The mention of Ramadan immediately conjures certain feelings and images for Muslims around the world. Many look forward to the...
Innalhamdalillah. Last year, we mentioned the health condition of Sh. Ibrahim Dremali, hafidhahullah, as he began to undergo chemotherapy due to a complicated health condition. Now,...
The Internet Muslim Community has been buzzing with reports of Dr Zakir Naik being denied entry into the UK. Dr Zakir Naik was scheduled to host...
I recently delivered a lecture entitled “Happy Homes – Tips from the Sunnah for a happy family life.” [audio:Happy_Homes.mp3] Please click here to download The summary...
Bismillah As a belated part-two to our Seeking Knowledge series, sister Mariam E. and I conducted an interview with Ustadhah Kareema Czerepinski on memorizing the Book...
The current trend of anti-immigration, anti-religion (read: anti-Muslim) legislation in Europe arguably began with France’s landmark “Law on Secularity and Conspicuous Religious Behaviors and Symbols in...
[youtube][/youtube] What is interesting is how the Zionist lobby had called the FBI after watching the demo and told them she was a threat. This is...
We have all probably seen hoards of heart-breaking images coming from the US Gulf Coast, as layers upon layers of oil destroy pristine water, wildlife and...
Muslim Matters would like to thank Br Nihal Khan for sharing his experience at the recently concluded 35th annual ICNA convention. If you were at the...
WHITE PLAINS — When four Muslim converts from Newburgh, N.Y., were charged last year with planning to bomb Bronx synagogues and shoot down military planes at...