Excerpt: Instead of pointing fingers at the imaginary Muslim fifth column, it is more relevant to discuss what would push a man to commit a treacherous...
Background Last Saturday, Allah subhaanahu wa ta’aala blessed our family with our latest addition to the family, our daughter Taymiyyah. I’m home this week to help...
Subjects discussed include: Remedy and Solution about Dawah. [audio:http://muslimmatters.org/audio/dawahsimplicitynoumanalikhan.mp3] (download)
Bismillah Abdullah ibn Abbas radi Allahu anhuma said, “Indeed I do not know an action which can get one closer to Allah then birr (righteousness, good)...
To see Shaykh Waleed’s comments and hear the lecture please visit the Standing United post.
The following post was compiled by various members of the MuslimMatters staff and guest writer AbdulHasib. The final installment of this series will be on Monday...
The following is a guest article submitted by sister Fatima Barkatulla: London-based blogger, and regular columnist for SISTERS magazine. — How much do you really know...
Please take the time to watch the 3 videos below. The first video is a presentation by Professor James Duane of the Regent University School of Law,...
NEW FEATURE! Let’s start with a brand spanking new feature. Every Sunday inshallah, likely on these Sunday open threads, we’ll ask a reader-generated question or discuss...
Gateway to all Ramadan related posts on MM Common questions that come up during Ramadan are, “When should I work out?” and “How should I eat?” ...