As I read the latest article in Time about Mother Teresa’s crisis of faith my head swirled with questions. Some about Mother Teresa herself, and others...
The video below (you MUST see it) refreshed my memories of the Gujarat massacre that occurred in Spring 2002. On the pretext of a “Muslim attack...
Alienating the Hearts and Minds of Muslims by Hassan Ever since 9/11 and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, one phrase keeps popping up in...
Br. Kashif alerted us to the following post with regards to the possible use of chemical weapons in the Lal Masjid massacre: “Teeth Maestro in a...
Update: Dr. M has some more info on this affair as well as some great clips from Dr. Shahid Masood. See here. I have been meaning...
I would like to prelude our friend Irtiza’s thoughts on this issue (below my notes) with some food for thought: Instead of approaching the issue in...
Probably among the most brilliant 10 minutes on TV: [youtube xozYFUIvHQM]
As the story unfolds in Britain, it seems that the recent terrorist operations have Muslim fingerprints again. It also seems that most, if not all, are...
This is quite awesome and covers a few topics discussed here, hat-tip to CAIR’s website.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. – A Smart (Probably) Dead Dude So, you wanted something hard-hitting from MM’s female writers, eh? Well,...