By Wendy Dรญaz In the popular book turned movie, The Hunger Games, set in a post-apocalyptic world, the Capitol of Panem (bread in Latin), rules over...
By Nur Kose In Ramadan, around the earthquake-hurricane time in the Northeast, our neighborhood lost electricity for four whole days and nights.ย I thought that was...
WASHINGTON — Tea party-backed Republican Sen. Rand Paul favors cutting U.S. aid to Israel as part of a deficit-driven effort to slash government spending by $500...
ASHDOD, Israel: Pro-Palestinian activists vowed on Thursday to steam on to Hamas-run Gaza and bust the blockade with their aid-laden flotilla as Israel again warned it...
*Update from Yasir Qadhi added I have almost been scared to watch the news because it is difficult to come to grips with the devastation in...