Imam Mahad Qamar and Ustadha Safiyah Ravat are the ultimate Muslim power couple, mashaAllah – a married couple who formally studied Arabic & Islamic studies, graduating...
Since the first Gaza solidarity encampment launched at Columbia University on April 17, 2024, college students around the county have adopted this form of peaceful protest...
This Ramadan, MuslimMatters reached out to our regular (and not-so-regular) crew of writers asking them to share their reflections on various ayahs/surahs of the Quran, ideally...
By both lunar and solar calendars, this month (March and Ramadan) marks an event that changed the course of Islamic history for good: the Battle of...
The digital world has allowed us as an ummah to witness -as bystanders from our homes- genocide committed against our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Anyone...
Across America, Arab and Muslim community leaders are receiving an alarming uptick in student reports of religious-based harassment and bullying targeting Arab and Muslim students in...
Alhamdulillah. This article stems from a sequence of Facebook posts that many requested to be consolidated. The intention is to provide a centralized resource for students...
Are Muslims dangerously flirting with the conservative right? This is the question Wajahat Ali asks – and answers in the affirmative – in his recent New...
The million-dollar question: What should an Imam in the 21st century be paid? I will begin by telling a story. There was once an elephant that...
The Western Muslim community has spent over two decades post-9/11 attempting to secure ally ships that would protect itself from the onslaught of right-wing, neocon anti-Muslim...