Islam is a religion that provides a complete system of living for humankind, including marital harmony and conflict resolution. Islam is not a symbolic religion that...
Meena Malik shares the story of her one-year long engagement, and how she discovered one of the most helpful and meaningful rituals that helped her survive....
This short story is a guest post from Noor Latif, a talented eighth-grader! My mother and I pulled up to the school building. Sleepily, I stepped...
Time and time again, sitting with hundreds of patients in my role as a hospital chaplain, Iโm learning that the most powerful spiritual discoveries come at...
For Muslims, observing intermittent fasting is one of the core pillars of worship Allah has mandated upon us. “O you who have believed, decreed upon you...
The nature of marriage cannot be understood without grasping the purposes of the institution.
Polygamy Frequently Asked Questions [Part 2] In part 2 of this article mini-series on frequently asked questions about polygamy, I will be answering more common queries...
If you were directed to this article, it may be because someone thinks you need to learn about fallacies. If you found this article on your...
People often separate their work and personal life in an attempt to maintain a “work-life balance.” Lately, I have come to believe that separating our lives...
In an earlier MuslimMatters article titled My Husband Is Not As Practicing As Me, the Shaykha shared her spiritual advice about what Muslim women can do...