Every Ramadan Iโm asked by Muslims whether they should pray Taraweeh or make-up missed prayers. They have the guilt of missed prayers but the desire to...
Shaykh Abdullah Hasan and Shaykh Naveed Idrees discuss the many issues that crop up pre-Ramadan, seeking harmony amid confusion.
The undeniable primary role of prophets was to call society to Allah and establish a relationship with him. Along with their ideological engagement, the Quran references...
Quranism is the belief that the Quran is the only source for Islam and sharia. This means that Quranism and Quranists remove the Sunnah of the...
The closest companion of the Prophet and his first successor, Abu Bakr accepted Islam for one of the most powerful reasons the Prophet was sent with...
Alแธฅamdulillah, we are currently living through and experiencing the last ten nights of Ramadฤn. One of these nights is Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Power, a...
Sunnism is suffering an identity crisis: other than not self-identifying as a Shฤซโite, very few people who identify as Sunnฤซs can explain what beliefs makes a...
In every era, in every society, there’s a common phrase people use to praise a person. In ours it’s the generic expression, “good person.” So…what exactly...
Stumped by our own Childhood Tinselly window dressings are everywhere. It is holiday seasonโ the only time during the year where peppermint bark comes to the...
The title of this article comes from a แธฅadith.It is a Prophetic narration which amazed me the first time I came across it, and continues to...