Salvific exclusivity contends that salvation and eternal bliss in the hereafter are only granted to the believers in a particular...
Bismillah-irRahman-irRaheem. As salamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuhu. posted by abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed Coverage by Al Jazeera English of an affirmation by Muslim religious...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature. If you want to see your work on MM, then either email us your images...
All last week, we have been discussing cases of the highest kind of injustice against Muslim individuals. While Dr. Maher Arar is out and fighting for...
by J.Hashmi In 2002, Maher Arar was detained without charge by the INS and denied the right to counsel. Even though he was a Canadian citizen,...
Background Last Saturday, Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala blessed our family with our latest addition to the family, our daughter Taymiyyah. I’m home this week to help...
Link to Full Coverage of Dr. Aafia’s Ordeal “Why do they hate us?” This simple, yet loaded five word question has literally outperformed the thousands of...
Bismillah-irRahman-irRaheem. As salamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuhu. posted by abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed Inspired by a response to last week’s open thread, I’ve spent...
Some of you may have already heard of the amazing talents of Muslim graffiti artist, Mohammed Ali, aka Aerosol Arabic. Having travelled the world to paint...
The Sunnah of Being Born: Islamic Etiquettes for Pregnancy, Childbirth and The Newborn, a talk delivered by Shaykh Yaser Birjas, the Director of English Youth Education...
UPDATE: I forgot to mention, the deadline to apply is Oct 30th, 2009 at 11:59pm. Got a lot of applicants already, alhamdulillaah, keep ’em comin’ ;)...