Jamilah makes a deal with Allah, then learns that the deal is bigger and deeper than she imagined.
By Abu Ibrahim Introducing Ramadan: the month of fasting This Ramadan 1436/2015, I thank Allah for giving me this opportunity to share my reflections on the amazing...
New Post: Ramadan 2015 - Tafseer of Surah Hajj - Ayahs 7 - 10 - [link]
By Zahra Osman Ramadan is here and we’re all excited. Some of you are excited because you can’t wait for the seasonal Ramadan dishes. Some of you...
In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful Allah described in the Quran the hardship and fear that takes place on the day of judgment where,...
Editor’s Note: We welcome countering opinions on this subject This is a public letter in criticism of the Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI), a program designed and...
Editor’s Note: We welcome countering opinions on this subject This is a public letter in criticism of the Muslim Leadership Initiative (MLI), a program designed and...
See Previous parts: FearBusters: Conquering our Fears, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 Conclusion If you’ve...
Update (11th July 2015): The deadline for applications has now passed. JazakumAllah khair to all those who applied – and to all those who pointed out...
Most of us understand the psychological and emotional harm that comes from constantly exposing ourselves to negative, toxic social and personal environments. So we limit interactions...
Tafseer of Surah Hajj by Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda, Ayahs 2 – 4.