In light of what’s been going on these last couple days (the whole pact issue), I’ve decided that it’s time for some words of rememberance and...
Assalaamu alaykum, There is an interesting section of ‘Zad al-Ma’ad’ (2/33) where Ibn al-Qayyim talks about sawm al-wisal, which is that the Prophet would sometimes fast...
Anxiety and nervousness are inevitable symptoms indicating the imminence of Ramadan. People seem to have the same feeling of butterflies in their stomach whenever Ramadan draws...
Part of the Ramadan plan at MuslimMatters is to post a small sunnah every day that we can work towards implementing. Inshallah if after 30 days...
What Everyone Should Know About Ramadhaan Fasting in Ramadhaan is one of the pillars of Islam It is obligatory for every sane, healthy, mature, resident Muslim...
As we (at MM) were thinking about Ramadan, we thought it would be a good idea to collect a list between us and you about THIRTY...
Abul Hussein presents some interesting discussion points (here and here) in response to Yahya Birt’s comments on Deenport. On a related tangent, Br. Yahya (on his...
Madrasahs, Sunday schools, Muslim schools: wherever you send them, it’s pretty much expected that that’s where your kid is going to learn a great deal about...
Imam al-Dhahabi’s gifts of gold providing answers to ever-important questions and thoughts: What is preferred: seeking knowledge or engaging in acts of devotion? Remembrance of people...
How do YOU want to be treated? by Br. Aarij We all want to be acknowledged. And we all covet respect. And we all desire some...