British Board Scholars & Imams is a national assembly of Imams, Scholars & Islamically literate Muslim Academics formed to facilitate intra Muslim dialogue on theology, jurisprudence...
The world gave China the benefit of doubt on SARS, but the fact that something similar happened again is inexcusable.
In light of the spread of COVID-19, Muslims especially in this time are in need of guidance. The Legacy Institute has released a research paper by...
In light of the suspension of Jummah prayers and the mosque closings across the nation, I want to share my expertise as an epidemiologist. Some people...
Important relevant information on the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 To date there are officially ~1600 cases of COVID-19 in USA with most cases in the states of...
On Wednesday the WHO declared the COVID-19, known as the coronavirus, outbreak as a pandemic. A pandemic describes a disease that is spreading between people in...