The Prisoner of Life by Sarem Leghari The girl sat in the bottom of a fifteen foot well Thinking of the days she had a family....
If you prefer watching a video of the same exact content, rather than reading it, you mayย click here As-salaamu alaykum my beloved brothers and respected sisters,...
Question: Salam aleykum. I just wanted some bit of Islamic advice on a very importantย matter. Alhamdulilah, I’ve been married for nearly 4 years to my husband...
Question: As the blessed month of Ramadan is here, can you please advise nursing mothers who choose to fast how to best manage the long hours...
Question: I used to love the deen, but now I see it as I imagine a non-Muslim would; I often ask, what’s the point, why does...
Anย Inspiring Story In one of my previous jobs I made a big mistake that was going to cause a large financial loss. I was...
By Merium Khan I still remember the moment vividly: I was 13 years old, and at a Muslim youth camp. A fellow teenage camper was talking...
By Karimah Bint Dawoud- Muslim Chaplain & Clinical Nutritionist Welcome Ramadan Alแธฅamdulillฤh, all praise is due to Allah the Creator of the heaven and earth and...
Question: Dear MM, I have been suffering from same sex attraction. I am a male and I find myself easily attracted to men. Its not that...
[iframe style=”border: none” src=”//” height=”360″ width=”640″ scrolling=”no” ย allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Direct download of mp3 Debt Free Muslim Podcast Episode 8 This episode is brought...