My hardest Ramadan ever. “Reciting the Quran out loud got us punished.” Listen to Moazzam Begg speak about the hardship...
It hasn’t been too long since the release of the RAND report part II, and it seems that the government is already following suit. Here is...
I’m sure we’ve all heard by now of the latest ‘JFK Terror Plot.’ I’m afraid I’m somewhat fuzzy on the details myself, and have no idea...
All praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds and may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his companions. There...
A Simple Matter of Disagreement? Friday, 01 June 2007 Written by Haitham Al-Haddad A Dialogue with the Muslim Community on Music, Culture, Identity and Britishness. In...
When we compare our lifespans wherein our endeavors unfold to the age of the earth, or to that of the universe which we are told is...
Recently I wrote a paper regarding one of the works of an early Sufi and scholar of kalam, al-Harith b. Asad al-Muhasibi (d. 243 A.H. /...
… and will be back later, insha’Allah. Hopefully by the end of the week. So, consider this an open thread. Comments will be moderated by moi...
This week I started ‘boot-camp’ at Wharton… one week of compressed summer classes. And Allah made it a bit easier for me. Keep reading… Last year,...
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. – A Smart (Probably) Dead Dude So, you wanted something hard-hitting from MM’s female writers, eh? Well,...
Assalamu Alaykum The last part of Muhammad al-Shareef’s series, Desert Rose, is up: It won’t be much longer so check it out!!