurs in China’s Concentration Camps
So you finally came to your senses. That girl or guy you’ve been talking to is not the best thing that’s ever happened to you, and...
In Malcolm X’s Letter from Mecca, he said, “America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race...
One of the things that happens with historical figures who continue to remain well-known and influential years after they can continue to speak for themselves is that...
“Nikah is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me.” –Muhammad , Narrated by Aisha Many Muslims...
Once, while in class at college, an Arab girl I was sitting next to said quite loudly to another, “Hey, give this paper to the ‘abdah”...
Lumping an entire people together for collective punishment, reveling in their suffering, and sniggering at their food choices isn’t an exercise in science, Sunnah, or compassion....