Part 1 | Part 2: “But that’s not abuse?”| Part 3| Part 4 Saihba Ali, LPC, LMFT, MAPS I would...
I’ve decided that the open thread is a great excuse for me to dump my half-formed thoughts and ideas that’ll probably never make it into a proper article… as...
Khutbah by Siraj Wahaj delivered on July 18th at MCA in San Francisco.
This is a release sent to MuslimMatters. Please cross-post this on your blog or email lists to raise awareness. This is an important project with a...
story of our beloved Sheikh Yaser Birjas, first revealed on the AlMaghrib Forums from the Heavenly Hues class in San Fransisco. A Tale of Two...
Have you ever heard of the commonly joked about character, “the convertible hijabi?” The drop-top nickname for sisters within our communities, particularly those who only cover...
Though it might be hard to match the success of the last caption contest (the unofficial winner chosen by me was the ‘second wife’ caption), we...
We all face the same issues in our communities with masjid administration issues. While trying to write my thoughts on the issue, I came across this...
It’s hot and its late. So, as requested, this open thread is posted on DST (desi standard time) schedule. Beat the heat with a cool sundae,...
Your mom cooked an amazing meal for Jumu’ah. It’s a wedding. Or a fundraising iftaar. Basically, it’s good food – and even better ‘cuz it’s free!...
This video comes courtesy of The Deen Show. [youtube BA92oxF9Bm8]