The Post Turtle I am not sure if you know the Post Turtle story. The story is about this old farmer who was driving by a...
My stepson, Ty Cascia, passed away October 24, 2022 at the young age of 18, and with his death my eight-year-journey as a stepfather to him...
In a recent MuslimMatters article, the writer Muhammad Jalal called upon Muslims to move “beyond the left-right culture wars” and to “carve out its distinctiveness beyond...
The reaction by some Muslims to the death of the British monarch represents a type of monarch-envy by people who are failing at self-governance.
“Masjid uncles” often get a bad rap: portrayed as grumpy immigrants, trapped in the past, squabbling over petty masjid politics, and oblivious to modern-day realities and...
LET ME START with this statistic: By 2050, it’s predicted Muslims will be as high as 18% of Britain’s total population, rather than the 4.5% that...
In the name of Allah , the Gracious, the Merciful Contemporary Paradox of Postmodernist Identitarianism Many sects in Islam are influenced by a foreign idea, in...
Orphans in the Quran: A Contextual Thematical Analysis The Qur’an dignifies humankind (insān) by designating them as the vicegerents of Allah (khalīfah) upon the earth. Although...
Sohair Omar puts out a call to regulate the Muslim charitable sector, emphasizing the importance of financial transparency and ethics.
A Warning To The Muslim Community And A Call To End Complaisance Culture