Robert Pape, a Professor at the prestigious University of Chicago, concludes that there is no such link. In fact, Pape’s research shows that, โOver 95% of...
For easier reading, the analysis will be split betwen three posts. Please read background and first 2 parts in order to better digest the information in...
Next: Pew Survey- Muslims: Democratic, Socially Conservative, Concerned Citizens (Update #3) Analysis of Muslim Population in America- Methodology, Criticism and Other Sources (Update #4) ** The...
According to yesterday’s New York Times Sunday Magazine cover story, The Flight From Iraq, since 2003 the US has accepted 701 refugees from Iraq. The other...
Indecision 2008 โ Muslim Edition : Musings on the Republican Debate 2007 (by Hassan Mushtaq) Cross-posted on Please visit & comment to support. Click here....
The New York Times has put out the article that I referred to earlier Again, not on the strength of any theological arguments, but using the...
A nice reminder of the humanity of our suffering brothers and sisters in Palestine (hat-tip to Under the Holly Tree)
I was listening to the radio this morning, and heard a New York Times writer discussion the growing trend of “Shiitization” in Syria. “Shiitization” refers to...
This is quite humorous, yet poignant. [youtube AGHty_S0TU0] On a more serious note, here is a video of US Soldiers shooting at what seems like unarmed...
The article below appeared in the Jewish Chronicle. Let me repeat that, the article below appeared in the JEWISH Chronicle. I think that would imply that...