By both lunar and solar calendars, this month (March and Ramadan) marks an event that changed the course of Islamic...
For mature audiences only Watch Introduction here Why many women do not want to engage intimately with their husbands? – Erroneous cultural beliefs about female sexuality...
Children’s books have a special charm, unlike any other medium. It is through these, seemingly simple books, that inconspicuous truths are etched in the minds of...
الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد سيد الاولين و الاخرين و على اله و اصحابه و من دعا بدعوته...
By Maryam Sultan Since moving to Flushing, NY 8 months ago, I have passed by the John Bowne House countless times. The sign outside of this...
Men and women have different needs but BOTH men and women are sensual beings and they BOTH need sensual fulfillment.
See Previous parts: FearBusters: Conquering our Fears, Part 1, Part 2 Part 3: Fear of Poor Health This is probably the one fear in this series that...
Translated by: Mohammad Elshinawy I have pondered a great deal over the rise of nations, and this lead me to notice something truly marvelous – namely...
My wife home schools our children, and the one issue that we had with our eldest daughter was procrastination. Masha’Allah, she’s very intelligent and does well...
See Introduction: FearBusters: Conquering our Fears See Part 1: Fear of Poverty Part 2: Fear of Criticism Let me describe a scenario to you and you...
What is excellence without exposure? While the devout Muslim wakes up and goes to bed striving for rewards bestowed by none other than Allah , the...