Dawah in India is a hot item as of late. Organizations like Islamic Research Foundation, an India-based Dawah project headed by Dr. Zakir Naik, has been...
Apparently anxious to defy the stereotypes, some Sudanese protesters are now calling for Mrs Gillian Gibbons, the 54 year old teacher whose students chose the name...
If there is an untold story that needs to echo throughout the world, it is one of Uzbekistan. It is a story of one of the...
3,447 people officially killed as of Tuesday morning. 600,000 people left homeless, and the entire cities of Patuakhali, Barguna and Jhalokati District hit hard by the...
What a surprise… as it was beginning to appear that the Supreme Court will declare Mr. Busharraf’s presidency unconstitutional, Mushy did what can be expected of...
A sign of the times…American university in Turkey flouts Turkish ban on headscarves. This article (from the Chronicle of Higher Education) is an apt reminder of...
Khalid Hosseini’s new novel, “A Thousand Splendid Suns” is his second, following the much-acclaimed first, “Kite Runner”. Having not had the opportunity yet to read his...
This is a lecture that was delivered in Toronto this July regarding lessons that can be learned from the Treaty of Hudaybiyah in our times. [google...
A slighly modified version of this was cross-posted on Dailykos.com This letter has already made the rounds on a few Muslim blogs, but the importance of...
Here in Canada, the “voting with veils” controversy has resurfaced in the media and political spectrum. Way back in March, I linked to an article that...