The Times UK’s online faith editor has picked as one of the 30 most influential religious blogs, along with our brothers & sisters at Austrolabe....
They would be worth every bit of our support. This follows my appeal for CAIR membership after the WT hit-piece (WT then also included the smear...
Assalamu Alaykum The last part of Muhammad al-Shareef’s series, Desert Rose, is up: It won’t be much longer so check it out!!
This is absolutely cool and very useful for the traveler, who doesn’t have access to the net: Just Dial (720) 259 – 8956 Enter your ZIP...
Muslim Apple is the Winner of our Book! Now for something completely useless, for amusement, and just to prove that brothers in the editorial staff can...
For those in the DC area, I encourage everyone to bring a friend to Dar Al Hijrah for the Hispanic Muslim Day. Click here for details...
Kudos to F&J for this great service, for the future of Muslims in America. The following was received today in an email announcement (MM): Coming Soon…...
Inshallah, we plan to print out all the tributes/comments posted for Br. Waleed and package them nicely to send to his family, as a small memorial....
I was informed today that Professor Muhammad Mohar Ali, the father of Abu Muntasir (of JIMAS), passed away on Wednesday morning. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi...
Br. Irtiza Hasan sent this heartening words about time he spent with Shaykh Suhaib Hasan on a few days ago, and the Shaykh’s remembrance of his...